Tag Archive for: electronic dog fence

dog fencing options

Affordable dog fencing – what are the options?

Affordable dog fencing

When it comes to affordable dog fencing there aren’t many options as fencing is actually quite expensive.  As with everything you get what you pay for and it depends on whether you want to get your hands dirty. Naturally, these fencing options are based on how large an area you need to fence. The landscape that you need to fence. And also the breed of the dog that requires the dog fencing!

Dog fencing for small areas

If you are looking to fence a small back garden then it is likely that you already have a fence or wall but it isn’t meeting your needs. Watch your dog and see if he is using something to climb up and scrabble over or is he climbing or digging. Consider installing trellis above your fence. This can be bought from any good DIY store and is relatively quick to install. If you have a digger add a concrete footer below your fence by pouring concrete along the edge of the fence and sinking the bottom of the fence into the concrete before it dries.  This is naturally a labour intensive job but should do the trick!

Affordable dog fencing - what are the options? DogFence

Trellis placed on top of wall

If you are not sure where he is getting out then one of our DIY dog fences is going to be the cheapest way forward. These fences are under £250.00 and will cover a small urban garden. If you compare the price of re-fencing a complete rear garden versus adding an electronic dog fence the dog fence will win on price all day long!

For small gardens with low fences, you may be able to upgrade your fence to a close board fence. These fences start at around £38.00 per metre fully installed. You will need to check that you can install a fence of this height before ripping out the old fence.

Rural gardens and small paddocks

It goes without saying that dog fencing for rural areas can be a headache. Not only are you trying to stop your dog going out but the local wildlife is busy pushing its way in. If you have an issue with rabbits and small dogs then this could be a good option for you but it is not the cheapest! Rabbit fencing starts at approx £130.00 per 50m without installation! If you are covering a 1-acre site this will cost in the region of £690.00 just for the galvanised mesh without any posts of labour. Also unless it is extremely well-installed rabbit fencing can be damaged by larger mammals such as Badgers, Muntjack and larger Deer.

Affordable dog fencing - what are the options? DogFence

Rabbit fence used as dog fencing

If you have hedges or areas with no existing fences then the cheapest form of fencing will be either a stock fence or an electronic dog fence. If you have horses or livestock then you will need to look at stock fencing options. Of course, if it is only a dog or a cat that needs containing then an electronic dog fence is by far the cheapest option.

Our DIY dog fence can be expanded up to an acre for an additional £100.00 and a Professionally Installed dog fence will cost in the region of £1000.00 depending on the location and number of dogs. This would work out more cost-effective than the galvanized or stock fencing and would also protect the driveways. Installing gates can also be very costly and of course, this relies on people shutting the gate when they come or go! Our Professionally installed fences have a lifetime warranty on the hardware and a containment promise for the dog.

Large estates and difficult terrains

If it aesthetics then Estate fencing is most certainly the winner but you will need deep pockets to install this timeless classic! At around £80.00 per 2m panel + installation, it will very soon add up, especially on the large country estate! Again, you will need to think about gates and this type of fencing is not dog secure. Other popular types of fencing are post and rail with stock fencing below or chain link fencing. Chain link fencing is probably the cheapest starting from around £2500 for 1 acre + installation. Whereas if you are looking at fencing 10 acres using our Performance Series on a 10-acre site the cost would be circa £1800.00 including installation & training.

Affordable dog fencing - what are the options? DogFence

Estate fencing

Riverbanks and Undulating Terrain

If your property goes down to the river you may be able to install a small picket fence. These will not stop all dogs as they tend to only be a 90 cm – 100cm high. Prices for Picket fencing start at around £12.00 per metre plus installation.  Alternatively, you can use our dog fence to run along the boundary. This will keep your dog out of the river without disrupting the view. If you have very undulating terrain then you will probably need to install a stock fence but there would be a hefty surge-charge to install this! Again, an invisible fence can be installed for a fraction of the cost.  The trencher used to install the invisible dog fence is extremely adaptable and be operated in both steep and undulating terrain. Images of the dog fence trencher can be seen on our installation & training page.

Affordable dog fencing - what are the options? DogFence

Picket fence along river bank








Dog Fencing price summary

Based on an acre (and excluding gates)

    • Electronic dog fence (1 dog fully installed – covers gateways as well) – from £3.50 per metre installed.
    • Stock Fencing (no gates) – from £7.00 per metre installed
    • Rabbit Fencing (no gates) – from £8.00 per metre installed
    • Stock Fencing with post and rail (no gates) – from £12.00 per metre
    • Picket fencing (no gate) – from £20.00 per metre
    • Close board fence (no gate) – from £35.00 per metre installed
    • Estate fencing (no gate) from £40.00 per metre installed

Prices have been based on submissions from Companies in Berkshire (2019). Prices are based on properties in the local area and are a guide.

