Cat Fence

dog proof the garden to stop dog digging

Ways to Dog Proof Your Garden

Ways to Dog Proof Your Garden

Stop your dog from digging up the garden

Dogs love to dig. He’s not doing it to annoy you but it’s a natural instinct. The reasons dogs dig vary but it could be:

  • Boredom
  • Trying to escape
  • Hunting
  • Keeping warm/cool/dry
  • Anxiety

Dogs are social animals if they are bored, they may seek friendship outside of the garden. Your dog proof garden may not be quite so dog-proof! Firstly look at the reason he’s digging out. Is he hunting or going after livestock or is he bored? If he’s bored then adding in some toys and making sure he is not left alone for long periods should help solve the issue. If he’s digging out to hunt or chase livestock then looking at your fencing is the way forward.

  • Consider lifting the height of the existing fence
  • Adding concrete around the bottom of the fence
  • Installing an electronic dog fence
  • Installing a dog door so that the dog can move freely between the garden and house. Plexidor is a great quality door.

 How can I dog proof of the flower beds

Obvioulsy, you don’t want to be putting up fences and barricades around the flower borders. If your dog is jumping, eating or even sleeping in the flower beds then the best dog proof solution is an electronic pet fence.  Our DogFence range has a number of systems that are suitable for both large and small areas. The beauty of the pet fence is that it is invisible and once installed will protect the flower borders 24/7. Why not have a look at our systems and see if this is a solution for you?

He’s chasing the local wildlife and next doors sheep

In this situation creating a safe and secure outdoor area is essential. Sadly livestock attacks have been on the increase over the last few years. Farmers, quite rightly need to protect their livestock and livestock have welfare rights as well. Securing your garden equates to responsible dog ownership. In rural areas you may be able to install Deer Fencing which can be effective but very costly. Another alternative is a dog run or kennel but of course, this restricts the dog and can add to boredom and anxiety issues. Again, the most effective method both in monetary and effectiveness is the electronic dog fence. The dog fence will cover the driveways so if a gate is left open the dog is contained and can be run over any terrain. It’s also incredibly cost-effective compared to kennels and stock fences!

DogFence have been keeping dogs and cats safe for nearly 20 years using the electronic dog fence. Our Professional Installation team have trained tens of thousands of pets and we wer invited to meet and consult with DEFRA in 2018 to demonstrate our products and service.

Schedule your FREE  estimate today to learn how dog proof fencing solutions can give your pet freedom and you peace of mind.

By: DogFence Ltd on 23-10-2019

Tags: Outdoor Solutions


Black cat laying on sofa wearing cat fence collar

Cat Fence – how a cat fence saved my cat!

Cat Fence Saved my Cats Life!

I wanted to take a moment to tell you all about how a Cat Fence saved our cat’s (Figaro’s) life. You may have heard them called containment fences or even electric cat fences.

Without our Cat Fence I really fear that Figaro would not be with us anymore and I would not be able to tell you all his tail.

Figaro came to us when he was 6 years old we rescued him from a local cat shelter. The whole family fell in love the second we met him. He was so handsome; his glossy black fur and bright shiny eyes. I couldn’t believe my whiskers when the lady at the cat shelter told us Figaro had been tricky to re home due to the colour of his fur. Would you believe that black cats aren’t as popular because they don’t look as good in ‘selfies’? At this point in time we all felt that our garden was safe and had not even considered a containment fence or cat fencing.

Figaro settled into his new home nicely. We kept him inside for a week or so but he was so inquisitive about the outside world. I couldn’t keep him indoors any longer. Figaro had missed his freedom being in the cat shelter and I couldn’t wait to let him explore the garden.

Cat Fence - how a cat fence saved my cat! DogFence

Figaro helping with the DIY!

At first he stayed within the garden and loved lazing in the bushes and hunting mice. Over the next few weeks Figaro began to explore further afield. At first it was the neighbour’s garden, then a visit to the tabby cat down the road. His adventures grew longer and longer but he always bought himself home in time for dinner. We never knew quite how far he went but he always returned.

That dreaded moment when the cat did not come home!

Then it came that awful night he didn’t come home for his dinner. It was getting late and he still wasn’t home. I went into the garden and called him…nothing. I tried to tempt him with his favourite – Tuna! But still nothing. I decided to leave his cat flap open and went to bed, he would be home in the morning, I was sure.

