Keeping Dogs Safe

dog fence ideas - dog with question mark

Dog Fencing Ideas, How To Decide

Hi, there whilst you are researching for dog fencing ideas you will see there are many different types of dog fencing from standard fencing to electronic or even invisible fencing options.

Why Do You Need A Fence?

Most pet owners, at some point, have an issue with a dog that likes to take themselves for a walk; loves to jump the back fence (even if its 6ft tall) or is a serial digger, who can move soil like you’ve never seen before. A dog will quite happy at escape in search of things to chase, other people meet or jump up, pets to socialise with or simply because they feel its time for a walk.

Not all people like dogs, they could be frightened of a dog who is roaming without its owner.  As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to ensure not only the safety of your dog but the risk an escaped dog poses to others. This is not to say that your pet is vicious and will attack. Most likely too friendly and may knock someone over or has no road sense and causes an accident.

The Positives of Fencing:

  • Your pet is safe from harm.
  • Other people are safe from your pet.
  • No paying the dog warden to get your pet back which are over £50 a time can mount up, especially if you have a frequent escape artist.
  • Unexpected vet bills, will not be due to injury or poisoning or worse being shot by a farmer.
  • No unexpected puppies, if your dog has not been spayed or neutered.
  • You don’t end up having to pay for other vet bills for another injured animal.
  • Peace of mind that your pet cannot escape.
  • Your dog will not cause an accident (accidents caused by dogs are on the increase)

Dog Fencing Idea’s

Wooden Panel Dog Fencing Ideas

What height do you need 3ft, 4ft, 6ft – wooden panel fencing may well look like it provides a secure area but other than the fence posts, the panels sit above the ground. The enables a dog to dig their way out under a wooden fence. Or perhaps your pet is energetic, can jump high – is a 6ft fence going to hold them back? Maybe you have a 3ft fence and are considering a higher one? What will this do for a dog that can jump? The answer is simple, it will only teach them to jump higher and higher. It’s better to start high so you do not have to foot the bill to replace fencing panels trying to retain your pet.

You may also need to place obstacles to deter jumping or plant bushes, or you can pay out even more money for an angled roof section which slopes inwards at the top of your fence. To maintain a wooden fence costs money and effort; wood treatment to stop rotting or repairs from weather damage.

This option can be quite costly to you and you cannot leave your dog unattended in a fenced garden.

Wire Mesh Dog Fencing Ideas

One word – Barking – caused by barrier frustration that your dog can see others and is either guarding or demanding their attention as they pass by. Of course, a dog left out all day can boredom bark and a wire mesh fence allows for others who cannot stand the barking to an opportunity to be able to tease, release, injure or even poison your pet, yes this does happen!

Dogs do bark when they hear things, but more so when they can also see but feel enclosed they try to alert their owner to someone else’s visual presence. It can also cause fence running due to frustration. To combat this you would not be able to leave your dog unattended in a fenced garden.

Chaining Your Dog Up

This is a recipe for aggression and a lack of exercise for your pet. Unable to seek shelter from weather unless you invest in the cost of building a shelter for them. I guess the question you need to ask if you are even thinking of this is would you like to be chained up for long periods of time? This is not really a freedom fence or a fair form of containment.

chaining up a dog is not a good dog fencing idea

Chaining a dog can lead to stress and aggression.

Wireless Dog Fencing Ideas

And so we have the solution……the inescapable fence – or is it?

Well, the answer depends on what type of wireless fence system you go for:

The AM Frequency Wireless Dog Fence:

  • Many household appliances including televisions, WiFi, computer monitors, light dimmers, motors, etc emit a noise-based signal that AM receivers “hear” and incorrectly acknowledge as their own signal, triggering an unwanted response.
  • AM receivers can be confused and accidentally trigger as the receiver assumes the signal is correct.
  • AM systems use two signals, to try to alleviate the problem, but this slows the reaction time down.  On both the start-up and shut off time on the receiver.  This is why dogs and cats can “outrun” the signal on AM systems.  The pet also continues to be corrected with shocks from their collar, when outside the fencing zone.
  • The AM signal is usually pulsed using an on/off the transmission, however, when in the off state is where interference with other AM signals can occur causing the receiver to miss the total signal.
  • False activation can happen because AM receivers do not ignore all noise-based signals.
  • Pets are able to run through an AM signal and then most AM systems continue to shock your pet over and over once outside the boundary.