If you have been searching for dog fencing options then read our testimonials on our Trust Pilot reviews. If you would like more information or prices call us today on 03450 623623 or complete our quote form.




sheep grazing keep dogs on lead to stop dog sheep chasing sign

Escaping dogs in the country are a danger to sheep

Solutions to stop a dog chasing sheep

It’s getting to that time of year when the wildlife is waking up. In early Spring our most common call is I am concerned about my dog getting out and chasing sheep or livestock. Usually owners have tried everything, plugged the hedge, lifted the fence height and all to no avail. If a dog has a high interest in Sheep and has had no training sooner or later he or she will be in with the sheep. For some dogs it’s just the chase, for others it’s the kill. Also a dog with a high prey drive will probably have a high interest in cats or other livestock.

What are the penalties for a dog chasing sheep?

  • Ultimately his life – the farmer has the right to shoot if he considers that the dog is a threat to his flock and there are no reasonable means of preventing it.Escaping dogs in the country are a danger to sheep DogFence

So What steps can an owner take to prevent their dog chasing sheep?

  • Training – find a good trainer that has a proven track record in this field of expertise (see list below). As Company we recommend a Balanced Trainer. A Balanced Trainer will use multiple tools to train the dog, including an e-collar if necessary.
  • Ensure that the garden fencing is dog proof. If you are rural, even if you don’t have livestock nearby make sure your fence is secure. The wildlife may tempt him out but ultimately he may end up in trouble with a farmer or a vehicle.
  • Walking the dog on a lead where sheep are present. It’s good practice, no matter how good your dog is if there are sheep around pop him on a lead for a few minutes.

Training for sheep chasing

  • Balanced dog trainers will use a range of tools and methods to modify the dog’s behaviour and desire sheep. They will work with you and your dog in a controlled situation and will modify the dog’s desire and interest to chase sheep.
  • Many old school farmers will advocate putting the dog in a pen with an older Ewe. This can be a risky move as a large Ewe can cause considerable damage to a dog when cornered. It is most certainly a harsh method but may ultimately save the dogs life.
  • Some Trainers recommend reward only training. Many dogs will recall well in normal situations using this training method. The issue is if you have a dog with a high drive usually the treat is insufficient to divert the attention and so this method not always successful for sheep chasing.

How can I make my rural property dog proof?

  • Deer or stock fencing may be a solution but can be costly and unsightly. It is also not always effective as dogs will climb up and over or dig under the fence.
  • Electronic dog fences are a great solution as they will back up your current fencing.

Are Electronic Fences banned?

No, electronic fences are not banned and have not been included in the recent e-collar ban proposals. Electronic fences are a great way to give your dog freedom but also keep them safe in the garden. Unlike traditional fences if the dog is trained correctly then the fence will keep even the keenest dog at home. Interestingly, a dog fence can also often be installed on terrain that is not suitable for traditional fencing. A dog fence, often referred to as an electric dog fence, will also cover driveways and vulnerable open areas.

The word “electric” is actually incorrect as there is no electricity in the cable or the collar. As with an e-collar, it is a static impulse that is generated, very similar to a Tens machine. When a dog is trained to an “electric dog fence” he is conditioned to respond a warning beep. The training is gentle and effective, with many owners asking “when will he get the shock?” only to be told that the dog has already received the stimulation.

DogFence Ltd have been installing the hidden dog fences for over 16 years. We have fenced and contained many dogs on their last chance saloon. We offer a containment promise with our Professional Dog Fences but as with all dog ownership this does involve management from the owner.

  1. Put the collar on the dog every day – it’s useless in the draw!
  2. Make sure the collar is correctly fitted – a lose collar can equal a lose dog!
  3. Remember to change the battery at the correct interval – DogFence batteries last 6 months or 2 years depending on the collar and we even offer automatic renewal programmes so you don’t forget.


The majority of dog owners recognise that dogs need to be trained so that they can enjoy walking together. Sadly owners cannot be present 24/7 and it maybe that the dog escapes from the garden and ends up in a field full of sheep. Installing an electronic dog fence gives owners peace of mind whilst allowing the dog the freedom to enjoy the open air.

If you would like to know more about how DogFence can secure your garden give us a buzz. Our lovely office team can measure out your boundary and give options for the fence remotely. Call us today on 01628 476475 or click here for a quote.

Below is a list of Balanced Dog Trainers that we recommend for sheep chasing:

Take The Lead Training – Devon  – Jamie Penrith.

Dutiful Dogs – London & South East England – Nicky Bulter

Southend Dog Training – Essex – Adam Spivey

Paws in Nature – Cheshire – Andrew Lang



dog fencing idea gone wrong - Collie leaping over net fence in countryside

Dog Fencing Ideas – how to keep Fido home!

Dog Fencing Ideas – solutions to keep Fido safe

Dogs will be dogs so exploring different dog fencing ideas is a must for any canine owner. Having spent 17 years fencing dogs we have come across many different ideas. As with people no two dogs are the same and of course they all live in different locations.