Morning came and he wasn’t home. I searched everywhere for him. As the days went on I started to fear the worst. We lived a reasonable distance from a few busy roads and knew two families that had lost their fur babies in road traffic accidents. Trying to remain positive I decided to visit as many neighbouring houses as I could to ask if they had seen him.

There had been no sightings. One of my neighbours (who had previously lost several cats to the road) told me about this amazing device called a

A small lightweight collar that the cat wears and a wire installed around the garden. The cat is trained to know how the collar works and receives a warning beep followed by a small static impulse to stop them from straying outside of the garden. She let me feel the collar as I had visions of my cat leaping out it’s skin for it’s life. I have to admit that I was skeptical as to how it would work because when I felt the sensation it was very small and not at all how I imagined.

My neighbour told me it’s the only way she’s been able to have a cat again after the devastating losses of her other cats. It enables her cat to explore its natural environment but keeps them safe at the same time and gives you piece of mind – How amazing!

I walked home furious with myself that I hadn’t discovered Cat Fence before. If I had just known about it, Figaro would still be at home safe in his garden. I brushed a tear away as I reached my front door. How could I have let this happen? I was probably never going to see my beautiful boy again.

Several days went passed and I resigned myself that he was gone. It was the not knowing that hurt the most, had been injured, killed or had he just found a new family. I hope it was the latter.

The day I decided to research Containment Fences.

One wonderful day after turning the key in front door and letting myself in I heard his little meow.  He came straight over brushing against my leg and purring. Actually he looked fine, a little thinner and obviously relieved to be home. We had had a lucky escape and I vowed not to let it happen again. I went straight around to my neighbour and got the details for the cat fence Company. Within an hour I had booked for our new Cat Fence to be installed.

The installer was excellent and explained all about the cat fence to me. He did some indoor training with myself and Figaro which allows Figaro to learn about the “no go zone” before using it in the garden. After 20 minutes Figaro knew what the beep meant and he was no longer entering the “no go Zone”. We had to keep indoors for a few days to ensure that he really knew how the cat fence worked.

The gentleman explained that cats are very intelligent and pick things up quickly and that I would need to use Flags in my garden for the first few weeks to mark out the “no go zone” but could take them out once he fully understood.

Cat Fence - how a cat fence saved my cat! DogFence

Cat in training.

It’s been 4 years now since our Cat Fence has been installed and I am able to relax Knowing that Figaro will always be home for dinner. As I type this I can see him out of the window, happily hunting the mice in the sun and enjoying his freedom whilst being safely contained in his haven.

Thank You Cat Fence!

containment fence lets dog run free in field

Dog fences are NOT banned!

Dog fences & Cat fences are not banned!

After the government bought containment fences to a public consultation, it was decided that Dog fences are NOT banned. This landmark decision also has had a positive impact for all you cat lovers – Cat fences are not banned either! Considering the statistics of cats that are injured and killed on the UK’s roads each year this is fantastic decision. Farmers are also relieved that dog fences (aka containment fences) are exempt from the proposed e-collar ban. In the last few years dog attacks on livestock have risen dramatically.

So what is a Dog fence?

A dog fence is an invisible fence that will give your pets freedom in your garden. As pet owners, it gives you peace-of-mind knowing your pet is not escaping, chasing livestock or getting onto the roads. It works silently, invisibly 24/7 covering all boundaries including driveways and open areas. Dog fences have been around for over 40 years. Sadly the modern systems are often maligned without people really understanding how they work.

How do Containment fences work?

Dog fences are NOT banned! DogFence

Typical boundary wire layout for dog fence

A central control box is connected to a boundary wire that usually runs around the perimeter of the property. The control box sends a coded radio signal through the boundary wire that has been laid around the property. The size of the signal emitted by the control box can be enlarged or reduced according to the customers’ requirements.

The collar that your pet wears, houses a tiny FM receiver.  As the pet moves towards the signal the collar emits an audible signal to indicate to stop. If the pet continues towards the wire the collar gives a small “corrective impulse” set to the pet’s individual requirements. To some this idea is unthinkable but the impulse is akin to a static shock that you might get if you touch a door knob. When considering a cat fences the containment fences are the only option for giving cats complete freedom and safety in one package.

Why is it so important that Containment fences are not Banned?

