Getting to Know Your Rescue Dog

Getting to Know Your Rescue DogGetting to Know Your Rescue Dog DogFence

Adopting a rescue dog is an incredibly rewarding experience, but it also comes with its own set of challenges and adjustments. Getting to know your rescue dog in the first few weeks are crucial for building a strong bond and ensuring your new friend feels safe and secure in their new environment. Here are some essential tips to help you navigate this exciting period.

Creating a Safe Space

Your rescue dog may feel overwhelmed or anxious in their new surroundings. Designate a quiet, cosy area where they can retreat and relax. This space should include a comfortable bed, some toys, and access to water. Allow your dog to explore their new home at their own pace, and avoid overwhelming them with too much stimulation right away.Getting to Know Your Rescue Dog DogFence

Establishing a Routine

Dogs thrive on routine, and having a consistent schedule helps them feel more secure. Set regular times for feeding, walks, and playtime. This not only helps your dog adjust to their new home but also establishes your role as their caregiver and leader. A predictable routine will reduce anxiety and help your dog settle in more quickly.

Building Trust

Patience is key when it comes to building trust with your rescue dog. They may have had negative experiences in the past, so it’s important to approach them with kindness and understanding. Use positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats and praise, to reward good behavior and create positive associations. Avoid punishment, as this can damage the trust you’re working to build.


While it’s important to give your rescue dog time to adjust, socialization is also crucial for their well-being. Gradually introduce them to new people, places, and other animals. Start with controlled, positive experiences and gradually increase exposure as your dog becomes more comfortable. This will help them develop confidence and reduce fearfulness.

Keeping the Garden Secure

A secure garden is essential for your rescue dog’s safety and well-being. Here are some steps to ensure your outdoor space is dog-friendly:

Check the Fencing

Inspect your garden fencing for any gaps, holes, or weak spots that your dog could escape through. Repair any damage and ensure thGetting to Know Your Rescue Dog DogFencee fence is tall enough to prevent jumping. Maybe consider installing an electronic dog fence as this will cover weak and vulnerable areas without spending thousands on new fencing or gates. If you’re resurrecting an old using a dog fence, make sure it’s properly installed and that you are aware of the timescales and how to train your new friend. DogFence offer a repair and training service on most brands of pet fencing.


Remove Hazards

Clear the garden of any toxic plants, sharp objects, or small items that your dog could swallow. Ensure that any garden tools or chemicals are stored safely out of reach.

Create a Safe Play Area

Designate a specific area for your dog to play and explore. You can set up a section with toys, tunnels, and other enrichment items to keep them entertained. Providing shade and fresh water will also ensure they stay comfortable during outdoor playtime.

Supervised Time Outdoors

Initially, always supervise your dog when they’re in the garden. This helps you monitor their behaviour and intervene if they try to escape or get into anything they shouldn’t. As they become more familiar with the garden and you’re confident in its security, you can gradually increase their unsupervised time outdoors.

Introducing Your New Dog to Existing Dogs and Cats

Introducing your rescue dog to existing pets requires careful planning and patience to ensure a smooth transition. Start with a neutral meeting place, such as a park or a quiet street, to prevent territorial behaviour. Allow the dogs to sniff and observe each other from a distance, gradually reducing the space between them if they show positive or neutral behaviour. For cats, keep the initial interactions brief and controlled, using a leash or a pet gate. Provide separate spaces for each pet to retreat to, ensuring they can escape if they feel overwhelmed. Monitor all interactions closely and intervene if any signs of aggression or stress arise. Gradual, positive introductions will help foster a harmonious relationship between your rescue dog and your existing pets.

Introducing Your Rescue Dog to Young Children

When introducing your rescue dog to young children, it’s crucial to ensure the experience is positive and safe for both parties. Start by educating your children on how to approach and interact with the new dog. Teach them to be calm, gentle, and to avoid sudden movements or loud noises. Allow the dog to approach the child at their own pace, rewarding them with treats and praise for calm behavior. Always supervise interactions between your dog and young children, intervening if either shows signs of discomfort or anxiety. Encourage your children to participate in caring for the dog, such as helping with feeding or grooming, to build a bond. With patience and careful supervision, your rescue dog and your children can develop a loving and respectful relationship.