The FM Frequency Legal Wireless Dog Fence:

    • A safer and quicker than AM and ignores AM signals
    • A secure digital signal, which ensures no interference is received.
    • FM receivers only hear their own transmission so no false activation occurs especially where patented Safelink technology is used.
    • The FM transmission is a fast signal and more energy efficient.
    • FM signals can work in electrical noise environments.
    • Transmitters can be used near or against electrical appliances.
    • The output power remains constant.
    • Wireless dog fences transmitters can be attached to metal or stock fencing, without signal loss.
    • The FM signal eliminates the risk of false correction and necessary shocks to your pet.
    • The FM frequency hidden dog fence provides an uncrossable barrier for your pet.
    • The shock collar has a safety cut-off, this ensures there is no continuous shocks delivery, in the unlikely event of a boundary breach.
    • Costs a fraction of the price of alternative fencing ideas.

To conclude the best dog fencing idea if you want to ensure your pet cannot escape into harm’s way is to opt for an FM frequency wireless fence. Dog Fence has provided this system to tens of thousands of pet owners throughout the UK. If you are serious about keeping your pet safe and happy with the freedom of an invisible fence take the time to have a conversation with the team at Dog Fence by getting in touch today. Call us on 03450 623623 or email to One of our team would be happy to talk to you about your dog fencing ideas and requirements.

three poodle cross breeds wearing electric dog fences collars

Electric dog fences – Weighing up the pros and cons

Electric Dog Fences: Pros and Cons

Electric dog fences are both a safe and affordable solution to keep your dog safe at home whilst allowing them the freedom to roam and play within your properties boundary. In recent years due to their flexibility and effectiveness electric dog fencing has become increasingly popular for cats as well.

It goes without saying that electric dog fencing is not for everyone. It’s important to fully understand how the fences work and weigh up the pros and cons between electric dog fencing and traditional fencing.

How do electric dog fences work?

There are two types of electric dog fences, wired and wireless. The most popular and effective are wired systems.

Wired Fences

The fence consists of a transmitter box, a boundary wire and a small computer collar which is worn by the dog or cat.

The transmitter box is installed on-site and the boundary wire is connected to the transmitter box. The is buried around the perimeter of the property and wire carries the harmless low-level radio signal around the boundary.  The pet wears a computer collar that emits a warning beep followed by a mild stimulation (similar to a carpet shock) when he gets too close to the designated area. The no go area for the electric dog fence is marked with some temporary training flags to assist the pet with a visual. The dog fence Installer trains the pet to understand the avoidance area.

Wireless Fences

With the wireless dog fence, there is no boundary wire. The transmitter is located centrally around the area to be fenced. The transmitter sends out a circle of signal from the base station. Unfortunately, wireless dog fences are prone to false activation and are only effective for flat properties with no obstructions for the signal.

When it comes to the electric dog fence there are two types — wireless and in-ground. Even though they work in different ways, both systems consist of some sort of base unit that creates a hidden boundary around whatever area you want to contain your dog in. Read more about wireless dog fences here.


  • Price – an electric dog fence is far cheaper than a traditional fence and gate.
  • Dogs and cats can be allowed to roam freely – not kenneled or caged and exhibit natural behaviour.
  • Dog or cat cannot jump over or under and the signal is 360 degrees.
  • The driveway is protected so no worries about an open gate or slow electric gates.
  • Can be installed on terrains that are not suitable for traditional fencing. Can be used through streams, along towpaths, woodland, steep slopes and areas with planning restrictions.
  • Quicker to install than a traditional fence. Up to 10 acres installed in 1 day.
  • Electric dog fencing does not restrict views.
  • Can be used to keep pets out of areas – pools, play areas, flower beds.
  • Easier to maintain than a traditional fence.
  • Can be moved from house to house.
  • Electric dog Fence collar also works indoors to keep pets out of rooms or off furniture.


  • Does not keep other dogs, cats or wildlife out of your garden.
  • Not recommended for aggressive dogs as with wireless or electric dog fencing there is no physical barrier.
  • Batteries in the dog’s collar must be changed every 3, 6 or 24 months (reputable Companies should offer an automatic renewal program).
  • If the power goes down the electric dog fence can go down – look for a system with a battery backup.
  • Not suitable for dogs in whelp or very old dogs.
  • Customer must assist with training so can take dogs up to 10 days to fully learn the fence.
  • Must make contractors aware of buried boundary wire if digging or landscaping to avoid damage.

