Are Dog Fences Legal? Expert Guidance DogFence

Hey come play with me!

Are Dog Fences Legal? Expert Guidance

Are dog fences lawful and are they humane? The answer is yes, Dog Fences are legal, safe and humane. They were and are excluded from the e-collar ban as the government recognised that these fences keep pets safe. Below are the facts as to why thousands of dog and cat owners use and can continue to use containment fences to keep their treasured pets safe.

Welcome to our exploration of the legal and humane aspects surrounding dog fences, specifically addressing their exclusion from the e-collar ban. Dog fences play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and well-being of both dogs and cats. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons why dog fences are legal, humane, and distinct from the e-collar ban.

Legal Considerations

Government announcement regarding the amendment to the Animal Welfare Act

In August 2018 DEFRA announced that containment fences would be exempt from any e-collar ban BUT the regulations would be changed to include the following points:-

  1. Professional Installation: invisible fencing containment systems should be installed and set up by professionals.
  2. Training: appropriate training should be provided.

Humane Considerations:

  1. Behavioral Training: Dog fences are designed to discourage pets from crossing designated boundaries through gentle and consistent training. This method helps in shaping the pet’s behavior without causing harm, promoting a positive and humane approach to containment.
  2. Safety for Pets : Traditional physical fences or chains and gates can pose risks to pets and are often not sufficient to contain dogs and cats . Containment fences eliminate this by creating a virtual boundary that can cover all boundaries, including open areas and driveways. This promotes the overall safety and well-being of the pet by giving them freedom to demonstrate natural behaviours.
  3. Customisable Impulse Levels: Modern fence systems come equipped with customizable impulse levels, ensuring that the correction applied is appropriate for the individual pet. This adaptability allows pet owners to tailor the training experience to their pet’s specific needs, emphasizing a humane approach to containment.
  4. Prevents accidents and loss: Escaping dogs can cause damage to neighbouring livestock, get injured or worse will run over or shot. Over 50% of cats under 5 die on the UK’s roads each year and are partly responsible for the dramatic loss of song birds and small mammals  Keeping pets safe at home prevents accidents, fines and unnecessary suffering.

Legal Exclusion from E-collar Bans: Understanding the Distinct Functionality

Dog fences and e-collars fulfill distinct roles in pet containment and training. While e-collars are predominantly used for remote training and behavior modification, controlled by owners or trainers through a handheld device, dog fences serve the purpose of creating a confined area for pets, managed by the pets themselves rather than human intervention. This differentiation is pivotal in the formulation of legislation and regulations concerning pet containment practices.

Dog fences employ a system where pets are alerted with a warning “beep” upon approaching the boundary, followed by an auditory warning to guide them away from the avoidance zone. This methodology facilitates the pet’s learning process, enabling them to grasp the boundaries of their designated area effectively.

Community Support and Recognition

The widespread acceptance and endorsement of dog fences by communities, veterinarians, and pet behavior specialists underscore their efficacy and alignment with humane practices. This broad consensus emphasises the positive impact of dog fences on pet safety and behavior, further justifying their exclusion from e-collar bans.


In summary, dog fences stand as a legal and humane method for pet containment. Their distinct functionality, coupled with extensive community support, warrants their exemption from e-collar bans. Dog fences not only ensure pet safety but also promote responsible pet ownership, making them a valuable asset in modern pet containment practices.