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electronic dog fence installation info graphic

Electronic dog fence – FAQ’s for new customers

So you found our electronic dog fence online and made an enquiry. We don’t need to visit your property to give you an estimate. Using our online mapping tool, similar to google earth, we can locate your property and measure out your boundary. Our office team will usually try to contact you as well to chat through your questions and discuss any areas of the property that might need extra attention.

Booking a dog fence installation

Booking your dog fence installation is simple. Our team will have sent over an estimate with the proposed boundary image. They will have also discussed the different systems with you, Pro Fence 1200, Performance Series and Smart Fence. Once you have agreed on a date and the system they will take some further information about your dog. A deposit is paid to secure the dog fence installation date and a confirmation of the booking will be sent over. Our office team and Dog Fence Installers are here for every step of the journey to answer your questions regarding our electronic dog fences and support you as you transition to giving your pet a happier, safer life.

Dog fence day

As a general rule, we commence the dog fence Installation will commence circa 07.30am! Interestingly this is to avoid rush-hour traffic and maximize daylight during the winter months. Our Installer will walk the boundary with your to fine-tune the electronic dog fence route. Once this has been agreed we should not need your attention again until we commence the dog fence training.

Our unique trenching equipment will bury the cable directly into the ground. We endeavour to bury boundary cables but if the terrain or an area is not suitable we can install cable above ground. Of course, the installation duration will vary depending on the size and the terrain but as a general rule, we will be ready to train your dog in the afternoon.

Electronic dog fence training

Now for the magic! We will not hook your dog up to the mains, we will not hurt your dog, we will train your dog using a recognised protocol. Actually, the training is very subtle and for some dogs, the scariest part is the temporary training flags. These little “flag” aliens can be quite scary to some dogs and others will play or stalk them. As with people, all dogs are different as we will treat them as individuals.  The flags are a vital part of the training and will give the dog a visual for the electronic dog fence boundary.

Don’t worry! Your Installer will look after your pet, he will involve you in the training and you will be amazed at how quick and simple the training is. All our Installers are trained to offer the full Dog Fence Installation & Training program. They will find the level suitable for your pet and work to ensure that he or she understands the fence.

Hopefully, he will answer all your questions but if you forget anything or you have a query you can call the office after the installation. The notes from the day will be electronically uploaded so we can access the training info and answer your questions.

Does the electronic dog fence come with a guarantee?

Absolutely! DogFence offers the most comprehensive guarantee worldwide. Our lifetime hardware warranty covers the transmitter & computer collar for life and even extends to dog chews. But more importantly, we offer a Containment Promise on professionally installed, outdoor systems.

Should your system break down for any reason you can also schedule a service appointment and one of our engineers will test or repair your entire fence or train any new pets that you may have acquired.

Is there any ongoing maintenance for the fence?

Naturally, it is important to check the fence from time to time. At DogFence we recommend testing the electronic fence monthly. This would include checking the battery and collar fit and takes less than 5 minutes. The electronic dog fence collars will alert you when you require a battery. After the dog fence installation, you will be invited to sign up to our battery program. If you decide to purchase batteries on an ad-hoc basis that’s fine.  But it is important to remember that when the battery runs out the pet can run out! Other than the battery and checking the collar fit there is no ongoing maintenance required.

How often do I replace the battery in my dog’s Computer Collar?

Of course, we all lead busy lives but once you see the red flashing light on your electronic dog fence collar you need to take action. The schedule for the battery changes is as follows:

  • R12m & R7m (mini) collars – every 6 months
  • R12 & R9 (standard collars – every 18 – 24 months

The green status light will change from a steady flash every forty seconds to a rapid flash every 10 seconds. At this point, you have approx 2 weeks to change the battery.

Where can I buy Batteries?

DogFence offers a few different options for customers to replace batteries.

  • You can call us
  • You can purchase online
  • Sign up for the battery programme

How often should I remove the electronic collar?