Understanding Their Past

Your rescue dog may come with some emotional baggage. Understanding their history, if possible, can help you address specific behavioural issues or anxieties. Be patient and give them time to adjust. If needed, consider consulting a professional dog trainer or behaviourist for guidance.

Health and Vet Visits

Schedule a vet visit within the first week of bringing your rescue dog home. This ensures they’re healthy and up-to-date on vaccinations. Discuss any concerns you have with the vet and get recommendations for diet, exercise, and any necessary treatments.

Training and Obedience

Start basic training as soon as your dog is comfortable. Focus on commands like sit, stay, and come. Use positive reinforcement and keep training sessions short and fun. Consistent training helps your dog understand expectations and builds a strong bond between you.

Patience and LoveGetting to Know Your Rescue Dog DogFence

Above all, remember that patience and love are the most important tools in helping your rescue dog adjust. Each dog is unique and will adapt at their own pace. Celebrate small victories and cherish the journey of getting to know your new best friend.

By following these tips, you’ll create a safe, loving environment where your rescue dog can thrive. The first few weeks may have their challenges, but the reward of a happy, healthy, and well-adjusted dog is well worth the effort. Enjoy the process of building a lifelong bond with your new furry family member!

If you would like to speak to us about how we can keep your new friend safe within your boundary call us today for a chat and a free quote 01628 476475 or

Dog Fence Installation: DIY vs. Hiring a Professional

Dog Fence Installation: DIY vs. Hiring a Professional

Thinking about installing a dog fence but unsure if you should tackle it yourself or hire a professional? You’re not alone! Many dog owners face this dilemma. A dog fence provides freedom and security for your canine friend, but installation can seem daunting. This blog will explore the pros and cons of DIY dog fence installation versus hiring a professional to help you decide which option is best for you and your pup.

The Freedom of a Safe Space:

  • Peace of mind: Knowing your dog is safely contained within your properties boundaries allows you to relax and enjoy your outdoor space without constant worry.
  • Exercise and playtime: A secure fence provides your dog with a dedicated area to run, play, and explore freely.
  • Reduced risk of escape: A well-installed fence keeps your dog safe from wandering off and encountering potential dangers.
  • Neighbourly relations: Keeping your dog within your grounds helps foster good relations with neighbours.

DIY Dog Fence Installation: Are You Up for the Challenge?

  • Cost-effective: Installing a fence yourself will be cheaper than hiring a professional.Dog Fence Installation: DIY vs. Hiring a Professional DogFence
  • Sense of accomplishment: Taking on the project yourself can bring a sense of satisfaction and pride.
  • Timescale: You can install the dog fence quickly as you may have to wait to hire a Professional.

Before You Grab the Toolbox:

  • Project complexity: Consider the size and layout of your garden. Complexities like slopes or uneven terrain might be better suited for professional installation.
  • Driveways: How will cross your driveway? Dog you have the correct tools and expeirence?
  • DIY skills and tools: Installing a fence requires specific tools and some handyman skills. Assess your DIY experience and comfort level.

Hiring a Professional Installer: Benefits for Busy Dog Owners

  • Expertise and experience: Professionals have the knowledge and skills to ensure a safe, secure, and long-lasting fence installation.
  • Training: A Professional Dog Fence Installation Company will offer a full service and include the dog training.
  • Time-saving: Hiring a professional saves you valuable time and allows you to focus on other priorities.
  • Warranty and guarantees: Many professional installers offer warranties on their work, providing peace of mind.
  • Hidden considerations: Professionals can identify potential challenges like underground utilities and ensure proper installation to avoid future problems.

Finding the Right Dog Fence Installer:

  • Get quotes from companies: Compare equipment, quality of the wire, pricing, services offered, and warranties before making a decision.
  • Check references and reviews: Read online reviews and ask for recommendations from friends or neighbours who have recently installed a dog fence.
  • Ask questions: Don’t hesitate to ask potential installers about their experience, qualifications, and the materials they use.

The Final Decision:Dog Fence Installation: DIY vs. Hiring a Professional DogFence

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your individual circumstances, budget, and DIY skills. If you’re comfortable with DIY projects and have the time, installing a dog fence yourself can be a rewarding experience. However, if you prioritise expertise, convenience, and a guaranteed outcome, hiring a professional installer might be the better option.