Rural dog fencing ideas

Many rural locations are difficult to fence. Understandably this could be because of the terrain being very hilly, wooded or prohibitively large. Furthermore most rural properties are surrounded by hedgerows. Hedgerows may be a deterrent for a dog with a low prey drive but for many it’s an open avenue of escape.

Stock Fencing

Dog Fencing Ideas - how to keep Fido home! DogFence

Badgers are not deterred by Stock Fences

Stock fencing is a traditional dog fencing idea for rural properties. Used to contain livestock it is adaptable for use in rural gardens. For many dogs this will give enough of barrier to prevent the dog jumping  out of the property. The downside is that this type of fencing is it is costly, unsightly and can be damaged by wildlife. Badgers and foxes will often make holes in this type of fencing and thus some rural owners find this dog fencing idea a temporary fix. Also the cost of such fencing can work out extremely expensive; starting around £6.00 p/m + gates etc it can a costly exercise.

Deer Fencing

Deer Fencing; again another great rural solution but sadly it is extremely obtrusive more expensive than stock fencing. Again, the downside with this fencing is that badgers and small mammals will make holes that then become an escape avenue for your dog!

Electronic dog fencing

Electronic dog fencing; you may not be familiar with this product even though this type of dog fencing idea has been around for over 40 years. Using a boundary wire, transmitter and a computer collar worn by the pet this type of fencing can be used on any terrain. Electronic dog fences do need to be professionally installed. This is because the pets need training but they a more cost effective solution than traditional methods. As a guide price an rural installation of approx 2 acres for 2 dogs would be circa £1300.00.

The advantage of this type of dog fencing idea is that it can be used cost effectively on very large properties (up to 350 acres) and can be removed if the owner moves house. It is also invisible so will not affect any planning restrictions or spoil the view!

Kennels and dog runs

Kennels and dog runs are full proof method for dog containment. The downside of installing a run is that many dogs become bored and exercise is limited. The cost of installing Kennels can be high but equally these can be relocated to a new property.

Urban dog fencing ideas

Most urban gardens are fenced in some way but these may not all be dog proof! Some new sites have planning restrictions on fence heights and even open plan. Many properties use Picket or Rail type fencing which dogs can easily jump over or squeeze through.

Planning permission is not usually required in urban areas.  Fences must be no more than 2m high or 1m high  near roads. The most popular type of fencing is for urban houses is Close Board fencing.

Close Board Fencing

Dog Fencing Ideas - how to keep Fido home! DogFence

Dogs can dig under traditional fences

Close board fencing is a great dog fencing idea for many urban owners. It is generally tall enough to stop jumping dogs and quick to install. This type of fencing comes in varying heights and can be installed by most handymen. The downside is that some dogs will dig under and there may be restrictions to installing this type of fencing on some new estates. As a rough cost to install on a small rear garden it would be approx £1200.00.

Electronic dog fencing – no need to install gates!

As with the rural properties this type of fencing is a very cost effective solution. This type of dog fencing idea also gives the owner the possibility of protecting the drive within the price. It is true that the larger the property for more cost effective the electronic dog fence becomes but small properties can also be fenced with this product.

Many owners may already have a Close Board or Picket fence installed and need additional backup. The electronic dog fence can be run around the existing fence if the traditional method is not working. Our Installers can place the cable to prevent the dog jumping over or digging under the existing fence. The cable can even be run under the drive to protect this area. Most owners are concerned that this means digging up the drive but the installation is both neat and discreet.  A typical urban property would cost less £1000 to fence and this would include a driveway loop.

Cat Runs

Interestingly cat runs can be used to keep both dogs and cats safe. These type of structures can prove expensive if they are professionally installed and may not be aesthetically pleasing. A cat run suitable for a dog would usually cost from £750.00 upwards depending on the size.

A DogFence Ltd we have been Professionally installing electronic dog fences for over 17 years. The dog fencing ideas that some owners come up with to keep their pets at home can often be amusing. Over the years we have seen:

  • Old Fireplaces in the hedge!
  • Old garage doors down one boundary!
  • Orange builders netting – not attractive or effective!
  • Hundreds of dogs on tie out stakes – who have wound themselves up to the pole 🙁
  • Electric horse fencing – Harsh and not fall proof!

If you would like to learn more about how we can keep your dog safe at home please call us or visit our web site. We offer bespoke Quotes using our online measuring tool – simple, accurate and effective. 01628 476475 or info@dogfence.co.uk


dog fence boundary flags with dog in training

Electronic dog fence – How to train your dog.

Simple Steps for training your dog to an electronic dog fence

Before commencing electronic dog fence training:

  1. Ensure that you have the correct amount of training flags to cover the boundary. The training flags are the most important part of the training protocol for electronic dog fences. The training flags should be placed approx 8 – 10ft apart around the boundary. Use the collar to find the edge of the avoidance zone and place the flag in the ground in the area where the collar starts to beep.Electronic dog fence - How to train your dog. DogFence
  2. Using the dog fence tester – set the collar to beep only mode. This means that the collar will not give out an impulse just an audible tone.
  3. Place the electronic dog fence collar on the dog and check that it correctly adjusted. As a guide you should be able to get 2 fingers in the neck strap when the dog’s neck is down. See our Trouble Shooting page for handy tips.
  4. Leave the collar on the dog for at least 30 mins before commencing the initial training session.
  5. Find a long lead – 6ft and ideally not the dog’s usual walking lead.