VVIP – the collar needs to be removed every day! Leaving the collar on the dog can cause a skin irritation. We strongly recommend that you remove the collar for a minimum of 6 hours every day but we recommend 8 hours. On the day of the dog fence installation, you will be given all this information again together with a continuation sheet to assist you in the early days’ post installation.

If you would like to know more about our electronic dog fence please call us. We can chat to you and pop together an estimate for the dog fence installation03450 623623 or info@dogfence.co.uk.


robotic mower and dog fence with dog wearing dog collar

Dog Fences and Robotic Lawn Mowers working together

Dog fence and robotic lawn mower can they work together?

So you have a dog fence and want to buy a Robotic Lawn Mower? You’ve been online and worked out that the two products may well interfere with each other. You don’t want your dog fence to fail and equally, you don’t want grass up around your ears! You need to find a robotic mower that will work with your dog fence or vice versa?

Why do robotic mowers and dog fences interfere with each other?

Both dog fences and robotic lawn mowers use a buried wire that acts as an antenna and conducts a radio signal. An electromagnetic signal field is created around the cable. All but one dog fence systems use an AM radio frequency. This is the issue with installing both robotic mowers and dog fences next to each other. As with a magnet when you bring the same poles together they repel the signal. If no signal is being emitted one or other of the units will not work.

Are there any robotic mowers and dog fences that will work in harmony?

Yes, there is one brand of dog fence that will work with some robotic lawn mowers. The DogWatch brand which is sold by DogFence in the UK is the only system that will work in close proximity with a robotic lawnmower without interference. We have noted from experience that the cheaper brands of robotic mower tend to be more prone to interference than the Premium brands. Similarly, cheaper dog fences are highly susceptible to false activation from all sorts of household objects. If you are installing a robotic lawn mower and a dog fence the chances are you will have to keep the two miles apart in order for them both to be effective. With the DogWatch fence, nothing will interfere with the dog fence.

The DogWatch system uses a Digital FM signal on either 4 or 8 kHz. These frequencies are very low and the FM signal is much less prone to false activation. AM frequencies are very susceptible to noise. Notably, noise affects amplitude which is where information is stored with an AM signal (AM = Amplitude Modulation). With an FM signal (Frequency Modulation) the signal is transmitted through frequency modulation and not amplitude. Noise-based interference is a common issue for AM dog fences.

What happens when there is interference with the robotic mower and the dog fence?

With our DogFence the robotic mower will not cause any loss of signal or false activation to your dog’s fence collar. If in the event there was any interference it would be the mower that would be affected. In these cases, the robotic mower tries to read the dog fence signal and becomes confused (poor thing!).

Moving the boundary wire may help the situation. Ideally, we recommend placing the dog fence wire outside of the robotic lawn mower loop. Depending on which brand of mower you choose you may have to keep a gap between the dog fence and the robotic mower boundary wires.  Our Dog Fences can be re-programmed by the owner to either frequency and in many cases, this eliminates any interference issues.

To date, we have had very good success with the following products when used in close proximity. Interestingly we have found that the larger capacity mowers are more prone to picking up interference than those covering a smaller area. We strongly recommend that you do not cross over the wires with either system.

robotic lawn mower husqvarna

Husqvarna works well with DogFence



If you would are interested in purchasing either a robotic lawn mower or dog fence and have any technical questions please call us on 01628 476475.


fencing for dogs on farms and estates

What is the best fencing for dogs for large areas?

Covering lots of acres what is the best fencing for dogs?

What is the best fencing for dogs for owners with very large properties? It goes without saying that most large property owners tend to own dogs or cats for both! Often these dogs are working dogs and need to have access to all the land. The cats may be there to hunt mice and rats as well as being pets. Containing pets in large spaces and be an issue for a number of reasons:-

  • Prohibitively expensive
  • Gates may need to be left open 24/7
  • Terrain not suitable for fencing
  • Fencing for dogs can be unsightly
  • Planning restrictions

Securing a very large estate can be a logistical nightmare. Gates may have to left open for farm traffic and heavy goods vehicles. In addition, there may be areas where the dogs need to be excluded from rather than contained within an area. If the terrain is very steep or wooded it may not be possible to install a traditional fence. The cost may also be an issue when looking at dog fencing ideas on a large scale.