At DogFence we offer both self-installation and fully installed packages. The majority of our clients choose to use our Installation Service as this gives them the peace of mind that the Dog Fence has been correctly installed, the pet has been correctly trained and, of course, the benefit of our containment promise. If you would like to learn more about our products and services call us today on 01628 476475 or email We can put together a bespoke quote without visiting your home in double quick time!

No matter which path you choose, a dog fence can significantly improve your furry friend’s quality of life and give you peace of mind. Happy fencing!

Summer Sun and Safety for dogs and cats

Summer Sun & Safety for your dogs and cats

The sun is shining, the days are longer, and our canine and feline friends are itching to get outside and soak it all up. But with the freedom of summer comes the responsibility of keeping your dog and cat safe and secure. That’s where a dog fence from comes in.

Keeping Your Canine Companion Cool and Content

Beat the Heat; summer heat can be dangerous for dogs. A securely fenced garden allows your pet to enjoy the outdoors while offering shade and a cool patch of grass to relax in. This means you can safely leave your pets when you are out (provided they have access to water and shade).

Exercise & Playtime:

A fenced garden provides ample space for your dog to run, jump, and play – all the exercise they need to stay healthy and happy. This exercise strengthens muscles, improves cardiovascular health, and helps maintain a healthy weight. It also gives your pet mental stimulation which is important for curious minds, a fenced garden offers opportunities to sniff, explore, and chase butterflies, keeping them mentally stimulated. Mental stimulation helps prevent boredom and destructive behaviours.

Sunshine Benefits:

Limited exposure to sunlight can provide your dog with a natural source of Vitamin D, essential for strong bones and a healthy immune system.

Beyond Your Back garden:

Building good neighbourly relations equals happy neighbours,  A secure fence prevents your dog from accidentally wandering into neighbouring gardens, digging unwanted holes, or barking at passersby.  A fenced garden keeps your dog safe within your property, ensuring your neighbours aren’t disturbed by unexpected canine visitors.

Keeping Everyone Safe:

Protecting precious paws beyond your fence line. A good fence keeps your dog safe from dangers lurking outside your property, like busy roads or unfriendly wildlife and for those living near farms or with livestock, a fence keeps your dog from accidentally bothering or harming animals on neighbouring properties.

Beat the Heat: Summer heat can be dangerous for dogs and cats. A securely fenced garden allows your pets to enjoy the outdoors while offering shade and a cool patch of grass to relax in.

Exercise & Playtime: A fenced garden provides ample space for your dog to run, jump, and play, for your cat to hunt and climb trees – all the exercise they need to stay healthy and happy. This exercise strengthens muscles, improves cardiovascular health, and helps maintain a healthy weight.

Summer Sun and Safety for dogs and cats DogFence

Running dog

Mental Stimulation: For curious minds, a fenced garden offers opportunities to sniff, explore, and chase butterflies, keeping them mentally stimulated. Mental stimulation helps prevent boredom and destructive behaviours.

Sunshine Benefits: Limited exposure to sunlight can provide your pets with a natural source of Vitamin D, essential for strong bones and a healthy immune system.

Beyond Your Property the Key to Building Good Neighbourly Relations:

Happy Neighbours: A secure fence prevents your dog from accidentally wandering into neighbouring gardens, digging unwanted holes, chasing their pets or livestock or barking at passersby.

Keeping Everyone Safe: Beyond Your Fence Line:

Protecting Precious Paws: A good fence keeps your dog safe from dangers lurking outside your property, such as busy roads, crop spraying, other dogs unfriendly wildlife, and sadly thieves.

Livestock Protection: For those living near farms or with livestock, a fence keeps your dog from accidentally bothering or harming animals on neighbouring properties. The fines for livestock worrying can be up to £1000 and a farmer has the right to shoot or destroy a dog if he or she is worrying his livestock.

A Cat’s Curiosity Contained:

Summer Sun and Safety for dogs and cats DogFence


Cats are natural explorers, driven by their boundless curiosity and instinctual need to roam. While this adventurous spirit can lead to delightful discoveries and entertaining escapades, it can also expose them to various dangers. Traffic, predators, and toxic plants are just a few of the hazards that lurk beyond the safety of your home. As responsible pet owners, ensuring the safety of our feline friends is paramount, and one innovative solution is the use of an electronic cat fence. Another sad but little know fact is the 50% of cats under the age of 5 are injured or killed on the UK roads each year.