Commencing the training

  1. Take the dog outside on the lead.
  2. Walk the dog around the boundary and tap the flag so that there is good movement.
  3. As you tap each flag use a command word – a good example is “Watch out”.
  4. Allow the dog to go past the training flags into the correction zone (this is the area of the electronic dog fence where the collar will give both a beep and impulse). Allow the dog to linger here and hear the warning beep then direct him back into the garden. Use the command word and tap the flag again.
  5. Repeat this around the boundary for several small sessions over 1 – 2 days.

Introduction to Correction

  1. Place the electronic dog fence collar on the dog approx 20 – 30 mins before starting the training.
  2. Using the tester – lift the level on the receiver from level 0 (beep only) to level 1.
  3. Repeat the process of walking around the boundary and tapping the flags. Always use the command word when tapping the flag.
  4. Allow the dog to go past the flags into the avoidance zone. Look for any signs that the dog is feeling the impulse (a small twitch of the ear, little shake of the head).
  5. Carry on around the boundary allowing the dog to walk into the avoidance zone of his own free will. Never call or drag the dog into the electronic dog fence zone.
  6. If the dog is not responding to the level – lift the level to level 2 and repeat the process. Always direct the dog back into the safe area and praise the dog when he is back in the safe zone.
  7. Once the dog is reacting to the stimulation make a note of the level.
  8. After training play with your dog, praise him and reward him. Do not allow the dog to be off the lead in the garden during the training phase.

Introduction to Distractions

It is important the dog fully understands the warning beep and how to retreat when he is in a high drive moment. By carrying out the distraction training your dog will learn the electronic dog fence so that it becomes second nature. This will ensure that even when he is in a high drive state he stops at the warning beep. The distraction training will require 2 people.

  1. Walk around the boundary, tapping the flags and then have the new person walk into the flags and well into the avoidance area. See if the dog continues or decides to stop.
  2. If the dog continues allow him well into the zone to receive the stimulation and guide him back to you in the safe area. Give him the command word whilst guiding him back to the safe area. Praise him in the safe area.
  3. If the dog stops before or at the flags guide him back and praise him.
  4. Continue walking around the boundary and repeating the process.
  5. Once the dog is making the right decision (not walking into the flagged area) move on and try this on the driveways or open areas.
  6. If the dog is making good progress you may wish to drop the lead and walk into the flagged area with the companion. If the dog endeavors to follow give the command in aloud and firm voice.
  7. A good indication that the dog is fully at home with the electronic dog fence is when he looks away from the flags.

Repeat this process over a couple of days.

Letting your dog off the lead

  1. Walk the dog around a couple of areas and tap the flag if possible. Usually by this stage the dog will not venture near the flags so just give the command word even if you are several feet away from the flag.
  2. Go to the centre of the property and face the dog away from boundary.
  3. Remove the lead and start to walk back towards the house or a safe area.
  4. Play with your dog outside – you can roll a ball but always roll away from the avoidance zone.
  5. Do not leave the dog unsupervised in the garden for the first few days.
  6. After 14 days you can start to remove the flags. Remove the flags every other flag, every other day until they are gone.

Keep the flags in a safe place as if you wish to add on another pet you will need to re-flag the boundary and if you change the layout this will need to be re-flagged to give the dog a visual.

Points To Remember

Training your dog to the electronic dog fence should be fun!

Never throw a stick or ball into the avoidance zone.

Small bit size sessions are often better.

Always remove the dog fence collar at night or for a period of 8 hours in every 24 hour period.

Check the fit for your electronic dog fence collar regularly.

Check the battery status on your collar monthly (using the tester supplied).

DogFence Ltd are the largest installers of electronic dog fences in the UK. Our professional installer/trainers can set up your dog fence for you and will train your pet to the system. We also offer a post installation service to train new pets to the system. If you would like more information please call us on 01628 476475 or email info@dogfence.co.uk.





A dog is for life!

A dog is for life – t’was the month before Xmas T’was a month before Christmas and all around the house the children were squealing we want a pet mouse; Or a hamster, a kitten, a dog or a horse. We PROMISE to look after it forever, of course! So straight onto Google the parents […]

our mini receiver R7m is suitable for Pomeranian dogs

Electronic dog fences – are they safe for small dogs?

Are electronic dog fences safe to use for small dogs?

Electronic dog fences have been around for over 40 years. Unsurprisingly in the early years this type of electronic dog fencing was most certainly not suitable for small dogs. Why were they not suitable? Size and weight of the computer collars!  Many of the early collars used a 9 volt battery to power the collar which was both bulky and heavy. As with mobile phones recent advances in technology have enabled the size and weight of the computer collars to be dramatically decreased.