Electric dog fences have been available in one form or another for over 40 years. Recent advances in technology have now brought these fences to another level and items listed in the “cons” list are now easily avoided with the higher specification systems.

The latest electric dog fences

In 2018 DogFence launched their new enabled fence. This new generation of electrical dog fencing gives the owner real-time information and notifications regarding the status of their system. The fence offers a new 2-way communication between the electric dog fence collar and the base station through an app.

Take a peek at our video which explains all the amazing features in the Smart Fence here.

  • Sends out an email alert for a wire break

    a new generation of electric dog fencing - smart fence uses 2 communication via wifi. Consists of a collar, portable and transmitter.

    The new Smart Fence

  • Sends out an email alert of a challenge to the fence by the pet
  • Send out an email alert regarding the battery level.
  • Activity tracker for each pet through the app.

These email alerts are also sent out to the DogFence office so we can contact the customer to book a service visit or arrange a replacement battery.

If you would like to know more about our Smart Fence or our other fences please contact us on 01628 476475 or email

dog fence most reliable hidden fence worldwide

So what’s the difference between a freedom fence and a dog fence?

So you’ve done a bit of googling and come across a few options for  keeping your dog at home. An electronic dog fence, freedom fence or a containment fence. So where do you start.

How do you know what the differences are if you don’t know how a freedom fence works?

How does a freedom fence work?

Well, they are all derived from the same principle. A radio transmitter is installed on the owners property and connected to a boundary wire that carries a radio signal. The signal has to start and finish at the transmitter.

The pet wears a radio receiver which is programmed to pick up the radio signal. When the pet enters the signal area (“no go zone”) the receiver collar emits a warning beep, followed by a static impulse (static shock). With some training the pet quickly learns where the no go area is and stays within the boundary.

dog fence training flags

Visible boundary for the pet with flags.

The boundary should always be marked with training flags when the dog is in the training phase to give the dog a visual for the “no go zone”.

What are the differences between Freedom Fences and Dog Fences?

Answer: Technology & Speed

A Freedom Fence is actually a product called PetSafe Professional; it uses a technology which is over 25 years old. All PetSafe systems use a digital AM radio frequency.

Why is an old technology an issue? In simple terms the system will work but it could do better! Dogs can cats are precious to owners and most want to ensure that they are using the latest and safest products available.

Why is an AM fence inferior?

The issue with the AM frequency is it is prone to false activation (house electronics other than the freedom fence system can activate the pet’s collar when they are not in the “no go area”).

This is confusing for the pet as consistency is the key when it comes to electronic pet containment. In order to reduce the chances of a false activation the Freedom Fence collar checks for 2 x signals. Naturally, this slows the reaction time down on the collar.

dog fence is faster than freedom fence - dachshund running

Catch that pigeon!

The Dog Fence system is another name for a DogWatch Hidden Fence. It uses a newer digital FM signal (DAB). The FM signal is more secure and cannot be activated by any other signal.

It goes without saying that this guarantees the safety of the pet.

The dog fence system only checks for one x signal. This makes the collar reaction time quicker – 15 times quicker! So when your dog is chasing a squirrel the dog fence is 15 times quicker at stopping him than the freedom fence system.

What does reaction time mean?

The reaction time is crucial for both the start up and shut down on the collar. For example if your dog was running at 10 mph with the Dog Fence system he would only get 0.125ft into the zone before the collar has activated. Whereas if the dog was wearing a freedom fence collar he could potentially go 7ft into the zone before activation.

Conversely, if the dog makes the right decision and retreats back into the garden the shut down on the collar is virtually instant (less than a second) for the Dog Fence whereas it will be between 2 – 5 seconds for the freedom fence collar.

This is called response hang on time. It is important that the dog is not “corrected” when they are in the safe zone – the safe zone should be safe. This could be the difference between the dog staying in or running out.

