Labrador's are great escape artist dogs

How to Stop Your Escape Artist Dog from Causing Local Chaos!

How to Stop Your Escape Artist Dog Getting into Trouble: A Real-Life Tale of Mischief and Meat Theft

This article is about how to stop your escape artist dog getting into trouble and  is based on a real event but the names have been changed to save an embarrassment!

Meet Max, a lovable Labrador with a nose for adventure—and apparently, a nose for prime cuts of finest Roast Beef. Max’s owner (let’s call him Steve) was getting a little fed up with plugging the holes in the garden hedge. Max was a regular escapee with a nose for a local snack, rubbish bins, cow pooh! or food the neighbours put out for the wildlife, you name it he ate it!  Little did Steve know, his dog had turned escaping into an art form. Max wasn’t just slipping out to explore the neighbourhood. Oh no, Max had bigger ambitions. He had his eyes set on the local pub kitchen.

Steve’s story started like any other evening. He let Max out for a bit of fresh air, assuming he’d stay in the garden, having spent another morning plugging the gaps! But as the day went, so did Steve’s hopes of a calm relaxing Sunday, reading The Times, and enjoying the late summer sun. Max had Houdini-ed his way out once again. But where did this master escape artist head? Straight down the lane and through the rear door of the local pub where the smell of roasting meat lured him like a moth to a flame.

Now, it’s one thing for your dog to wander off; it’s quite another for him to stroll into a busy pub kitchen, nose twitching with delight as the chef preps a busy Sunday meals. But Max was not one to turn down an opportunity. As the chef turned his back for just a moment, Max seized the day—or, more accurately, the roast lamb. He made a quick dash for freedom, juicy meat in tow.

Escape artist dog stole leg of lamb from the side

Image courtesy of: Image by 冰融 奉 from Pixabay

Needless to say, the pub landlord was livid. Not only had Max stolen dinner, but he also sabotaged the days menu and a very profitable Sunday’s takings. The cost? Well, the customer didn’t just pay for the lamb—oh no! Steve ended up covering the cost of every meal they couldn’t serve that night. That’s a lot of Sunday roasts.

So, how does one stop a crafty canine from turning into the neighbourhood’s most notorious pub burglar? Let’s be real, teaching Max the error of his ways with a stern “No!” wasn’t going to cut it. This was a dog with a plan. Steve needed a better solution. That’s where we come in.

Keeping Max Home: The Ultimate Solution for Escape Artists

If you’re the proud owner of a dog like Max, we’ve got just the thing for you: The DogFence Invisible Boundary. This isn’t your average garden fence. No digging, no jumping, no climbing—just a simple, reliable way to keep your dog safe and sound at home (and out of the pub).

Here’s how it works:

  1. Invisible Boundary: The DogFence system creates an invisible boundary around your property. Although Max won’t see it, he’ll exactly where it is due to the onsite training we will give him. As soon as he tries to leave the designated area, he’ll get an audible reminder followed by a low level stimulus (same as tens machine). To help him in the early days, the boundary will be marked by white marking flags to give him a visual of where the invisible boundary is located.
  2. Customised Zones: Have a big garden? A small garden? No problem. Our system can be tailored to fit any size property (up to 350 acres on most terrains). Even if Max is eyeing that back gate or the fence corner that’s “just low enough,” the DogFence will have him covered.

Max’s New Life

So what happened to Max after his infamous pub heist? Steve had had enough of the escape artistry and called in the professionals (that’s us!). We installed a DogFence around his property, and after just a few days of training, Max’s career as a culinary thief came to an abrupt end. Now, instead of running down the lane to scavenge lamb chops, Max stays safely at home, gnawing on a much more acceptable bone.

As for the pub? Let’s just say Max isn’t exactly welcome in their kitchen anymore.

Stop the Great Escape Artist!

If your dog thinks he’s the next James Bond, plotting escapes that leave you pulling your hair out (and leave local pubs missing their meals), it might be time for a solution that really works. With DogFence, you can stop the escapes, keep your dog safe, and avoid awkward conversations with the local landlord about missing food.

And while we can’t guarantee your dog won’t have grand ambitions, we can promise they won’t make it past your garden gate (yes we actually guarantee to keep your dog at home, provided you follow the correct steps).

And that, is how you stop an escape artist dog from living a life of crime. Want to keep your pooch home? Let’s talk about getting them their very own DogFence. We’ve got a feeling Max would approve! Call us today on tel:01628476475 or email us

The names of the dog, owner and pub have been changed to save embarrassment but the above is a true story!


dog fencing options

How to Dog-Proof Your Garden

How to Dog Proof Your Garden

Top Tips for a Safe & Secure Outdoor Space

How to Dog Proof Your Garden: Read our top tips here as this is one of the first questions the owners of an escaping dog will google!. As dog owners, we all want our dogs and cats to enjoy the freedom of playing outside, but without turning our gardens into a canine playground of destruction! Whether you’re worried about your dog escaping, eating harmful plants, or causing damage to your flowerbeds, dog-proofing your garden is essential. Cats can also cause neighbourly issues with fouling in other gardens and, of course, the statics for feline road accidents is incredibly sad and high. Over 50% of all cats under the age of five die on the UK’s roads each year.