Protecting our Song Birds:

Sadly with the increase in cat ownership over the last 30 years researchers have linked a dramatic drop in our song bird population. Preventing cats from roaming can also play it’s part is helping our dwindling song bird population to survive.

Addressing Concerns

Some pet owners may worry about the static impulse used in electronic fences. It’s important to understand that the impulse is mild and designed to be a deterrent rather than a punishment. The goal is to create a clear association between the boundary and the impulse, helping the dog or cat understand where they can and cannot go (with the aid of training flags). Most pets learn quickly and seldom test the boundaries once trained.


A containment fence from isn’t just about keeping your pets contained; it’s about creating a safe and enjoyable outdoor space for them to play, explore, and relax. It’s about peace of mind for you and good neighbourly relations. It’s an investment in the overall health and happiness of your furry companions.

Contact today for a free consultation! We offer a variety of fence options to suit your needs and budget. Let’s work together to create the perfect outdoor haven for your furry friend this summer.

Call us today for a quick free no obligation quote: 01628 476475 or fill our our quote form.

Moving House with Pets

dog with allegies

Keeping your dogs safe and scratch free

Dog with Allergies: Keeping Them Safe and Scratch-Free

As many of us know allergies can make our lives miserable, here’s a little help for those that have a dog with allergies.

Our best friends bring endless joy into our lives, but sometimes, allergies can make them feel itchy and miserable. While we can’t control the environment entirely, there are ways to manage their allergies and keep them comfortable.

Identifying Dog Allergies:

Just like us, dogs can develop allergies to various things, including:

  • Food: Certain ingredients in their food can trigger allergic reactions.
  • Pollen: Seasonal allergies can cause itchy skin, sneezing, and watery eyes.
  • Dust mites: These microscopic creatures can irritate your dog’s skin and respiratory system.
  • Mould: Mould spores can trigger allergic reactions similar to pollen.

Keeping Allergens at Bay:

Once you’ve identified the culprit, you can take steps to minimize your dog’s exposure. Here are a few tips:

  • Consult your vet: They can help diagnose the allergy and recommend a treatment plan.
  • Switch to a hypoallergenic diet: This eliminates common allergens from their food. Foods that are excellent a dog with allegries are available from
  • Regular baths: Frequent bathing with a hypoallergenic shampoo can help remove allergens from their fur but be careful not to over-wash as this can also have adverse effect on your dogs skin (more than once a week is too much) and for most dogs once a month is satisfactory.
  • Maintain a clean home: Of course your home is not dirty but for sensitive skins regular vacuuming and dusting minimises dust mites and other allergens.

Invisible Dog Fence: Keeping Your Allergic Pup Safe:

For dogs with allergies triggered by environmental factors, an invisible dog fence can be a great solution. This underground dog fence system allows your dog to enjoy the freedom of your yard without access to areas that might contain allergens.

Here’s how it works:

  • A wire is buried around the perimeter of your garden, creating a designated safe zone.
  • Your dog wears a receiver collar that emits a warning beep when they approach the boundary.
  • If they proceed further, a mild stimulus is delivered, reminding them to stay within the safe zone.
  • Through a training process with visual and verbal commands the dog very quickly learns where the boundary is located.
  • The dog is able to run free and enjoy the garden.

Benefits of an Invisible Dog Fence for Dogs with Allergies:

  • Reduced Exposure: The fence keeps your dog away from areas with potential allergens, minimising flare-ups.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing your dog is safely contained within the designated area allows you to relax.
  • Freedom and Exercise: Your dog can still enjoy the outdoors and get the exercise they need within the safe zone.

Invisible dog fences offer a safe and effective way to keep your dog with allergies happy and healthy. If you’re interested in learning more about how this can benefit your furry friend, visit our website or contact us today!

Remember, keeping your dog healthy goes beyond allergy management. Regular vet checkups and a balanced diet are essential for their overall well-being.

Additional Resource:
For more information on dog allergies, you can visit the  website The National Animal Welfare Trust (NAWT)

Keeping your dogs safe and scratch free DogFence

Dachshund with bread roll in his mouth

Dachshunds: The Tenacious Badger Hunters

Dachshunds: The Tenacious Badger Hunters DogFence

Hey come play with me!