At DogFence we are proud to be able to offer the smallest and lightest electronic dog fence collars on the market today. Our mini computer collars weigh only 30g including the small 3.0 volt battery. Our electronic dog fence collars are suitable for all breeds of dogs and cats and with the increasing popularity of toy breeds our sales of mini collars has risen significantly in the last 5 years.

Electronic dog fences - are they safe for small dogs? DogFence

Small enough for cats too!

Will the electronic dog fence hurt my dog?

Naturally a common concern is that the “correction” or impulse will hurt the dog. Naturally, at DogFence we are all dog lovers and the last thing we would want to do is inflict pain or suffering onto any dog or cat. The impulse level is set to each dog or cats personality. People often asks does it hurt? can I feel it?  In reality, once they feel the impulse the next reaction is usually “how will that keep my dog in?” or “oh it’s not that bad!”.

Electronic dog fences have been tested by leading Universities and pet professionals across the world. The results have proved that these fences are safe to use with both dogs and cats. The amount of impulse delivered is not determined by the size of the pet but their personality. The average setting for most dogs is level 2 this would equate to some 250 times lower that a cattle of electric stock fence.

Interesting, the impulse is generally only received during the training phase. All our electronic dog fence collars give out a warning beep prior to giving out the impulse. During the training phase the pet also has a visual marker with training flags. If the training is carried out correctly the pet will rarely receive any activation after the initial period. All our DogFence installers are qualified to train your dog or cat to the containment system. DogFence is a member of the IACP an international organisation set up for training dogs using electronic stimulation alongside conventional training protocols.

Will I have to use the electronic dog fence forever?

This is always a difficult question to answer. It really depends on your dog’s personality and hunting drive. As a rule we find that dogs and cats that are trained before the escaping behavior begins will train quickly and easily and never challenge the fence. However, if you have livestock or game birds nearby and a dog with a high drive then it is advisable to use the system everyday. With electronic dog fencing consistency is king. If every time the dog enters the zone they hear the warning beep they will not “challenge” the fence. Issues can arise  if they can go through the zone one day because they are not wearing the electronic dog fence collar and not on another day it becomes confusing to the pet.

What do the Experts Say?

Electronic dog fences - are they safe for small dogs? DogFence

Prof. Daniel Mills

Recent studies through Lincoln University, headed by the well revered Prof. Daniel Mills, and the Governments research have proved that electronic dog fences are  only safe and also save the lives of dogs and cats. With modern technology size is no longer a barrier to pet containment with an electronic dog fence. Read more about what the experts say on our web site.

If you would like to learn more about how an electronic dog fence can keep your pet safe contact us on 01628 476475 or email us @ info@dogfence.co.uk.



dog fence most reliable hidden fence worldwide

So what’s the difference between a freedom fence and a dog fence?

So you’ve done a bit of googling and come across a few options for  keeping your dog at home. An electronic dog fence, freedom fence or a containment fence. So where do you start.

How do you know what the differences are if you don’t know how a freedom fence works?

How does a freedom fence work?

Well, they are all derived from the same principle. A radio transmitter is installed on the owners property and connected to a boundary wire that carries a radio signal. The signal has to start and finish at the transmitter.

The pet wears a radio receiver which is programmed to pick up the radio signal. When the pet enters the signal area (“no go zone”) the receiver collar emits a warning beep, followed by a static impulse (static shock). With some training the pet quickly learns where the no go area is and stays within the boundary.

So what's the difference between a freedom fence and a dog fence? DogFence

Visible boundary for the pet with flags.

The boundary should always be marked with training flags when the dog is in the training phase to give the dog a visual for the “no go zone”.

What are the differences between Freedom Fences and Dog Fences?

Answer: Technology & Speed

A Freedom Fence is actually a product called PetSafe Professional; it uses a technology which is over 25 years old. All PetSafe systems use a digital AM radio frequency.

Why is an old technology an issue? In simple terms the system will work but it could do better! Dogs can cats are precious to owners and most want to ensure that they are using the latest and safest products available.

Why is an AM fence inferior?

The issue with the AM frequency is it is prone to false activation (house electronics other than the freedom fence system can activate the pet’s collar when they are not in the “no go area”).

This is confusing for the pet as consistency is the key when it comes to electronic pet containment. In order to reduce the chances of a false activation the Freedom Fence collar checks for 2 x signals. Naturally, this slows the reaction time down on the collar.

So what's the difference between a freedom fence and a dog fence? DogFence

Catch that pigeon!

The Dog Fence system is another name for a DogWatch Hidden Fence. It uses a newer digital FM signal (DAB). The FM signal is more secure and cannot be activated by any other signal.

It goes without saying that this guarantees the safety of the pet.