At, we specialise in providing solutions for keeping your dog safe and secure while giving you peace of mind. In this guide, we’ll explore some effective ways to dog-proof your garden, ensuring both your dog and your garden thrive.

  1. Secure Your Boundaries to Dog Proof your Garden

One of the first things to consider is how secure your garden is from potential escapes. Dogs can be incredible escape artists, and a secure fence is your best defence.

dog proof fencing, electric dog fence, invisible dog fence, dogwatch hidden fence

Dog getting out more than you?

Install a robust fence: Make sure your fencing is tall enough (typically 6ft or more, depending on your dog’s breed). If you’re installing a physical fence, ensure that it’s strong and sturdy and well-maintained, with no gaps or weak points. Don’t forget driveways as these are the biggest “weak point on a property”.

Electric dog fences: For a non-visible alternative, consider invisible dog fences, which are an excellent solution if you want to maintain the aesthetics of your garden while providing a boundary. Our DogFence invisible fencing system uses harmless signals to keep your dog within the safe zone of your garden, without the need for a physical barrier, it also secures the driveway even when the gates are open!

  1. Prevent Your Dog Digging Under Fences

Many dogs love to dig, and some will dig right under a fence to make a great escape. Here’s how to prevent that:

Dig-proof barriers: Bury chicken wire or garden mesh at least 18” beneath the fence line to stop dogs from burrowing. You can also line the bottom of your fence with stones or gravel to discourage digging or pour in concrete.

  1. Make the Garden Stimulating for Your Dog

A bored dog is more likely to cause trouble or escape. Make sure your dog has enough stimulation in the garden to keep them entertained.

Create shaded areas: Dogs love lounging outdoors but need protection from the sun. Set up shaded spots with a canopy or dog-safe plants like bamboo.

Install water features: Dogs love splashing around. A dog-friendly water feature, such as a small pond or splash area, can provide fun and enrichment.

  1. Train Your Dog to Stay in the Garden

While physical barriers and safe garden designs are important, good behaviour is equally essential.

Set clear boundaries: Teach your dog where they are allowed to roam and where they aren’t. Reward them for staying within designated areas. Use positive reinforcement: Reinforce good behaviour with treats and praise to help your dog understand which areas are off-limits.

  1. Consider  Buying an Invisible Dog Fence to Dog Proof your Garden

For the ultimate peace of mind, consider installing an invisible dog fence. This solution offers a boundary without interrupting the beauty of your garden. specializes in invisible fences that are safe, reliable, and easy to use.

Our invisible fences allow your dog to explore the garden freely while keeping them within safe boundaries. This ensures they don’t wander off, dig in the wrong places, or encounter any hazards outside the garden.

Dog-proofing your garden doesn’t have to be complicated. By following these tips, you can create a safe, fun, and secure environment for your dog while preserving the beauty of your outdoor space. At, we offer advanced, tailor-made fencing solutions that are perfect for dog-proofing gardens without disrupting their natural aesthetics.Golden retriever running in garden with dog fence flags

Ready to dog-proof your garden? Contact us today at and discover how we can help you keep your dog safe and happy in their outdoor haven

stop dogs escaping from garden

How to stop the dog escaping from the garden

Want to learn how to keep your dog in your garden?

Is your dog getting out more than you?  Dog owners often search for solutions on to how to stop the dog escaping from the garden. Why, because; responsible dog owners know that having a securely fenced garden is a non-negotiable must for just about any dog. Dogs are inveterate explorers, and for some, the garden is just not a big enough or interesting enough place to stay. If escape is in your dog’s DNA, the first thing to remember is that these dogs are really just natural adventurers. And remember, too, that in a good number of cases, it’s as much about what you’re doing inside as it is about what’s happening outside when the dog makes a break for it.

Your dog might wander off because they feel lonesome. Even if there’s a lot of open space, all your dog might really want is your companionship. Or, they could just be seeking out a new buddy. Then there’s the territorial type. These dogs might roam around the outside of the property because they’ve sensed some possible intrusion and are just doing what they think is best to defend their home. And let’s not forget about those adventurous, “What if…?” dogs that have just discovered the other side of a fence. Whether it be a newfound friend, a secret stash of grub, an inviting body of water, or an ephemeral scent leading to the wild, these dogs are not afraid to explore a little bit beyond the hard boundaries of the property fencing options

Make the garden a happy place for your dog. The garden should be a sanctuary—safe and secure, a sunlit and shaded space for the dog to lounge in, and a haven. You should also spend time in the garden with your dog when possible, engaging in play and training games that will keep your pup interested and busy.