The dachshund the tenacious badger hunter, also affectionately known as the “wiener dog”. This is due to its elongated body and short legs, is one of the most recognizsable dog breeds in the world. However, behind their charming appearance and playful demeanor lies a rich history rooted in their original purpose: hunting badgers. This purpose is not only reflected in their physical traits but also in their tenacious and spirited personalities.

The Origins of the Dachshund

The name “dachshund” is derived from the German words “Dachs,” meaning badger, and “Hund,” meaning dog. This etymology directly points to their primary function when they were first bred: to hunt badgers. Originating in Germany in the 15th century, dachshunds were developed specifically to address the challenging task of badger hunting. Badgers are formidable opponents; they are tough, fierce, and known for their ability to dig and defend themselves in complex burrow systems. The dachshund’s unique physical traits made them ideally suited for this role.

Physical Traits for HuntingDachshunds possess several physical characteristics that make them effective badger hunters:

  1. Long Body and Short Legs: Their elongated bodies allow them to enter and maneuver through the narrow tunnels of badger dens. The short legs, meanwhile, keep them close to the ground, making it easier for them to dig and follow badgers into their burrows.
  2. Strong Paws: Equipped with sturdy, paddle-shaped paws, dachshunds are excellent diggers. This feature is crucial for breaking into burrows and for unearthing badgers.
  3. Vocalisation: Dachshunds have a loud, deep bark relative to their size, which is advantageous for alerting their human companions to the location of their prey underground.
  4. Determined and Fearless Temperament: Their tenacity and bold nature make them unafraid to confront animals much larger and stronger than themselves, such as badgers.

Personality and Temperament

Dachshunds are known for their lively and affectionate personalities. They are loyal to their families and often form strong bonds with their owners. Despite their small size, they have a bold and courageous temperament. This fearless attitude is a remnant of their hunting days when they had to face off against aggressive badgers.

These dogs are also quite intelligent and curious, which can sometimes translate into stubbornness. Their independent streak means they may not always be the easiest breed to train, but it also means they are problem-solvers who are quick to learn and adapt.

Hunting Vermin

While dachshunds were originally bred for hunting badgers, their hunting skills extend to other types of vermin as well. Their keen sense of smell, persistence, and agility make them excellent hunters of smaller game such as rabbits, rats, and other rodents. In fact, dachshunds have been used on farms and in homes for centuries to control pest populations.

Modern Wieners

Today, dachshunds are more commonly seen as beloved family pets than as hunters. However, many of their innate hunting instincts remain intact. This breed thrives on activities that stimulate their natural instincts, such as tracking and digging games. Engaging a dachshund in activities that challenge their intellect and satisfy their hunting drive can lead to a happy and well-adjusted pet.

Containing Your Dachshund with DogFence

For those who own rural properties, keeping a dachshund safe and contained can be a unique challenge due to their digging instincts and small size. This is where DogFence comes into play. DogFence specializes in providing effective containment solutions that cater to the needs of various dog breeds, including the energetic and curious dachshund.

Benefits of DogFence for Dachshund OwnersDachshunds: The Tenacious Badger Hunters DogFence

  1. Secure Boundaries: The systems offered by DogFence create a secure perimeter, preventing dachshunds from wandering off and getting into trouble while still giving them the freedom to explore.
  2. Customisable Solutions: DogFence offers customisable containment solutions that can be tailored to the unique landscape of your property and the specific needs of your dachshund.
  3. Training Support: Understanding the independent nature of dachshunds, DogFence provides training support to help your dog adapt to the new boundaries effectively.
  4. Peace of Mind: With a reliable containment system, you can have peace of mind knowing that your dachshund is safe, even in a rural setting where their natural hunting instincts

Dachshunds are a breed with a rich history and a distinctive set of skills. Their development as badger hunters has endowed them with physical traits and personality characteristics that make them unique among dogs. They are fearless, tenacious, and intelligent, making them not only good hunters but also wonderful companions. Understanding their background and natural tendencies allows owners to appreciate these spirited dogs and provide them with fulfilling lives that honor their heritage. To ensure their safety and containment, especially on rural properties, consider the expert solutions provided by DogFence.

Call today to learn how to keep your Wiener Safe

If you own a dachshund and want to provide them with a safe and secure environment on your rural property, visit DogFence today. Explore our customisable containment solutions designed to keep your energetic and curious dachshund protected while allowing them the freedom to explore. Give your beloved pet the safety they deserve with DogFence!