With Dog’s & Cats accounting for 16% of reported animal deaths on major roads in the UK over the past 24 months, it is more important than ever to keep your pets safe at home. With over 80% of the people surveyed admitting that they would swerve to avoid hitting a Dog, the question would then be – By swerving what others accidents could this cause? Nobody wants to see Dogs killed on our roads and this is why the message of “Dog fences are not banned” is critical.

And its not just the roads which will be a safer place – Farmers around the UK are also celebrating. Dogs form a critical function on the farms, including companionship, protection and the herding of animals. Just as important though – properties that border the farms with livestock generally use these containment fences to stop the dogs entering the fields and attacking the livestock.

Containment fences are NOT banned! Why Not?

The Consultation lasted 6 weeks ending in April’18 and it was clear that banning containment fences would be a mistake. The public spoke and Over 64% of all the responses received were in favour of retaining Containment fences. The study by Lincoln University which was published in 2016 gave cat fences a positive thumbs up.

In a letter from DEFRA dated February’18 (Before the announcement of the consultation) it was stated:

The evidence from the studies was not strong enough to support a ban on the devices under the Animal Welfare Act 2006. The claim that electronic training aids may be no more effective than other training methods is not in itself a reason to introduce a ban or to impose restrictions on their use. Having said that, our advice is that electronic training aids should only be used as a last resort and on the recommendation of a professional such as a vet, a suitably qualified dog behaviourist, or a dog trainer, and should only be used by competent operators.”

If nothing else the consultation into the use of containment fences has proved that they are a valuable and effective system. Thankfully thousands of owners submitted stories of how the dog fence or cat fence had saved their pets life. It goes without saying that these positive stories were instrumental in assisting the Government to exempt dog fences.

Changes to dog fence legislation

The Government has announced that they will implement new regulations into the installation of dog fences. These regulations will be to  ensure that dog fences and cat fences are correctly installed and that the owners are given the correct training for their pets. DEFRA consulted with DogFence Ltd as our Company pioneered the full installation and training service to the UK. Since 2003 DogFence Ltd have been offering full installation with training for their pets to the dog fence or cat fence systems.

Dog fences are NOT banned! DogFence

Dog in training

Where can I find out more about Dog fences?

DogFence Ltd are the UK leading installers of containment fences offering full installation and training for your pets. If you would like more information about the system and the costs call us on (01628) 476475 or click here. 

Electric dog fences will give keep dogs free to run

Are electric dog fences legal?

Are electric dog fences legal?

So you’ve read the recent media reports and are confused about whether electric dog fences are legal. If you are concerned about your pet’s safety and want to use an electric dog fence read on …..

Are electric dog fences legal? DogFence






The good news is if you are considering installing an electric dog fence they are completely Legal to use in England. Our dogs and cats can have their freedom and safety!

In March 2018 the Government launched a consultation into the use of all electronic dog and cat collars.  Over a 6 week consultation period 7000+ people responded. Interestingly, the majority of people (64%) were opposed to a ban. The Government looked at the evidence and the  research for both the hand held units (aka remote training collars) and containment fences (aka electric dog fences). In August the Government announced that they would not ban invisible dog fence systems. They went on to state that these fence systems offer safety to pets.

Are there any regulations for installing a electric dog fence?

After considering the evidence the Government noted that in the interests of pet welfare containment fences must be Professionally installed. They . From Autumn 2018 all containment fences will have to be professionally installed with onsite training for the cat or dog.

What do I get with Professional Installation?

So what does Professional Installation give the customer? Firstly extensive knowledge as well as advise and a good standard of product. Companies that offer full installation will have correctly trained their operatives. The operatives will be trained to  know where to place the wire and how to correctly train the pet. These Companies will have also researched the best products in terms of durability and safety. If a product is constantly breaking down due to poor quality of wire or hardware it will leave the pet vulnerable.

When installing an electric dog fence correct placement of the cable is crucial. Ideally the cable will be buried to avoid damage. In situations where burial is not possible the Installer will find a safe position above the ground.  The product sold should have in-built safety features to protect the pet. This will include automatic shutdowns, a low battery warning and a good long battery life.  It is important to consider that if the battery runs out the pet could run out! When installing the cable advice should be given on areas to avoid and where possible the cable should follow natural boundaries.

Once the fence has been installed the Professional should train the cat or the dog for the owner. Ongoing  guidance and support should be part of the service.  A reputable Installation Company should keep records of the pets individual requirements and offer a follow up service for the future.

How do I know if I am getting a Professional Installation?