Even if you have a securely fenced-in garden, it is essential to walk your dog daily, and to do so with great enthusiasm. The nature of the exercise and the environment used during the walk are both important. You need to make every effort to use both physical and mental tactics to tire your dog out, using a fenced garden as a starter. Walk your dog every day and really if possible twice a day and try to vary your walk to keep your dog energetic and enthusiastic.

What fencing options are there to stop the dog escaping garden?

There are of course many types of fencing for dogs and cats. If it’s just the rear garden you might want to try a traditional fence but these can work out costly depending on the size and terrain of the garden. If you have a dog or cat that climbs then you can install roller topper on top of the fencing. These long, metal bars are installed to the top of a fence, and when a pet attempts to use it to gain some sort of grip to pull itself over, it rolls, like a rolling pin but if you’ve got a digger then your options can be even more costly!

The solution to a digger would be create a substantial barrier that even the most persistent digger cannot circumvent by pouring a concrete into the ground and running pour it along the edge of the fence. These solutions are rather hammer to crack a nut and create quite aelectronic dog fence disturbance to your perimeter boundary.

Dog runs are effective people may think that they have to keep their dogs in a run in order to keep them safe and give them fresh air but surely this is akin to how we keep prisoners? Not only are they very costly to give your dog a small area of freedom, they are extremely unsightly. Your dog can and should have freedom to enjoy life in the garden, even if you’re not there with them. An electronic dog fence is solution that give both dogs and cats freedom and safety.

What is an electronic dog fence?

An electronic dog fence, also known as an invisible or wireless dog fence, is a containment system designed to keep pets within a designated area without the need for traditional physical barriers like wooden or chain-link fences. Instead of constructing a visible fence, the electronic system creates an invisible boundary that, when crossed by the dog, triggers a warning or correction signal, ensuring that the dog remains within the specified perimeter. This innovative solution is popular among pet owners who want to maintain an open view of their landscape, avoid the cost of traditional fencing, or live in areas where building physical fences may not be feasible.

How Does an Electronic Dog Fence Work?

electronic dog fence

An electronic dog fence system generally consists of three main components:

Transmitter: This device is responsible for creating the boundary. It can either be installed indoors or outdoors, depending on the type of system, and transmits a radio signal to establish the boundary line. The coverage area can vary, with some systems covering small yards or gardens, and others spanning several acres.

Boundary wire: A boundary wire is buried around the perimeter of the property (up to 350 acres), which can be customised to fit any shape or size of the garden or property. This wire creates the boundary signal that is picked up by the dog’s receiver collar. These systems offer more flexibility in shaping the boundary. The wire carries a harmless radio signal (it an underground aerial).

Receiver Collar: The dog wears a special collar equipped with a receiver. When the dog approaches the boundary, the collar picks up a warning signal transmitted by the underground wires or wireless system.

Boundary Markers: Physical flags are often used during the initial training phase to help the dog or cat visually understand where the boundary lies.

Will an electronic dog fence stop the dog from escaping from the garden? Yes, they are highly effective and when installed by DogFence UK, the owner even receives a guarantee.

If you want to learn more about how we can keep your dogs and cats safe contact us or call us today 01628 476475

How to keep my dog in my garden

How to keep your dog in your garden

7 Effective Ways to Keep Your Dog Safely Contained in Your Garden

Want to learn how to keep your dog in your garden? Your garden should be a haven for your dog—a place where they can roam, play, and relax. But sometimes, dogs have a tendency to wander, putting their safety at risk. If you’re wondering how to keep your dog in the garden without them escaping, here are five effective ways to ensure they stay secure and proof the garden to stop dog digging

1. Install a Dog Fence for Security

The most effective method to keep your dog in the garden is to install a dog fence.  These fences come in various types, from traditional physical barriers to invisible dog fences, which offer a discreet way to ensure your dog stays within boundaries. For reliable, advanced solutions, visit for high-tech invisible fencing systems designed for dogs of all sizes.

2. Use Training Techniques

Training your dog to respect boundaries is key to garden safety. Start by teaching them to stay within a specific area. Combine this with positive reinforcement techniques, ensuring they associate staying in the garden with rewards.

3. Create Physical Boundaries

For smaller gardens, consider using garden planters, shrubs, or hedges to create a natural boundary. These serve as a visual cue for your dog and add to the aesthetics of your garden.

4. Make the Garden Exciting

Dogs can become escape artists when they are bored. Keep them entertained with toys, obstacles, and plenty of shaded areas. The more engaging the garden is, the less likely they are to look for a way out.

