dog fence most reliable hidden fence worldwide

So what’s the difference between a freedom fence and a dog fence?

So you’ve done a bit of googling and come across a few options for  keeping your dog at home. An electronic dog fence, freedom fence or a containment fence. So where do you start.

How do you know what the differences are if you don’t know how a freedom fence works?

How does a freedom fence work?

Well, they are all derived from the same principle. A radio transmitter is installed on the owners property and connected to a boundary wire that carries a radio signal. The signal has to start and finish at the transmitter.

The pet wears a radio receiver which is programmed to pick up the radio signal. When the pet enters the signal area (“no go zone”) the receiver collar emits a warning beep, followed by a static impulse (static shock). With some training the pet quickly learns where the no go area is and stays within the boundary.

So what's the difference between a freedom fence and a dog fence? DogFence

Visible boundary for the pet with flags.

The boundary should always be marked with training flags when the dog is in the training phase to give the dog a visual for the “no go zone”.

What are the differences between Freedom Fences and Dog Fences?

Answer: Technology & Speed

A Freedom Fence is actually a product called PetSafe Professional; it uses a technology which is over 25 years old. All PetSafe systems use a digital AM radio frequency.

Why is an old technology an issue? In simple terms the system will work but it could do better! Dogs can cats are precious to owners and most want to ensure that they are using the latest and safest products available.

Why is an AM fence inferior?

The issue with the AM frequency is it is prone to false activation (house electronics other than the freedom fence system can activate the pet’s collar when they are not in the “no go area”).

This is confusing for the pet as consistency is the key when it comes to electronic pet containment. In order to reduce the chances of a false activation the Freedom Fence collar checks for 2 x signals. Naturally, this slows the reaction time down on the collar.

So what's the difference between a freedom fence and a dog fence? DogFence

Catch that pigeon!

The Dog Fence system is another name for a DogWatch Hidden Fence. It uses a newer digital FM signal (DAB). The FM signal is more secure and cannot be activated by any other signal.

It goes without saying that this guarantees the safety of the pet.

The dog fence system only checks for one x signal. This makes the collar reaction time quicker – 15 times quicker! So when your dog is chasing a squirrel the dog fence is 15 times quicker at stopping him than the freedom fence system.

What does reaction time mean?

The reaction time is crucial for both the start up and shut down on the collar. For example if your dog was running at 10 mph with the Dog Fence system he would only get 0.125ft into the zone before the collar has activated. Whereas if the dog was wearing a freedom fence collar he could potentially go 7ft into the zone before activation.

Conversely, if the dog makes the right decision and retreats back into the garden the shut down on the collar is virtually instant (less than a second) for the Dog Fence whereas it will be between 2 – 5 seconds for the freedom fence collar.

This is called response hang on time. It is important that the dog is not “corrected” when they are in the safe zone – the safe zone should be safe. This could be the difference between the dog staying in or running out.

Quality & Warranty

Originally the Freedom systems were manufactured in the USA but approx 10 years ago the PetSafe manufacturing was moved to China. The Freedom Fence is supplied with a Limited Lifetime Warranty and does not include the following malfunctions:

  • Lightning strikes/electrical surges – Transmitter not warranted if lightning or power surge damage the transmitter.
  • Dog chews – if the pet chews the receiver this is not covered by the warranty.
  • Accidental damage – if the dog damages the receiver this is not covered by the warranty.
  • Limited life warranty – 3 years.

All the Dog Fence systems are thoroughly tested before leaving the DogWatch HQ in Boston. Each unit is individually tested and receives a unique identification number. This ensures quality and consistency. People of often suprised to learn that the following items are all covered under the Dog Fence warranty;

So what's the difference between a freedom fence and a dog fence? DogFence

Covered by Dog Fence Warranty

  • Lightning strikes & surges (surge box supplied as standard) – transmitter is fully covered even with the surge fitted – repair or replacement sent.
  • Dog chews – if the pet chews the receiver this is covered under the warranty – repair or replacement sent.
  • Accidental damage – because dogs will be dogs so we expect our receivers to be tough and durable – repair or replacement sent.
  • Lifetime warranty

Battery Life

The freedom fence collars use 2 x 3.0 volt batteries which last approx 3 – 4 months in the collar.

The Dog Fence system collars offer a choice of 2 x collars.

  • Mini Collar – 1 x 3.0 volt battery every 6 months
  • Standard Collar – 1 x 3.6 volt battery every 18 – 24 months.

Receiver Collar Size and Weight

So what's the difference between a freedom fence and a dog fence? DogFence

Lazing on a sunny afternoon

If you have a very small dog or a cat then the Dog Fence system cannot be beaten on either weight or size. Our mini receiver collars are the smallest available worldwide and weigh in at only 30g even with the battery fitted. Our standard collar weighs in at only 48g which compares to 54g on the Freedom Fence model.

Boundary Wire

The boundary wire is important with all containment fences as this is the part that conducts the radio signal. The quality of your boundary wire will depend on which PetSafe system you purchase.

As a general rule the Freedom Fence systems are supplied with a 1.5mm wire. The dog fence systems offer 2 grades of wire either 2.5mm as the heavy grade or 4mm as the premium grade wire. As the wire is buried in the ground the heavier the wire the more durable and less likely the cable is to be damaged.

Professional Installation

Both Freedom Fence and Dog Fence offer professional installation, however, there is a difference to the level of service offered by each Company due to the employment status of the staff.

  • Dog Fence staff – all trained and employed by Dog Fence – every installer has fully equipped van inc cable burial trencher and wire detection system. – All staff IACP approved.
  • Dog Fence also have a dedicated cat fence team – as the training for cats is very different to dogs.
  • Freedom Fence Staff – trained by Freedom fence but working on a sub-contract basis – not full time employment. Only some installers have trenching equipment.

New Technology comes to Dog Fence

From November 2018 Dog Fence will be the first UK Company to offer a two-way communication on a containment system. Our new smart fence will feed information back to a base station via an app. You will be able to monitor your dog’s movements as well as the technical info for the system. Learn more here…. 

Containment fences have been used for over 40 years to keep dogs and cats safe. The owners of DogFence Ltd realized many years ago that there was a requirement for a complete all around service and pioneered the concept of full installation and training for dogs and cats. To learn more about our products and services call us for a quick no obligation quote or fill in our quote form. 03450 623623