The dog fence system only checks for one x signal. This makes the collar reaction time quicker – 15 times quicker! So when your dog is chasing a squirrel the dog fence is 15 times quicker at stopping him than the freedom fence system.

What does reaction time mean?

The reaction time is crucial for both the start up and shut down on the collar. For example if your dog was running at 10 mph with the Dog Fence system he would only get 0.125ft into the zone before the collar has activated. Whereas if the dog was wearing a freedom fence collar he could potentially go 7ft into the zone before activation.

Conversely, if the dog makes the right decision and retreats back into the garden the shut down on the collar is virtually instant (less than a second) for the Dog Fence whereas it will be between 2 – 5 seconds for the freedom fence collar.

This is called response hang on time. It is important that the dog is not “corrected” when they are in the safe zone – the safe zone should be safe. This could be the difference between the dog staying in or running out.

Quality & Warranty

Originally the Freedom systems were manufactured in the USA but approx 10 years ago the PetSafe manufacturing was moved to China. The Freedom Fence is supplied with a Limited Lifetime Warranty and does not include the following malfunctions:

  • Lightning strikes/electrical surges – Transmitter not warranted if lightning or power surge damage the transmitter.
  • Dog chews – if the pet chews the receiver this is not covered by the warranty.
  • Accidental damage – if the dog damages the receiver this is not covered by the warranty.
  • Limited life warranty – 3 years.

All the Dog Fence systems are thoroughly tested before leaving the DogWatch HQ in Boston. Each unit is individually tested and receives a unique identification number. This ensures quality and consistency. People of often suprised to learn that the following items are all covered under the Dog Fence warranty;

So what's the difference between a freedom fence and a dog fence? DogFence

Covered by Dog Fence Warranty

  • Lightning strikes & surges (surge box supplied as standard) – transmitter is fully covered even with the surge fitted – repair or replacement sent.
  • Dog chews – if the pet chews the receiver this is covered under the warranty – repair or replacement sent.
  • Accidental damage – because dogs will be dogs so we expect our receivers to be tough and durable – repair or replacement sent.
  • Lifetime warranty

Battery Life

The freedom fence collars use 2 x 3.0 volt batteries which last approx 3 – 4 months in the collar.

The Dog Fence system collars offer a choice of 2 x collars.

  • Mini Collar – 1 x 3.0 volt battery every 6 months
  • Standard Collar – 1 x 3.6 volt battery every 18 – 24 months.

Receiver Collar Size and Weight

So what's the difference between a freedom fence and a dog fence? DogFence

Lazing on a sunny afternoon

If you have a very small dog or a cat then the Dog Fence system cannot be beaten on either weight or size. Our mini receiver collars are the smallest available worldwide and weigh in at only 30g even with the battery fitted. Our standard collar weighs in at only 48g which compares to 54g on the Freedom Fence model.

Boundary Wire

The boundary wire is important with all containment fences as this is the part that conducts the radio signal. The quality of your boundary wire will depend on which PetSafe system you purchase.

As a general rule the Freedom Fence systems are supplied with a 1.5mm wire. The dog fence systems offer 2 grades of wire either 2.5mm as the heavy grade or 4mm as the premium grade wire. As the wire is buried in the ground the heavier the wire the more durable and less likely the cable is to be damaged.

Professional Installation

Both Freedom Fence and Dog Fence offer professional installation, however, there is a difference to the level of service offered by each Company due to the employment status of the staff.

  • Dog Fence staff – all trained and employed by Dog Fence – every installer has fully equipped van inc cable burial trencher and wire detection system. – All staff IACP approved.
  • Dog Fence also have a dedicated cat fence team – www.catfence.co.uk as the training for cats is very different to dogs.
  • Freedom Fence Staff – trained by Freedom fence but working on a sub-contract basis – not full time employment. Only some installers have trenching equipment.

New Technology comes to Dog Fence

From November 2018 Dog Fence will be the first UK Company to offer a two-way communication on a containment system. Our new smart fence will feed information back to a base station via an app. You will be able to monitor your dog’s movements as well as the technical info for the system. Learn more here…. 

Containment fences have been used for over 40 years to keep dogs and cats safe. The owners of DogFence Ltd realized many years ago that there was a requirement for a complete all around service and pioneered the concept of full installation and training for dogs and cats. To learn more about our products and services call us for a quick no obligation quote or fill in our quote form. 03450 623623 https://dogfence.co.uk/quote/








dog proof fencing, electric dog fence, invisible dog fence, dogwatch hidden fence

Dog proof fencing – Does it really work?

Let’s talk about dog proof fencingDog proof fencing - Does it really work? DogFence

Dogs are a man’s best friend and we all want them to be part of the family, but trying to keep them contained and safe can be a tricky. Dog proof fencing is not only difficult to source but it can be expensive. According to the highways Agency, in 2016-2017 there were 286 reported incidents of dog deaths on UK roads. When it comes to installing a dog fence that is dog proof what are the options?