5. Supervise Your Dog

While fencing and training are great solutions, nothing beats supervision. When you’re in the garden, keep an eye on your dog to ensure they are safe and not attempting to dig under fences or find a way out. So why choose a hidden, electric, invisible or electronic dog fence over a traditional fence? The answer is simple ……… because they cover the entire perimeter including the drive and other open areas. So if you are looking for a safe, affordable and reliable solution why not investigate an electronic dog fence?

6. Invest in a Reliable Containment System

The first step in dog-proofing your garden is to invest in a reliable dog fence. If you want to avoid physical barriers, consider the quality of the system, as with all products sadly you get what you pay for! It is important to look at the quality the system and size and weight of the collars. Our DogFence collars are the smallest lightest and most reliable worldwide and come backed up with a lifetime warranty and containment promise.

7. Regularly Check for Gaps or Escape Routes

If you’re using a physical and not an invisible fence then it’s important to regularly check your garden for potential escape routes. Dogs can be clever, and even a small gap may become an escape route. Regular maintenance will prevent accidents and ensure your dog stays within the safety of the garden.

More about Invisible dog fences to keep your dog in your garden


  • Aesthetic Appeal: No need for physical barriers that disrupt the look of your garden.
  • Flexibility: Invisible fences can be installed around any garden shape or size, offering more flexibility than traditional fencing.
  • Training Support: The systems are safe and harmless and through our training programme helps them learn the boundaries quickly with ease.

Why Invisible Dog Fences Are Ideal for Gardens

Invisible dog fences are particularly useful in maintaining the beauty of your garden while ensuring your dog stays safe. They also work well with irregularly shaped gardens or large areas where a traditional fence might be impractical. With, you can customise the system to fit the exact layout of your outdoor space.invisible dog fences give dogs freedom

How to Install an Invisible Dog Fence

Installation is straightforward. You or a professional can install the fence underground or above ground, depending on your preference. For the best results, it’s recommended to consult with our experts at for a seamless setup.

By using a combination of these tips, you’ll create a safe, enjoyable garden space for your dog. For advanced containment systems, offers industry-leading invisible fences that guarantee peace of mind. Call us today for more info or a free quote 01628 476475



Wifi dog fence or geo dog fence

Why Geo Dog Fencing Isn’t Better Than In-Ground Wired Options

Why Geo Dog Fencing Isn’t Better Than In-Ground Wired Options

Geo Dog Fencing, the new buzz word! When it comes to keeping our canine and feline friends safe within our property boundaries, dog owners have two popular options: geo (GPS-based) dog fencing and traditional in-ground wired dog fencing. While geo dog fencing seems like a high-tech, convenient solution, it still has several limitations that prevent it from being a better option compared to the reliable, tried-and-true in-ground wired systems. Below are some key reasons why geo dog fencing isn’t superior to in-ground wired options:

1. Accuracy and Reliability

One of the main drawbacks of geo dog fencing is its reliance on GPS signals to establish boundaries. While GPS technology is advanced, it isn’t foolproof. Geo fences can be less accurate due to signal interference caused by various factors, such as tall buildings, dense tree coverage, or adverse weather conditions. These signal disruptions can cause the virtual boundary to shift, potentially confusing your dog or failing to keep them within the intended area. In contrast, in-ground wired systems use a buried wire to establish a physical boundary that doesn’t shift or move, ensuring consistent and accurate containment.

2. Response Time of Geo Dog Fencing

Geo dog fencing often suffers from delayed response times due to its dependence on satellite signals. This will affect not just the response time as the pet enters the zone but also when the pet retreats.  There can be a lag between the moment your pet crosses the virtual boundary and when the collar receives the signal to activate. If the collar picks up too slowly the pet will run through and conversely if your dog or cat enters and immediately retreats from the zone, the collar should also shut down; this is not the case with satellite based systems.  This delay could allow your dog to wander too far beyond the safe zone before realising they’ve crossed the boundary, increasing the risk of escape. Our in-ground wired systems provide immediate feedback as the dog approaches the boundary, which effectively prevents dogs from crossing and reinforces their training.

3. Battery Life and Maintenance

GPS-based collars generally require more power than collars used with in-ground wired systems. This means geo fencing collars need frequent recharging or battery replacement. If a collar runs out of battery while your dog is outside, the containment system becomes ineffective, leaving your dog vulnerable. In-ground wired collars, on the other hand, typically have longer-lasting batteries and are more efficient since they only activate when the dog approaches the wire. This makes them more reliable for continuous use with less frequent maintenance.