Companies that offer full installation will have a proven track record  so it will be easy to ask for references and check reviews. They should also offer installation using the trenching equipment and post installation service. Using a one man band or sub-contractor may not meet the Professional Installation regulations require. Due to the high cost of the installation equipment it is unlikely that these individuals will have access to correct installation tools and are most likely not trained. Furthermore a reputable installation Company will usually offer a good guarantee regarding their product and service.

Intrigued and want to learn more? call us on:  03450 623 623 or email us on: today.




wireless dog fence creates a circle of signal around the boundary.

Wireless dog fence – the truth – do they work?

Wireless dog fence – is this an easier solution?

What’s the buzz about a wireless dog fence? When considering installing an electronic dog fence one of the factors will be “do I need to install a boundary wire? A wireless dog fence seems like an easy solution. No boundary wire to dig in, just plug in and go! For over 40 years  the electronic dog fence has been used to keep pets  safe. Traditionally this  involved digging or installing a circuit of boundary wire to keep the cat or dog contained. The idea of simply plugging in and going seems so much easier so why are these fences not more popular?

The wireless dog fence involves installing the transmitter into centre of the property.  From central transmitter a circular signal creates the no go zone around the garden. Sounds simple enough, however, the downside is that property owner needs to consider several major facts when looking into wireless dog fencing.

Considerations re installing a wireless dog fence

Wireless dog fence - the truth - do they work? DogFence

The wireless fence works be creating a circular zone around the boundary.

  • A Wireless dog fence may not suitable for narrow properties – the property needs to be 30ft wide min.
  • Terrain challenges: The lay of the land may not be suitable. A wireless dog fence is not ideal for sloping or terraced gardens.
  • Heavily wooded areas can interrupt the signal. Similarly metal objects and fencing can grossly effected the signal leading to dead spots. This happens with all AM electronic dog fences.
  • A wireless dog fence collar cannot be worn indoors as is prone to activation from objects within the house – TV’s and dimmer switches as well as other household appliances.
  • Fence wobble – the boundary with a wireless dog fence fluctuates so the dog boundary will change causing confusion/danger to the dog .With some systems the Wireless Fence wobble can be up to 16ft.
  • A wireless fence cannot be used with houses that have a mobile phone signal booster or smart meter.
  • The Wireless dog fence receiver collar is heavy and bulky and not really suitable for small dogs or cats.
  • Does not give adequate warning if the pet enters the zone.

The wireless fence does work for some owners.  It would be fair to say that this product is probably more suitable to US houses where the house is on an open plan flat plot. For UK households most gardens are already fenced and the wireless dog fence is a backup. With US houses the wireless fence may be the only containment parameter. If the zone does not cover every inch of the property it is not quite so crucial. With a UK garden if the owner has a fence running around the boundary and the installs an interior circular zone this is confusing for the dog.

Also if the owner is prepared to remove the computer collar when the dog enters the house this would make the wireless fence a good option.

Most owners will agree that boundary wobble is unfair for the pet the if the wireless dog fence is being added as a secondary fence it may not be quite such an important issue.

Advantages of a wireless dog fence

  • Quick and easy to install.
  • No boundary wire to lay – so cable cannot be damaged.

What about wired systems?

Wireless dog fence - the truth - do they work? DogFence

The wired fence can be used to cover irregular boundaries even on undulating terrain and can create inner loops to cover pools or play areas.

The advantage that a wired dog fence has over the wireless fence is that it can be used for any shape of property, on any terrain. Also the FM systems* guarantee no false activation on the pets collar both internally and externally so the collar can be worn both inside and outside. Different technology within the wired fences enables the   size and weight of the collars  to be far smaller and lighter. Collars used for wireless dog fences are heavier and bulkier due to the antenna and batteries.

*Dog Fence UK are the only electronic dog fences worldwide to us an FM signal.

  • A wired dog fence can be installed on any terrain and can cover irregular shaped or undulating boundaries.
  • If an FM system is used there is guaranteed no false activation on the collar.
  • Boundary is consistent – no mixed message for the dog.
  • Can cover a larger area – up to 6km of boundary wire (350 acres).
  • Collars are smaller and lighter (suitable for all breeds and cats).
  • Always gives an audible warning.

Disadvantages of a wired dog fence

  • Boundary wire can be broken, therefore, burial of wire is advisable
  • Installation will take longer
  • Not as easy to move from house to house.