Man’s Best Friend: Exploring Dogs with the Best Temperament

If you’re looking for a new family friend lets explore dogs with the best temperament. Dogs have rightfully earned the title of “man’s best friend” for their unwavering loyalty, companionship, and, of course, their temperament. While all dogs have unique personalities, some breeds are renowned for their exceptional temperament, making them beloved family pets, therapy dogs, and loyal companions. In this article we’ll explore some of the top dog breeds known for their friendly, gentle, and affectionate disposition.

Golden Retriever: It’s no surprise that Golden Retrievers often top the list of dogs with the best temperament. Known for their friendly and outgoing nature, Golden Retrievers are not only intelligent and easy to train but also incredibly gentle and patient, especially with children. Their playful demeanor and willingness to please make them excellent family pets and therapy dogs. Whether they’re retrieving a ball or offering a comforting cuddle, Golden Retrievers embody the epitome of a loyal and loving companion.

Labrador Retriever: Labrador Retrievers, affectionately known as Labs, are another breed celebrated for their excellent temperament.

Friendly, outgoing, and endlessly affectionate, Labs are renowned for their gentle and patient demeanor, making them fantastic companions for families with children and other pets. Their eagerness to please and adaptable nature also make them well-suited for various roles, including service dogs, therapy dogs, and search and rescue dogs. Whether they’re retrieving game in the field or lounging on the couch, Labs exude warmth and companionship wherever they go.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a small breed with a big heart and an equally big personality. Known for their affectionate and gentle nature, Cavaliers thrive on human companionship and are happiest when curled up in their owner’s lap. They’re excellent with children and other pets, thanks to their friendly and sociable disposition. Cavaliers are also known for their adaptability, making them well-suited for various living situations, from apartments to large family homes. With their expressive eyes and loving demeanor, Cavaliers steal the hearts of everyone they meet.

Bichon Frise: The Bichon Frise is a delightful little dog with a temperament to match its charming appearance. Affectionate, playful, and endlessly cheerful, Bichons are known for their friendly and outgoing nature. They thrive on human companionship and love nothing more than spending time with their family, whether it’s playing games or simply cuddling on the couch. Bichons are also highly adaptable and get along well with children and other pets, making them excellent family pets. With their sunny disposition and loving personality, Bichons bring joy and laughter wherever they go.

Dogs enrich our lives in countless ways, but those with the best temperament have a special place in our hearts. Whether it’s the friendly and outgoing Golden Retriever, the gentle and patient Labrador Retriever, the affectionate and sociable Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, or the cheerful and playful Bichon Frise, these breeds embody the epitome of a loyal and loving companion. With their unwavering devotion and infectious happiness, dogs with the best temperament remind us why they truly deserve the title of “man’s best friend.”

At DogFence we have worked with customers with all breeds and sizes of dog and are happy to talk to you if you are looking at adding a dog to your household and are concerned about how to keep them safe. We can put you in touch with customers with the same breed who I’m sure would be happy to answer your questions.

Call us today on 01628 476475 or email us

Man's Best Friend: Exploring Dogs with the Best Temperament DogFence

Adorable Cavalier King Charles Spaniel – Dogs with the Best Temperament

New Puppy

Keeping Your New Puppy Safe: Essential Tips

WeKeeping Your New Puppy Safe: Essential Tips DogFencelcoming a new puppy into your life is an incredibly exciting experience. From their adorable antics to their boundless energy, puppies bring immense joy and love into our homes. However, along with all the fun comes the responsibility of ensuring their safety and well-being. Just like caring for a child, safeguarding your puppy requires careful attention and planning. Here are some essential tips to help you keep your new furry friend safe:

Puppy-Proof Your Home and Garden: Puppies are naturally curious and love to explore their surroundings. Before bringing your puppy home, take the time to puppy-proof your living space. Remove any small objects that could be swallowed, secure electrical cords and outlets, and block off any hazardous areas. Think like a puppy and get down on their level to identify potential dangers.

Outside Space: Look around your garden and check for escape routes. Do you need to secure the rear garden only? What happens if someone leave the front door open? If you are unable to dog proof your garden have you considered an electronic pet fence? DogFence offer an safe, affordable and effective method of pet protection. Get a free quote today

Supervise Outdoor Time: When it comes to outdoor adventures, supervision is key. Always keep your puppy on a leash when outside, especially in unfamiliar environments. Watch out for potential hazards such as toxic plants, sharp objects, and other animals. Consider using a harness for added security and control.