4. Collar Size and Durability

Our DogWatch collars are not only the smallest and lightest worldwide among standard wired systems but also significantly lighter and less bulky than Geo collars. While our lightweight collar weighs less than 40g, including the battery, a typical Geo collar weighs around 227g. The average battery life on our mini collar = 6 months and on our standard collar = 2 years, whereas the run time on a Geo Collar = 36 hours (8 hours tracking). The extra weight of a Geo collar is due to the hardware required to connect with orbital satellites, making it inherently larger and heavier. In terms of warranty, Geo collars come with a one-year warranty that doesn’t cover accidental damage. In contrast, our DogWatch collars come with a lifetime warranty, even covering damage from dog chews


5. Boundary Customisation and Size

Our DogWatch wired systems offer unparalleled flexibility in defining boundaries. You can customise the layout to include specific areas like gardens, pools, or flower beds, keeping your dog away from dangerous or restricted zones within your property. You can also define the boundaries in irregular shapes that fit your properties exact layout. Geo fencing, while flexible to a point, often struggles with defining complex or irregular boundary shapes accurately. This limitation can be problematic for homeowners with unique property layouts.

6. Training and Learning

Dogs learn best with consistent and predictable cues. With geo dog fencing, the potential inaccuracies and delays can confuse a pet during training, making it harder for them to understand where they can and cannot go. In contrast, our wired fences provide clear, consistent feedback when a pet approaches the boundary, making training more straightforward. The defined physical boundaries of in-ground systems help pets learn and remember their limits more effectively, reducing the risk of boundary violations over time.

At the time of publishing this article the in ground dog fence option offers the best solution to pet safety, consistency and reliability. As technology progresses we may, in time, see other options built into all types of dog fencing and indeed the boundary wire maybe a thing of the past?

If you would to learn more about our system why not call us for a quick free consultation. We are able to estimate and draw your boundary without the need for a site visit using our land survey software. Call today on 01628 476475 or


Dog Fences are all the Same, Correct?

Why Not All Hidden Dog Fences are the Same


westie dog with dog fence collar

Westie with R12m

When it comes to hidden dog fences, it’s easy to assume they’re all the same – but that’s only partially true. While it’s accurate that most systems involve a receiver collar and an avoidance zone, saying they’re all alike is like saying all cars or computers are the same. The real question is, would you purchase a car or computer today that relies on 40-year-old technology and hasn’t been updated? Most of us recognize that safety, reliability, and durability have evolved significantly over the past four decades. The same goes for dog fences.

The safety of your beloved pets, choosing the right hidden fence system is a crucial decision. While there are many options available, not all are created equal. At DogFence Ltd we have been approached by many of the major manufacturers over the years to sell and install their systems but we chose to become DogWatch Dealers and have remained DogWatch Dealers for several major reasons: Safety, Technology, Reliability and Durability. Our Hidden Fences stand out as a premium product, offering superior quality, reliability, and peace of mind. Here’s why our customers choose to invest in a DogWatch system for their canine family members.

1. Heavy-Duty Boundary Wire: Built to Last

One of the key components of any hidden fence system is the boundary wire. With DogWatch fences, you will be supplied with a heavy-duty, high-quality wire that’s designed to withstand the elements and the test of time.

Why is this important? A sturdy boundary wire reduces the risk of breaks, which can disrupt the system and cause confusion for your pet. When the boundary wire fails, so does the consistency of the signal, leading to potential safety risks. Imagine your dog wandering beyond the boundary because the signal was compromised due to a break in a cheaper, thinner wire. With DogWatch, you minimize this risk, ensuring that the boundary remains secure and your pet stays safe.

2. Long Battery Life: More Uptime, Less Worry

Another critical factor to consider is the battery life of the receiver collar. Many cheaper alternatives on the market may only offer a few weeks of battery life before needing replacement. This frequent battery turnover not only becomes costly but also increases the risk of your pet wandering off if the battery dies unexpectedly.

DogWatch collars, on the other hand, boast an impressive battery life of up to two years. This extended battery life ensures that your pet is consistently protected without the constant worry of battery failure. After all, when the battery runs out, so can your dog.

3. No Dead Spots: The Power of Three Antennas

Consistency in signal reception is crucial for any hidden fence system. DogWatch receiver collars are the only ones on the market that feature three small antennas. This innovative design ensures that there are no dead spots in the receiver’s coverage, providing continuous and consistent signal reception. With no interruptions in signal, your dog learns and respects the boundaries more effectively, leading to better overall training and safety.

4. Lightweight and Durable: Perfect for All Pets

DogWatch collars are not only reliable but also designed with your pet’s comfort in mind. We offer lightweight and durable collars, making them suitable for dogs of all sizes, as well as cats. This versatility means you don’t have to compromise on quality or comfort, regardless of your pet’s size. Whether you have a playful Labrador or a curious cat, there is a DogWatch collar to fit comfortably while being tough enough to withstand the rough-and-tumble nature of pet play.indoor fence

5. Lifetime Warranty: A Commitment to Quality

At DogWatch, we understand that dogs can be dogs – they love to run, jump, and play, sometimes a bit too boisterously! That’s why we offer a genuine lifetime warranty on our products. This warranty reflects our confidence in the durability and quality of our hidden fence systems.