We have all spent hours searching online, gathering tips and ideas on how to install dog proof fencing. Often after hours of searching we can still be none the wiser. Lets examine the types of fencing and find those are truly dog proof!

Traditional fencing – is it dog proof?

Some properties have no physical forms of boundary so the idea of traditional fencing could be the only option. The more common form of dog proof fencing is post and rail.

Post & Rail

This is generally a costly option as it is installed by contractors who can charge upwards of £35/hr for labour and equipment and then there is the cost of the fencing itself which can be approximately £15/m. A customer recently spend £6000 for a 4 acre plot on this form of fencing and their dog was still escaping. Most fencing starts from around £30.00 per metre.

Post and rail fencing needs to be high enough to stop the dog leaping over it. German Shepherds, Weimarners and Pointers  can clear a 10ft fence in the blink of an eye. Then there are the diggers! Your dog may work on a tunnel over several days – so you may not be able to see it until it’s too late.

Having high fencing can look imposing and may block any views such as pretty countryside. Equally concreting netting into the ground is costly and unfriendly to small wildlife (in particular hedgehogs).


 If you have real leaper you may want to install Trellis on top of existing fencing. This will may depend on local planning restrictions.


 There are pro’s and cons to installing traditional fencing when it comes to wildlife.

  • Wildlife cannot may not be able to pass  from garden to garden
  • Wildlife can damage fencing when trying to gain access to a neighboring garden
  • Dog’s will use holes made by wildlife to escape
  • Expensive patching up fences due to damage.

Dog runs and cages

Dogs love to run around and get as much exercise as they possible. If you have a large garden you may not be able to see where they are. Runs and cages are an ideal a way to keep them contained in an area. By using a run or cage they can still have some outside time. Whilst most cages are dog proof they don’t give much opportunity for exercise. For some dogs such as Labradors, Lurchers and Jack Russells they thrive on running around. They need to be stimulated by chasing birds or rabbits. With a run or cage this will not be possible.

Dog runs are ideal as a temporary measure. This type of dog proof fencing costs in the region of £300 for a 7.5ft dog run and goes up to around £1500 for an outdoor kennel.

Points to consider

  • May be able to dig underneath
  • Must have a kennel or somewhere to shelter within the run
  • Do not offer much exercise opportunity
  • Expensive to purchase

An adult dog can be caged for as long as eight hours on occasion, although daily crating of this length can have negative effects on your dog’s well-being. Make sure that they received adequate exercise before a long stay in the crate. The exercise should be at least 30 to 60 minutes.

Dog proof fencing - Does it really work? DogFence

All tied up – or dog fence?

Most rural gardens are not dog proof. It can be tricky to monitor dogs all of the time in the garden. They pick up a scent of a rabbit or see a group of people walking across a field. Dogs are social and they naturally want to say hello. Taking your eye off them or not having complete control can result in dogs running into the road and getting injured. Notably dog attacks on sheep are rising and it is essential to keep dogs under control. It maybe that the dog ran out whilst chasing a rabbit and ended up with livestock. These are real day to day scenarios often encountered by rural dog owners.

Is tethering a solution?

According to the RSPCA tethering isn’t illegal but it does have advisories.

Dog proof fencing - Does it really work? DogFence

Tethering does not offer freedom

“Tethering up dogs is only suitable for a very short periods of time, as dogs left for longer may become distressed or potentially cause injury to themselves”. Dogs love freedom and tethering them up isn’t the best way to give them that freedom.

Rather surprisingly we would agree with the RSPCA on this point! We have often been asked to install a dog fence for an escaping dog. On arrival the dog is tethered and usually they are all tied up against the tether post.

  • Does not allow freedom
  • Can be distressful for the dog
  • Must have access to shelter

Dog Fence containment systems – are really these dog proof?

Interestingly here at Dogfence Ltd one of our most common questions is “what is a dog fence”? At DogFence Ltd we supply and install electronic dog proof fencing to keep your pets secure within a boundary. This keeps them safe from roads and away from the threat of a farmer’s gun. The cable is installed underground around an agreed boundary.  White flags are then placed around the perimeter so that the dogs have a visual aid during the training. A radio signal is run through the cable from a transmitter and sent to a small collar worn the the pet. The receiver collar omits a warning beep followed by an impulse when the dogs approach the boundary. Dog Fences are far more dog proof than a traditional fence. cannot jump over signal

  • Cannot dig under the signal
  • Can be installed on any terrain
  • Covers driveways and open areas (river banks, lakes and ditches)

This form of dog proof fencing is positive because it gives the dog their freedom. A Dog Fence gives you as a pet owner the peace of mind that the dog is safe. It has also been proven to show that it strengthens the relationship between owners and their pets. Below are a few other deciding factors:-

Points to consider

An electronic dog fence is affordable for most people. Although electronic fencing can be expensive, it is often significantly less than the cost of materials and installation for traditional fencing.