Quality & Warranty

Originally the Freedom systems were manufactured in the USA but approx 10 years ago the PetSafe manufacturing was moved to China. The Freedom Fence is supplied with a Limited Lifetime Warranty and does not include the following malfunctions:

  • Lightning strikes/electrical surges – Transmitter not warranted if lightning or power surge damage the transmitter.
  • Dog chews – if the pet chews the receiver this is not covered by the warranty.
  • Accidental damage – if the dog damages the receiver this is not covered by the warranty.
  • Limited life warranty – 3 years.

All the Dog Fence systems are thoroughly tested before leaving the DogWatch HQ in Boston. Each unit is individually tested and receives a unique identification number. This ensures quality and consistency. People of often suprised to learn that the following items are all covered under the Dog Fence warranty;

dog chew on dog fence receiver collar

Covered by Dog Fence Warranty

  • Lightning strikes & surges (surge box supplied as standard) – transmitter is fully covered even with the surge fitted – repair or replacement sent.
  • Dog chews – if the pet chews the receiver this is covered under the warranty – repair or replacement sent.
  • Accidental damage – because dogs will be dogs so we expect our receivers to be tough and durable – repair or replacement sent.
  • Lifetime warranty

Battery Life

The freedom fence collars use 2 x 3.0 volt batteries which last approx 3 – 4 months in the collar.

The Dog Fence system collars offer a choice of 2 x collars.

  • Mini Collar – 1 x 3.0 volt battery every 6 months
  • Standard Collar – 1 x 3.6 volt battery every 18 – 24 months.

Receiver Collar Size and Weight

cat in bird bath wearing dog fence collar

Lazing on a sunny afternoon

If you have a very small dog or a cat then the Dog Fence system cannot be beaten on either weight or size. Our mini receiver collars are the smallest available worldwide and weigh in at only 30g even with the battery fitted. Our standard collar weighs in at only 48g which compares to 54g on the Freedom Fence model.

Boundary Wire

The boundary wire is important with all containment fences as this is the part that conducts the radio signal. The quality of your boundary wire will depend on which PetSafe system you purchase.

As a general rule the Freedom Fence systems are supplied with a 1.5mm wire. The dog fence systems offer 2 grades of wire either 2.5mm as the heavy grade or 4mm as the premium grade wire. As the wire is buried in the ground the heavier the wire the more durable and less likely the cable is to be damaged.

Professional Installation

Both Freedom Fence and Dog Fence offer professional installation, however, there is a difference to the level of service offered by each Company due to the employment status of the staff.

  • Dog Fence staff – all trained and employed by Dog Fence – every installer has fully equipped van inc cable burial trencher and wire detection system. – All staff IACP approved.
  • Dog Fence also have a dedicated cat fence team – as the training for cats is very different to dogs.
  • Freedom Fence Staff – trained by Freedom fence but working on a sub-contract basis – not full time employment. Only some installers have trenching equipment.

New Technology comes to Dog Fence

From November 2018 Dog Fence will be the first UK Company to offer a two-way communication on a containment system. Our new smart fence will feed information back to a base station via an app. You will be able to monitor your dog’s movements as well as the technical info for the system. Learn more here…. 

Containment fences have been used for over 40 years to keep dogs and cats safe. The owners of DogFence Ltd realized many years ago that there was a requirement for a complete all around service and pioneered the concept of full installation and training for dogs and cats. To learn more about our products and services call us for a quick no obligation quote or fill in our quote form. 03450 623623








dog wearing an old invisible dog fence collar

Freedom fence, Invisible Fence, What are they?

What is a freedom fence or  Invisible fence?

So what is a freedom dog fence? it’s actually is a generic name for an electronic dog fence. Very similar to a “hoover”, a freedom fence, invisible fence or DogFence are often used to describe the containment fences. These dog fences were first produced in the USA over 40 years ago.

The History of Invisible Fences

Electronic pet containment systems originated in the year 1973. The overall concept began due to humanitarian emotion from American Richard Peck. Peck was a salesman in Pennsylvania selling his company’s metal cutting and welding services.

Richard Peck original inventor of the freedom dog fence

Richard Peck with his original Patents

“I traveled the United States and everywhere I went, I literally saw hundreds of dogs that had been slaughtered by cars. They were all over the roadway,” Peck said years later. “I loved dogs and knew there had to be a way to stop this.”