Conclusion: DogWatch is the Smarter, Long-Term Investment

While DogWatch Hidden Fences may come with a higher price tag, the low running costs, durability and warranty make it the smarter and long-term cheaper option for safe pet containment. With high-quality, durable components, a superior design that ensures consistent performance, and the peace of mind that comes with a long-lasting battery and lifetime warranty, DogWatch is the ultimate choice for pet owners who prioritize safety and reliability. When it comes to your pet’s well-being, don’t settle for less. Choose DogWatch – because your pet deserves nothing but the best.

Getting to Know Your Rescue Dog

Getting to Know Your Rescue Dog

Adopting a rescue dog is an incredibly rewarding experience, but it also comes with its own set of challenges and adjustments. Getting to know your rescue dog in the first few weeks are crucial for building a strong bond and ensuring your new friend feels safe and secure in their new environment. Here are some essential tips to help you navigate this exciting period.

Creating a Safe Space

Your rescue dog may feel overwhelmed or anxious in their new surroundings. Designate a quiet, cosy area where they can retreat and relax. This space should include a comfortable bed, some toys, and access to water. Allow your dog to explore their new home at their own pace, and avoid overwhelming them with too much stimulation right away.

Establishing a Routine

Dogs thrive on routine, and having a consistent schedule helps them feel more secure. Set regular times for feeding, walks, and playtime. This not only helps your dog adjust to their new home but also establishes your role as their caregiver and leader. A predictable routine will reduce anxiety and help your dog settle in more quickly.

Building Trust

Patience is key when it comes to building trust with your rescue dog. They may have had negative experiences in the past, so it’s important to approach them with kindness and understanding. Use positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats and praise, to reward good behavior and create positive associations. Avoid punishment, as this can damage the trust you’re working to build.


While it’s important to give your rescue dog time to adjust, socialization is also crucial for their well-being. Gradually introduce them to new people, places, and other animals. Start with controlled, positive experiences and gradually increase exposure as your dog becomes more comfortable. This will help them develop confidence and reduce fearfulness.

Keeping the Garden Secure

A secure garden is essential for your rescue dog’s safety and well-being. Here are some steps to ensure your outdoor space is dog-friendly:

Check the Fencing

Inspect your garden fencing for any gaps, holes, or weak spots that your dog could escape through. Repair any damage and ensure thdog fencing optionse fence is tall enough to prevent jumping. Maybe consider installing an electronic dog fence as this will cover weak and vulnerable areas without spending thousands on new fencing or gates. If you’re resurrecting an old using a dog fence, make sure it’s properly installed and that you are aware of the timescales and how to train your new friend. DogFence offer a repair and training service on most brands of pet fencing.


Remove Hazards

Clear the garden of any toxic plants, sharp objects, or small items that your dog could swallow. Ensure that any garden tools or chemicals are stored safely out of reach.

Create a Safe Play Area

Designate a specific area for your dog to play and explore. You can set up a section with toys, tunnels, and other enrichment items to keep them entertained. Providing shade and fresh water will also ensure they stay comfortable during outdoor playtime.

Supervised Time Outdoors

Initially, always supervise your dog when they’re in the garden. This helps you monitor their behaviour and intervene if they try to escape or get into anything they shouldn’t. As they become more familiar with the garden and you’re confident in its security, you can gradually increase their unsupervised time outdoors.

Introducing Your New Dog to Existing Dogs and Cats

Introducing your rescue dog to existing pets requires careful planning and patience to ensure a smooth transition. Start with a neutral meeting place, such as a park or a quiet street, to prevent territorial behaviour. Allow the dogs to sniff and observe each other from a distance, gradually reducing the space between them if they show positive or neutral behaviour. For cats, keep the initial interactions brief and controlled, using a leash or a pet gate. Provide separate spaces for each pet to retreat to, ensuring they can escape if they feel overwhelmed. Monitor all interactions closely and intervene if any signs of aggression or stress arise. Gradual, positive introductions will help foster a harmonious relationship between your rescue dog and your existing pets.

Introducing Your Rescue Dog to Young Children

When introducing your rescue dog to young children, it’s crucial to ensure the experience is positive and safe for both parties. Start by educating your children on how to approach and interact with the new dog. Teach them to be calm, gentle, and to avoid sudden movements or loud noises. Allow the dog to approach the child at their own pace, rewarding them with treats and praise for calm behavior. Always supervise interactions between your dog and young children, intervening if either shows signs of discomfort or anxiety. Encourage your children to participate in caring for the dog, such as helping with feeding or grooming, to build a bond. With patience and careful supervision, your rescue dog and your children can develop a loving and respectful relationship.