October 2018 Update

Since this blog was originally written the criteria for the installation of both wired dog fences and wireless dog fences has changed in the UK. New Government legislation to be introduced shortly requires that all electronic dog fences need to be professionally installed with training. We are currently waiting for the Governments position regarding wireless dog fences.

Both wireless dog fences and wired systems will contain most pets but it is worth researching before purchasing to avoid making a costly mistake. The training time for both wired and wireless dog fences should be the same and this will be dependent on the size of the area, age and breed of dog.

Should you wish to talk to one of our experts regarding an electronic dog fence installation please call us on 03450 623 623 or email us @

Articles of Interest?

Dog Fences are NOT banned


cat laying in the road not contained by dog fence

How to keep your cat safe outdoors

A new solution to keep  your cat safe outdoors

Cat are naturally active and love to do their own thing.  I’s a continual concern for owners as to how to keep their cats safe outdoors, particularly when they have unlimited access to the big wide world.  Unfortunately their tendency to wander leads to around 300,000 cat deaths on UK roads every year, a staggering number considering how much we take care of them when they are at home.

On top of the danger posed by roads, an outdoor cat also faces potential run-ins with other animals on neighbouring properties, dogs walking off the lead nearby, or bigger cats protecting their territory.

A cat’s natural prey drive will also drive them to explore further afield into tempting wildlife rich areas, such as woods or local parks.  Not only does this pose a problem to preserving local wildlife, but can also cause your kitty to take unnecessary risks dashing across busy roads to catch prey, or getting stuck in buildings or trees as they hunt.

How to keep your cat safe outdoors DogFence

Enjoying the garden.


As a concerned cat owner, there are a couple of ways that you can keep your cat safe and sound. One solution is to set up a wire fencing system around your garden that is angled to stop your cat being able to escape.  However these are generally costly, can ruin the look of your garden and be an eye-sore to your neighbours.  Cats are also notorious escape artists and have been known to climb these fences to reach overhanging branches to make their getaway.

The other option is to try a CatFence, an invisible barrier system that trains your cat not to stray over a safe boundary you create.  Providing a stress free and safe environment for your kitty. A CatFence is revolutionary system to keep cats safe outdoors. The fence was trialed by Feline Friends a charity in Derbyshire.

This unobtrusive barrier is a hidden fence consisting of a central control box that transmits a coded FM radio signal through a boundary wire that has been laid around the property. To train your cat not to stray over this set boundary, they wear a computer collar that houses a tiny FM receiver.  As your cat moves towards the signal the collar emits an audible signal to indicate they should stop and turn back. If the cat continues towards the wire the collar gives a small “corrective shock” set to you cat’s individual requirements.

After completing the training cats quickly learn to understand the warning beep, and will immediately turn back into the allowed zone, thus avoiding correction.

Advantages of a CatFence system

A safe and simple training programme to keep your cat safe outdoors

As any cat owner will know, your cat is the king of its domain and will not do anything that it does not want to.   This is why the CatFence system uses a form of training specifically designed for the needs of your cat.

Our  training  accounts for each cat’s natural personality, curiosity, and movement and starts in the home, where the cat is most comfortable.   When your cat is ready, we take training outside to allow your feline friend to learn where it can and cannot go.

You set the safe boundary

You are in control of where you set the CatFence boundary to allow your cat to wander through your garden without a care, whilst keeping them clear of any potential dangers such as poisonous plants, neighbouring properties and busy roads.  When setting the boundary you can also protect areas of your property from your pet such as a fish filled pond.

Tackle in house worries

There is the possibility that you live on a street without feline dangers, but you have a home sized scratching post. Cats need to scratch to get rid of dead cells on their claws, as well as to help them stretch out their bodies and paws. Unfortunately for you, your cat may not always use the expensive scratching post that you bought, choosing instead your furniture, carpets or curtains. If this is the case then your cat’s collar works with the special indoor system that allows you to cordon off parts of your home keeping rooms and furniture out of bounds.  It can be set on almost any surface and can stuck to door frame if you want to section off a whole room from a feline fiend.

Let your cat know there is always safety at home. The CatFence containment system is the perfect way to ensure that your cat stays happy and healthy whilst still enjoying a life outdoors. If you have any concerns about how to keep your cat safe outdoors, due to busy roads or other potential threat, please call us for a quote on 01628 476475.