The development of dog fences

In 1973, Peck partnered with an electronic engineer and patented the first electronic dog fence system. The collar was placed on a pet and received radio waves from a wire buried beneath the ground. The radio waves were transmitted through the wire from a transmitter protected inside the house. When the radio waves are received by the collar, it sends a brief uncomfortable static shock under the pet’s skin. The “shock” deters the pet from traveling farther into a designated zone. In todays’ world date the word “shock” should be replaced by stimulation as the impulse produced is incredibly low and incapable of inducing a state of shock.

Always concerned for dog safety, Peck worked with the University Of Pennsylvania School Of Veterinary Medicine. Together they conducted extensive research on the short-and long-term effects the new system would have on animals. The study proved it was extremely effective for influencing behavior of animals and keeping them contained in a specified area. Furthermore, the study proved that pets that were contained by a freedom dog fence had no long-term ill effects from the stimulation.

No boundary gardens

The late 1970s in the USA there was a rise in the popularity of housing estates forbidding traditional fencing. This made it almost impossible to have a large dog. Naturally with the new “invisible fence systems”  quickly became popular. Peck initially sold the systems through catalogs and direct mail. The growth of the company was very slow. There were only 50 systems sold the first year. The fences were promoted by two nationally distributed dog magazines, Dogs and Dog Fancy.

Peck retired in the early 1980s and sold his company to private entrepreneurs outside of Philadelphia. These entrepreneurs invested in product improvements and named the product “Invisible Fence.” The engineering staff began refining the technology of the existing product. The company began selling a compact, lighter version of the receiver collar that went from 13 ounces down to 3 ounces. Thus the market was opened so that smaller dogs and cats could utilize the Invisible Fence solution.

New Manufacturers enter the market

In 1990, the overall patent for the technology expired and other companies to began to appear. This led to the rise in other manufacturers, PetSafe, DogWatch, and Innotek. These Companies have produced their own version of the original invisible fence. The early systems were not available for self-installation and Freedom Fence Dealers were part of the PetSafe network that started offering installation across the USA.

The market went worldwide

Dog Fence, Invisible Fence and Freedom Fence dealers started to import the technology into Europe and Australia. These markets were mainly self-installation markets and over time some dealerships started to offer a limited installation service through agents and part-time sub-contractors.

In the UK there were 3 Companies offering Installation for freedom dog fences:

Invisible Fence

The original Invisible Fence UK Dealer has recently retired after selling both Invisible Fence and Innotek systems for over 25 years. Most of the Invisible dog fences were sold for self-installation.

Freedom Fence

This business model is slightly different and is made up of a large number of representatives who work on a sub-contract basis. These individuals will install the PetSafe and PetSafe Professional brand of dog fence. PetSafe fences use the same AM technology that was used to produce the original Invisible Fence systems. As these are part time representatives they do not all offer the same level of service.


DogFence  Ltd were the first Company to offer complete onsite Professional Installation & Training for dogs and cats. This Company uses the DogWatch brand of hidden fence which was developed using an FM radio frequency. When it comes to technology the FM signal is far safer and faster than the AM operated fences. DogFence Ltd pioneered bringing the full installation & training service to the UK. Unlike Freedom Fence the installers are all employed by DogFence. This gives consistency in quality of service and equipment standards.

Why is Technology Important?

Arguably most peoples pets are part of their family, they are as important as children or siblings. Naturally one wants to do everything they can to protect them which is why they install a dog fence. As with your car it is important to look at safety features within each product.

The Original Invisible Fence used an AM radio signal. This was mirrored by all manufacturers except DogWatch (DogFence). DogWatch inc were concerned about the high numbers of false activation on the receiver collars with AM. The dog may not be in the zone but the collar was activated because the collar picked up a similar signal. It is for this reason that they decided to explore using an FM signal. After developing and patenting the FM signal it quickly became clear that this was a far superior channel.

Why is the FM signal safer? The reason for the FM signal is to ensure that nothing else can activate the dog or cats computer collar. The Freedom Fence and Invisible Fence brands use OOK (on/off keying).  With OOK the collar is open to picking up other signals when it is in the “down” time. This means that the collar can activate when the pet is not in the “no go zone” as it has “heard” another signal.

With the DogFence system the signal is constant and the collar can only read the programmed signal. In order to reduce case of false activation freedom fence and invisible fence systems use a 2nd signal to reduce confusion. Naturally checking for 2 signals slows down the reaction time on the collar.

Why does speed affect the dog fence?