Understanding Their Past

Your rescue dog may come with some emotional baggage. Understanding their history, if possible, can help you address specific behavioural issues or anxieties. Be patient and give them time to adjust. If needed, consider consulting a professional dog trainer or behaviourist for guidance.

Health and Vet Visits

Schedule a vet visit within the first week of bringing your rescue dog home. This ensures they’re healthy and up-to-date on vaccinations. Discuss any concerns you have with the vet and get recommendations for diet, exercise, and any necessary treatments.

Training and Obedience

Start basic training as soon as your dog is comfortable. Focus on commands like sit, stay, and come. Use positive reinforcement and keep training sessions short and fun. Consistent training helps your dog understand expectations and builds a strong bond between you.

Patience and LoveDog kissing mans nose

Above all, remember that patience and love are the most important tools in helping your rescue dog adjust. Each dog is unique and will adapt at their own pace. Celebrate small victories and cherish the journey of getting to know your new best friend.

By following these tips, you’ll create a safe, loving environment where your rescue dog can thrive. The first few weeks may have their challenges, but the reward of a happy, healthy, and well-adjusted dog is well worth the effort. Enjoy the process of building a lifelong bond with your new furry family member!

If you would like to speak to us about how we can keep your new friend safe within your boundary call us today for a chat and a free quote 01628 476475 or

Rhodesian ridgeback trying to escape so he needs a dog fence!

Dog Fence Installation: DIY vs. Hiring a Professional

Dog Fence Installation: DIY vs. Hiring a Professional

Thinking about installing a dog fence but unsure if you should tackle it yourself or hire a professional? You’re not alone! Many dog owners face this dilemma. A dog fence provides freedom and security for your canine friend, but installation can seem daunting. This blog will explore the pros and cons of DIY dog fence installation versus hiring a professional to help you decide which option is best for you and your pup.

The Freedom of a Safe Space:

  • Peace of mind: Knowing your dog is safely contained within your properties boundaries allows you to relax and enjoy your outdoor space without constant worry.
  • Exercise and playtime: A secure fence provides your dog with a dedicated area to run, play, and explore freely.
  • Reduced risk of escape: A well-installed fence keeps your dog safe from wandering off and encountering potential dangers.
  • Neighbourly relations: Keeping your dog within your grounds helps foster good relations with neighbours.

DIY Dog Fence Installation: Are You Up for the Challenge?

  • Cost-effective: Installing a fence yourself will be cheaper than hiring a professional.cutting channel
  • Sense of accomplishment: Taking on the project yourself can bring a sense of satisfaction and pride.
  • Timescale: You can install the dog fence quickly as you may have to wait to hire a Professional.

Before You Grab the Toolbox:

  • Project complexity: Consider the size and layout of your garden. Complexities like slopes or uneven terrain might be better suited for professional installation.
  • Driveways: How will cross your driveway? Dog you have the correct tools and expeirence?
  • DIY skills and tools: Installing a fence requires specific tools and some handyman skills. Assess your DIY experience and comfort level.

Hiring a Professional Installer: Benefits for Busy Dog Owners

  • Expertise and experience: Professionals have the knowledge and skills to ensure a safe, secure, and long-lasting fence installation.
  • Training: A Professional Dog Fence Installation Company will offer a full service and include the dog training.
  • Time-saving: Hiring a professional saves you valuable time and allows you to focus on other priorities.
  • Warranty and guarantees: Many professional installers offer warranties on their work, providing peace of mind.
  • Hidden considerations: Professionals can identify potential challenges like underground utilities and ensure proper installation to avoid future problems.

Finding the Right Dog Fence Installer:

  • Get quotes from companies: Compare equipment, quality of the wire, pricing, services offered, and warranties before making a decision.
  • Check references and reviews: Read online reviews and ask for recommendations from friends or neighbours who have recently installed a dog fence.
  • Ask questions: Don’t hesitate to ask potential installers about their experience, qualifications, and the materials they use.

The Final Decision:red setter with owner going through reinforcing training for dog fence

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your individual circumstances, budget, and DIY skills. If you’re comfortable with DIY projects and have the time, installing a dog fence yourself can be a rewarding experience. However, if you prioritise expertise, convenience, and a guaranteed outcome, hiring a professional installer might be the better option.

At DogFence we offer both self-installation and fully installed packages. The majority of our clients choose to use our Installation Service as this gives them the peace of mind that the Dog Fence has been correctly installed, the pet has been correctly trained and, of course, the benefit of our containment promise. If you would like to learn more about our products and services call us today on 01628 476475 or email We can put together a bespoke quote without visiting your home in double quick time!

No matter which path you choose, a dog fence can significantly improve your furry friend’s quality of life and give you peace of mind. Happy fencing!

Black and white cat in garden

Summer Sun and Safety for dogs and cats

Summer Sun & Safety for your dogs and cats

The sun is shining, the days are longer, and our canine and feline friends are itching to get outside and soak it all up. But with the freedom of summer comes the responsibility of keeping your dog and cat safe and secure. That’s where a dog fence from comes in.