So what are the alternative dog fencing solutions?

A dog containment fence is an innovative solution for large areas or areas that are difficult to fence. When looking at dog fencing ideas this is often an option people have not come across before. Despite this type of fencing for dogs being available for over 40 years, it is still a relatively new concept in the UK.

What is an electronic containment fence?

In a nutshell, an electronic containment fence is a transmitter, boundary wire, and computer collar. A transmitter is attached to the boundary wire which surrounds the property. Acting as an antenna the wire conducts a radio signal which interacts with the collar worn by the pet. If the pet approaches the wire the collar will activate with a high pitched warning beep. Following the warning beep, the collar emits a static impulse set to the pet’s personality. Through the training, the pet quickly learns to avoid the area and warning beep.

What are the advantages of an electronic fence?

  • Affordability – extremely economical for fencing for dogs on a large area
  • Gates can be left open 24/7
  • Can be installed on any terrain – even through water
  • Fencing is invisible, so will not interfere with vistas
  • Can run in conjunction with traditional fencing as a backup
  • Can be removed if the owner moves property and easily altered
  • No planning restrictions
  • Quick lead time to install and train

Why choose electronic fencing for dogs and cats?

Naturally, people have concerns about how effective this type of fencing for dogs really is. DogFence Ltd pioneered a full installation and training service across the UK. Interestingly, when installed correctly with full training this type of fencing is more effective than traditional fencing. By using our own employees and the latest hydraulic burial equipment we are able to offer a superior service. Furthermore, our Installers are all qualified to train your pets and give advice on placement and use of the fencing systems.

To date our largest electronic fencing for dogs covers 6.5km. This installation is installed in Devon and runs up and down valleys, through streams and wooded areas. As with most rural terrains, it is rough and ready. The owner was having issues with his dogs chasing neighbouring livestock. Since the fence was installed the dogs have remained safe and at home.

Interestingly the next largest electronic fence system that we have installed is for cats. Covering over 350 acres this system is installed on a stud farm. The cats were drawn across a road to a stable area where they were hunting. Sadly the owners had lost several cats on this fast B road. Since installing the electronic fence over 10 years ago all the cats have been safe. The cats are safe to roam the entire estate and the owners have peace of mind.

Are electronic dog fencing solutions safe?

Absolutely, this type of fencing has been used across the world for over 40 years. In 2016 the results of a long study into the use of the containment fence for cats was released. The tests were carried out by Lincoln University’s Feline Experts. Not only were the tests conclusive that there are no adverse welfare effects but they also proved that the systems save cats lives. Interestingly it was also noted that the owners of cats using the electronic dog fencing solution as against no fence had a closer bond with their pets. The UK Government has also agreed that containment fences save lives and will issue new regulations to ensure that all dogs and cats are offered training with these fences.

If you would like to learn more about fencing for dogs using an electronic dog fence please visit our web site or contact us for a quick no obligation quote. Using the latest mapping tools we don’t need to visit your property to give you an estimate. If you have a difficult boundary we offer a screen share service where we can “draw” your requirements in realtime.

To learn more visit www.dogfence.co.uk and for a quick, free no obligation quote click here or call 01628 476475.




A dog is for life!

A dog is for life – t’was the month before Xmas T’was a month before Christmas and all around the house the children were squealing we want a pet mouse; Or a hamster, a kitten, a dog or a horse. We PROMISE to look after it forever, of course! So straight onto Google the parents […]

containment fence lets dog run free in field

Dog fences are NOT banned!

Dog fences & Cat fences are not banned!