Invest in Quality Supplies: From food and water bowls to a comfortable bed and appropriate toys, invest in high-quality supplies for your puppy. Opt for products that are durable, non-toxic, and specifically designed for puppies. Avoid items with small parts that could be chewed off and ingested.

Establish a Safe Space: Create a designated safe space for your puppy where they can relax and feel secure. This could be a crate, playpen, or gated area in your home. Make sure the space is free from hazards and equipped with cozy bedding and water.

Provide Proper Identification: Ensure your puppy has proper identification in case they get lost. Micro chipping is a safe and effective way to ensure your pet can be identified if they stray from home. Additionally, make sure your puppy wears a collar with tags containing your contact information.

Monitor Their Health: Keep a close eye on your puppy’s health and behavior. Look out for signs of illness or injury, such as lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, or changes in appetite. Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial for monitoring your puppy’s growth and addressing any health concerns.

Provide Proper Nutrition: Feed your puppy a balanced diet formulated specifically for their age, size, and breed. Avoid giving them human food, which can be harmful to their health. Make sure they have access to fresh water at all times to stay hydrated.

Teach Basic Commands: Training your puppy not only helps with obedience but also contributes to their safety. Teach them basic commands such as “sit,” “stay,” and “come” to help prevent accidents and keep them out of harm’s way. These basic commands are essential if you are considering using an electronic pet fence. Our Dog fences are suitable for puppies from 3 – 4 months provided they have received basic obedience training.

Offer Plenty of Love and Attention: Above all, shower your puppy with love and attention. A happy and well-loved puppy is more likely to feel secure and content, reducing the likelihood of engaging in risky behaviors.

Bringing a new puppy into your home is a big responsibility, but with proper care and attention, you can ensure they have a safe and happy start in life. By following these tips and providing a nurturing environment, you’ll be laying the foundation for a lifelong bond filled with love and companionship.

If you would like to know how we can keep your puppy safe in your garden or paddocks call us today 01628 476475 for a chat and an online survey.

Click here for a quote

Understanding Why Dogs Escape Gardens and the Benefits of Pet Containment Systems

Understanding Why Dogs Escape Gardens and the Benefits of Pet Containment Systems DogFenceUnderstanding Why Dogs Escape Gardens and the Benefits of Pet Containment Systems

Dogs are known for their playful and adventurous nature, often seeking opportunities to explore the world beyond the confines of their homes. One common concern for pet owners is the occasional escape of their furry companions from the safety of their gardens. In this blog, we’ll delve into the reasons behind a dog’s tendency to escape and explore the benefits of installing a pet containment system.

Reasons Dogs Escape Gardens:

  1. Curiosity and Exploration: Dogs are naturally curious animals, and their desire to explore can drive them to find ways to escape. The world beyond the garden fence is full of enticing scents, sounds, and sights that captivate their attention.
  2. Loneliness and Boredom: Dogs, especially those left alone for extended periods, may attempt to escape due to loneliness and boredom. Seeking companionship or engaging in playful activities with neighbouring dogs can be a powerful motivator.
  3. Territorial Instincts: Some dogs have strong territorial instincts, prompting them to patrol and mark their territory. If they sense intruders or other animals nearby, they might try to escape to defend their perceived territory.
  4. Desire for Social Interaction: Dogs are social animals and may escape to seek interaction with other dogs, animals, or even humans. The lure of socializing beyond the confines of the garden can be tempting.
  5. Hunting Instincts: Certain breeds have a strong hunting instinct, and the allure of chasing after small animals or birds outside the garden can lead them to escape in pursuit of their natural instincts.

Benefits of Pet Containment Systems:

  1. Enhanced Safety: Pet containment systems, such as invisible dog fences or secure enclosures, provide a safe environment for dogs. This ensures that they remain within designated boundaries, reducing the risk of accidents, injuries, or encounters with potential dangers.
  2. Prevention of Straying: Containment systems act as a conditioned barrier, ensuring that dogs do not wander into neighboring properties or busy streets. This helps avoid conflicts with other animals, traffic accidents, or confrontations with unfamiliar territory.
  3. Peace of Mind for Owners: Installing a pet containment system gives pet owners peace of mind, knowing that their dogs are secure and protected. It eliminates the constant worry of their furry friends escaping and facing potential hazards.
  4. Training and Behavioral Improvement: Invisible fence systems contribute to better behavior by discouraging escape attempts. Over time, dogs learn to associate the boundaries with safety, leading to improved obedience and reduced attempts to escape.
  5. Customisable Solutions: Pet containment systems are customisable to fit various landscapes, size of properties and differing dog personalities. Through the buried wires, these systems can be tailored to the specific needs of each pet and garden layout.