Keeping Your Canine Companion Cool and Content

Beat the Heat; summer heat can be dangerous for dogs. A securely fenced garden allows your pet to enjoy the outdoors while offering shade and a cool patch of grass to relax in. This means you can safely leave your pets when you are out (provided they have access to water and shade).

Exercise & Playtime:

A fenced garden provides ample space for your dog to run, jump, and play – all the exercise they need to stay healthy and happy. This exercise strengthens muscles, improves cardiovascular health, and helps maintain a healthy weight. It also gives your pet mental stimulation which is important for curious minds, a fenced garden offers opportunities to sniff, explore, and chase butterflies, keeping them mentally stimulated. Mental stimulation helps prevent boredom and destructive behaviours.

Sunshine Benefits:

Limited exposure to sunlight can provide your dog with a natural source of Vitamin D, essential for strong bones and a healthy immune system.

Beyond Your Back garden:

Building good neighbourly relations equals happy neighbours,  A secure fence prevents your dog from accidentally wandering into neighbouring gardens, digging unwanted holes, or barking at passersby.  A fenced garden keeps your dog safe within your property, ensuring your neighbours aren’t disturbed by unexpected canine visitors.

Keeping Everyone Safe:

Protecting precious paws beyond your fence line. A good fence keeps your dog safe from dangers lurking outside your property, like busy roads or unfriendly wildlife and for those living near farms or with livestock, a fence keeps your dog from accidentally bothering or harming animals on neighbouring properties.

Beat the Heat: Summer heat can be dangerous for dogs and cats. A securely fenced garden allows your pets to enjoy the outdoors while offering shade and a cool patch of grass to relax in.

Exercise & Playtime: A fenced garden provides ample space for your dog to run, jump, and play, for your cat to hunt and climb trees – all the exercise they need to stay healthy and happy. This exercise strengthens muscles, improves cardiovascular health, and helps maintain a healthy weight.

golden retriever running with dog fence flags in back ground

Running dog

Mental Stimulation: For curious minds, a fenced garden offers opportunities to sniff, explore, and chase butterflies, keeping them mentally stimulated. Mental stimulation helps prevent boredom and destructive behaviours.

Sunshine Benefits: Limited exposure to sunlight can provide your pets with a natural source of Vitamin D, essential for strong bones and a healthy immune system.

Beyond Your Property the Key to Building Good Neighbourly Relations:

Happy Neighbours: A secure fence prevents your dog from accidentally wandering into neighbouring gardens, digging unwanted holes, chasing their pets or livestock or barking at passersby.

Keeping Everyone Safe: Beyond Your Fence Line:

Protecting Precious Paws: A good fence keeps your dog safe from dangers lurking outside your property, such as busy roads, crop spraying, other dogs unfriendly wildlife, and sadly thieves.

Livestock Protection: For those living near farms or with livestock, a fence keeps your dog from accidentally bothering or harming animals on neighbouring properties. The fines for livestock worrying can be up to £1000 and a farmer has the right to shoot or destroy a dog if he or she is worrying his livestock.

A Cat’s Curiosity Contained:

cat climbing tree contained with a cat fence


Cats are natural explorers, driven by their boundless curiosity and instinctual need to roam. While this adventurous spirit can lead to delightful discoveries and entertaining escapades, it can also expose them to various dangers. Traffic, predators, and toxic plants are just a few of the hazards that lurk beyond the safety of your home. As responsible pet owners, ensuring the safety of our feline friends is paramount, and one innovative solution is the use of an electronic cat fence. Another sad but little know fact is the 50% of cats under the age of 5 are injured or killed on the UK roads each year.

Protecting our Song Birds:

Sadly with the increase in cat ownership over the last 30 years researchers have linked a dramatic drop in our song bird population. Preventing cats from roaming can also play it’s part is helping our dwindling song bird population to survive.

Addressing Concerns

Some pet owners may worry about the static impulse used in electronic fences. It’s important to understand that the impulse is mild and designed to be a deterrent rather than a punishment. The goal is to create a clear association between the boundary and the impulse, helping the dog or cat understand where they can and cannot go (with the aid of training flags). Most pets learn quickly and seldom test the boundaries once trained.


A containment fence from isn’t just about keeping your pets contained; it’s about creating a safe and enjoyable outdoor space for them to play, explore, and relax. It’s about peace of mind for you and good neighbourly relations. It’s an investment in the overall health and happiness of your furry companions.

Contact today for a free consultation! We offer a variety of fence options to suit your needs and budget. Let’s work together to create the perfect outdoor haven for your furry friend this summer.

Call us today for a quick free no obligation quote: 01628 476475 or fill our our quote form.

Moving House with Pets