After the government bought containment fences to a public consultation, it was decided that Dog fences are NOT banned. This landmark decision also has had a positive impact for all you cat lovers – Cat fences are not banned either! Considering the statistics of cats that are injured and killed on the UK’s roads each year this is fantastic decision. Farmers are also relieved that dog fences (aka containment fences) are exempt from the proposed e-collar ban. In the last few years dog attacks on livestock have risen dramatically.

So what is a Dog fence?

A dog fence is an invisible fence that will give your pets freedom in your garden. As pet owners, it gives you peace-of-mind knowing your pet is not escaping, chasing livestock or getting onto the roads. It works silently, invisibly 24/7 covering all boundaries including driveways and open areas. Dog fences have been around for over 40 years. Sadly the modern systems are often maligned without people really understanding how they work.

How do Containment fences work?

dog fence wire layout, cat fence wire layout

Typical boundary wire layout for dog fence

A central control box is connected to a boundary wire that usually runs around the perimeter of the property. The control box sends a coded radio signal through the boundary wire that has been laid around the property. The size of the signal emitted by the control box can be enlarged or reduced according to the customers’ requirements.

The collar that your pet wears, houses a tiny FM receiver.  As the pet moves towards the signal the collar emits an audible signal to indicate to stop. If the pet continues towards the wire the collar gives a small “corrective impulse” set to the pet’s individual requirements. To some this idea is unthinkable but the impulse is akin to a static shock that you might get if you touch a door knob. When considering a cat fences the containment fences are the only option for giving cats complete freedom and safety in one package.

Why is it so important that Containment fences are not Banned?

With Dog’s & Cats accounting for 16% of reported animal deaths on major roads in the UK over the past 24 months, it is more important than ever to keep your pets safe at home. With over 80% of the people surveyed admitting that they would swerve to avoid hitting a Dog, the question would then be – By swerving what others accidents could this cause? Nobody wants to see Dogs killed on our roads and this is why the message of “Dog fences are not banned” is critical.

And its not just the roads which will be a safer place – Farmers around the UK are also celebrating. Dogs form a critical function on the farms, including companionship, protection and the herding of animals. Just as important though – properties that border the farms with livestock generally use these containment fences to stop the dogs entering the fields and attacking the livestock.

Containment fences are NOT banned! Why Not?

The Consultation lasted 6 weeks ending in April’18 and it was clear that banning containment fences would be a mistake. The public spoke and Over 64% of all the responses received were in favour of retaining Containment fences. The study by Lincoln University which was published in 2016 gave cat fences a positive thumbs up.

In a letter from DEFRA dated February’18 (Before the announcement of the consultation) it was stated:

The evidence from the studies was not strong enough to support a ban on the devices under the Animal Welfare Act 2006. The claim that electronic training aids may be no more effective than other training methods is not in itself a reason to introduce a ban or to impose restrictions on their use. Having said that, our advice is that electronic training aids should only be used as a last resort and on the recommendation of a professional such as a vet, a suitably qualified dog behaviourist, or a dog trainer, and should only be used by competent operators.”

If nothing else the consultation into the use of containment fences has proved that they are a valuable and effective system. Thankfully thousands of owners submitted stories of how the dog fence or cat fence had saved their pets life. It goes without saying that these positive stories were instrumental in assisting the Government to exempt dog fences.

Changes to dog fence legislation

The Government has announced that they will implement new regulations into the installation of dog fences. These regulations will be to  ensure that dog fences and cat fences are correctly installed and that the owners are given the correct training for their pets. DEFRA consulted with DogFence Ltd as our Company pioneered the full installation and training service to the UK. Since 2003 DogFence Ltd have been offering full installation with training for their pets to the dog fence or cat fence systems.

dog fence training with trainer and flags

Dog in training

Where can I find out more about Dog fences?

DogFence Ltd are the UK leading installers of containment fences offering full installation and training for your pets. If you would like more information about the system and the costs call us on (01628) 476475 or click here.