Understanding the reasons behind a dog’s escape can empower pet owners to address these issues effectively. Installing a pet containment system not only enhances the safety of dogs but also promotes a harmonious relationship between pets and their owners, allowing both to enjoy a secure and enriching environment.



Labrador wearing an electric dog fence collar - these collars are also called containment fences

Why Dog Fences Are Exempt from the UK Ban?

Why Dog Fences Are Exempt from the UK electric collar ban Ensuring Safe and Happy Pups!

There seems to be a lot of confusion as to whether dog fences are banned in the UK. There is no UK ban on the use or ownership of invisible dog fences. This blog should hopefully help with any confusion over why dog fences are exempt from the UK Electric Collar Ban.

Background into the “Electric Collar Ban”

In the United Kingdom, there has been a growing concern about the safety and welfare of pets, particularly dogs. In response to this concern, the government introduced a ban on certain dog training tools and equipment. However, amidst this prohibition, one item remains exempt – dog fences. In this blog, we will explore why dog fences are exempt from the UK ban and the importance of using them responsibly to ensure the well-being of our furry companions.

Understanding the UK Ban

The UK government’s ban, introduced in 2018 under the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations, targeted a range of training aids, including electronic collars, prong collars, and spray collars. The primary objective of this ban was to prevent the potential misuse and abuse of such tools, which could cause harm or distress to dogs.

In August 2018 the Government announced: “We received 7334 responses to this consultation. We’ve analysed the responses and decided to amend the Animal Welfare Act 2006 to ban the use of hand-held remote controlled e-collar devices. We do not intend to ban the use of invisible fencing containment systems”. 

The Exemption of Dog Fences

Amidst the controversy surrounding the ban, dog fences, often referred to as “invisible” or “electric” fences, were conspicuously absent from the list of prohibited items. This exclusion is rooted in the belief that when used responsibly and with the welfare of the dog in mind, these fences can be effective tools for keeping dogs safe and providing them with the freedom to roam within defined boundaries.

Why Dog Fences Are Exempt from the UK Ban? DogFence

Springer springing

Why Dog Fences Are Exempt

  1. Safety First: Unlike some of the banned training tools, electric dog fences are designed with safety as a top priority. They use mild static corrections or audible warnings to deter dogs from crossing the set boundaries, without causing physical harm or pain. When compared to other training aids, such as shock collars, these fences are generally considered less invasive.
  2. Freedom with Boundaries: Dog owners appreciate the freedom that electric fences provide to their pets. They can explore their designated area while avoiding potential hazards like busy roads or unfriendly wildlife. This increased freedom contributes positively to a dog’s physical and mental well-being.
  3. Responsible Use: The exemption of dog fences underscores the importance of responsible use. Dog owners are encouraged to follow the guidelines provided by the manufacturers and seek professional guidance on their installation and usage. When used appropriately, electric fences can offer a safe and humane solution for managing a dog’s outdoor activities.
  4. Encourages Responsible Pet Ownership: Electric fences promote responsible pet ownership by allowing dogs to enjoy the outdoors while ensuring they stay within a controlled area. This can be especially beneficial for working individuals or those with busy schedules, as it allows their dogs to get exercise and fresh air even when they can’t be present.


The exemption of dog fences from the UK electric collar ban on certain dog training tools reflects the government’s understanding of the importance of responsible pet ownership. When used properly and with the dog’s welfare in mind, electric fences can provide dogs with the freedom to roam safely within their boundaries. However, it is crucial for dog owners to be educated about the correct usage and installation of these fences, as well as to seek professional advice if necessary.

Ultimately, the exemption of dog fences encourages responsible ownership, ensuring that our furry friends can enjoy the outdoors while staying safe and secure. It is a reminder that, as pet owners, our primary responsibility is to provide for the well-being of our beloved companions.