Electric fences give homeowners some flexibility. Electric fences (stock fences) should not be confused with electronic dog fences. Of course electric fences are still physical fences and if touched by a human or child will give a significant jolt. They are also aesthetically unpleasing as they are designed for agricultural and not domestic users. Electronic fences don’t interfere with surrounding views. In addition, an electronic fence can be installed more quickly than many traditional fencing options and are safe to both wildlife and humans. These fences are often referred to as “invisible fences”.

An Invisible dog fence is proven to be effective. Many dog owners choose this fence because other alternatives have failed to keep their dog within the boundary. The dog either climbs over or digs under a traditional fence. In most cases, dogs quickly learn to stay within the boundary line to avoid the warning signal and correction. They work silently 24/7 covering all areas of the property, even driveways and open areas.


Dog proof fencing - Does it really work? DogFence

Electronic dog fence – a fraction of the cost of traditional fencing.

There are many types of fencing and when it comes to choosing dog proof fencing this will depend on your budget. If you choose to go down the traditional route this will be a large investment but it may also enhance your properties value. Electronic fencing is most certainly the cheapest option. This type of fencing can be moved from one property to another making it the most effective method of dog proof fencing.

To obtain an estimate or learn more call us on 01628 476475.  https://dogfence.co.uk/quote/

stop dogs from escaping through driveway with dog fence

How to stop the dog escaping from the garden?

Ways to stop the dog escaping from the garden?

A common question that we hear from owners is how can I stop the dog escaping from the garden. Dogs will be dogs, some escape because they have a high prey drive or they are bored, sometimes it’s food driven. When considering dog proofing the garden there numerous options available. An escaping dog is not only dangerous but can be very stressful.

Traditional Fencing:

Close board or wooden fencing is a popular option for smaller properties. The cost of close board fencing starts from around £80.00 per meter installed but it depends on the property location and terrain. Stock fencing is a slightly more cost effective solution for some properties but may not be secure enough for small dogs and of course dogs will be dogs and they can dig and burrow under both close board or stock fences.  In general the weakest part of the property is the driveway. To dog proof a driveway can run into thousands depending on the type of gates chosen. If the dog is escaping onto a road then securing this area is a priority but will be costly and so a traditional fence may not be the best solution to stop the dog escaping from the garden

Radio dog fences

Radio dog fences have been available for over 40 years but many people still do not know that they exist. They are often referred to as invisible fences or a freedom fence. A radio dog fence is usually a much cheaper method to help prevent the dog escaping from the garden. The fence is more like a virtual fence – there is nothing to see and the fence can cover large areas or areas that would not easily be fenced by a traditional fence. A radio fence is a simple solution to stop the dog escaping and in monetary terms an inexpensive solution.

So what is a radio dog fence. In simple terms it is just a radio transmitter, a boundary wire that surrounds the boundary or the area to be “fenced” and an innovative computer collar which is worn by the pet. The transmitter sends a coded signal through the boundary wire and a “no go zone” is set when the pet enters the no go zone the computer collar activates and lets out a high pitched warning beep to alert the pet that they are in the wrong area. If the pet continues further info the zone the collar then gives out a small static shock (correction) which is set to the pets personality. With the assistance of some temporary training flags and training from the fence installer the pet quickly learns where the boundary is.

The great advantage of radio dog fence is that is covers all areas including the driveway so if someone leaves the gate open the pet cannot wander in the road. Also the radio signal is 360 degrees around the cable so dog or cat cannot climb over or dig under the signal. With the DogFence system the signal is also quicker than any other pet fence worldwide so that dog or cat cannot out run the fence.

Electric stock fencing:

Electric fencing or electric stock fencing can be used for pet containment but it is not advisable and the shock given out by an electric dog fence is 250 times higher than the output on a radio dog fence. Also with an electric fence if the pet gets stuck in the fence they will continue to be shocked until the fence stops or they are rescued but with a radio dog fence the fence shuts down after 15 seconds to ensure the pet is not over corrected. Of course an electric fence is not only more expensive but cannot cover gateways or driveways and if there are children or members of the public close by they are also affected by the electric fence.

Dog Runs

Dog runs are a great solution for keeping your dog within a confined area of the garden but these can be very costly and unsightly and of course will only give the dog a limited area to use. It is also advisable to install a dog kennel within the run so that dog has somewhere to go to if it is very hot or rainy. In some areas planning restrictions may apply and it is always advisable to check with our local council.

Other Solutions to stop the dog escaping maybe to try to train the dog to stay in the garden, for some breeds this maybe a workable solution but for those with a high prey drive or who have had a previous history of constantly escaping the drive to leave the property may be too great.


Here at DogFence Ltd we meet customers with different breeds and personalities but they all have one thing in common! they want a solution to the stop the dog escaping. Many have tried other forms of fencing and many are sceptical as to whether a radio dog fence will work. Our customers are our best advertisement (Customer Testimonials).

If you would like to learn more about our radio dog fences please call us on 03450 623623 or visit our web site www.dogfence.co.uk.