Put simply if your dog is racing towards the no go zone the collar needs to stop him before he runs into the road. With the DogFence system if he runs at 10mph he will only get 0.125ft into the zone before the collar has given a warning beep and impulse. With a freedom fence he will be at 7ft before the collar has activated. Conversely many people never consider the shut down time on the fence. What happens if the dog retreats? How quickly will the collar stop? Again, speed is crucial the start up and the shut down times are equal. If your dog retreats the FM fences will shut down in less than 1 second. With the PetSafe, Invisible Fence and Freedom Fences AM brands the time is 2 – 5 seconds. Food for thought!

freedom fence and dog fence collar reaction times illustrated with 2 dogs running at 10mph

Collar reaction times for DogFence and Freedom Fence. DogFence is 15 times quicker!


Today there are well more than 2 million freedom dog fence systems installed worldwide. Recent studies by Lincoln University and the UK Governments consultation have proved that these fences save the lives of dogs and cats. It maybe that you are skeptical or adverse to the idea of using a Freedom dog fence but those that use them swear by them. A few of the comments from the Government consultation can be read here:-

If you would like to obtain more information on our containment fences call us (01628) 476475 or click here.






dog proof fencing, electric dog fence, invisible dog fence, dogwatch hidden fence

Dog proof fencing – Does it really work?

Let’s talk about dog proof fencingImage result for dog proof fencing

Dogs are a man’s best friend and we all want them to be part of the family, but trying to keep them contained and safe can be a tricky. Dog proof fencing is not only difficult to source but it can be expensive. According to the highways Agency, in 2016-2017 there were 286 reported incidents of dog deaths on UK roads. When it comes to installing a dog fence that is dog proof what are the options?

We have all spent hours searching online, gathering tips and ideas on how to install dog proof fencing. Often after hours of searching we can still be none the wiser. Lets examine the types of fencing and find those are truly dog proof!

Traditional fencing – is it dog proof?

Some properties have no physical forms of boundary so the idea of traditional fencing could be the only option. The more common form of dog proof fencing is post and rail.

Post & Rail

This is generally a costly option as it is installed by contractors who can charge upwards of £35/hr for labour and equipment and then there is the cost of the fencing itself which can be approximately £15/m. A customer recently spend £6000 for a 4 acre plot on this form of fencing and their dog was still escaping. Most fencing starts from around £30.00 per metre.

Post and rail fencing needs to be high enough to stop the dog leaping over it. German Shepherds, Weimarners and Pointers  can clear a 10ft fence in the blink of an eye. Then there are the diggers! Your dog may work on a tunnel over several days – so you may not be able to see it until it’s too late.

Having high fencing can look imposing and may block any views such as pretty countryside. Equally concreting netting into the ground is costly and unfriendly to small wildlife (in particular hedgehogs).


 If you have real leaper you may want to install Trellis on top of existing fencing. This will may depend on local planning restrictions.


 There are pro’s and cons to installing traditional fencing when it comes to wildlife.

  • Wildlife cannot may not be able to pass  from garden to garden
  • Wildlife can damage fencing when trying to gain access to a neighboring garden
  • Dog’s will use holes made by wildlife to escape
  • Expensive patching up fences due to damage.

Dog runs and cages

Dogs love to run around and get as much exercise as they possible. If you have a large garden you may not be able to see where they are. Runs and cages are an ideal a way to keep them contained in an area. By using a run or cage they can still have some outside time. Whilst most cages are dog proof they don’t give much opportunity for exercise. For some dogs such as Labradors, Lurchers and Jack Russells they thrive on running around. They need to be stimulated by chasing birds or rabbits. With a run or cage this will not be possible.

Dog runs are ideal as a temporary measure. This type of dog proof fencing costs in the region of £300 for a 7.5ft dog run and goes up to around £1500 for an outdoor kennel.

Points to consider

  • May be able to dig underneath
  • Must have a kennel or somewhere to shelter within the run
  • Do not offer much exercise opportunity
  • Expensive to purchase

An adult dog can be caged for as long as eight hours on occasion, although daily crating of this length can have negative effects on your dog’s well-being. Make sure that they received adequate exercise before a long stay in the crate. The exercise should be at least 30 to 60 minutes.

All tied up – or dog fence?

Most rural gardens are not dog proof. It can be tricky to monitor dogs all of the time in the garden. They pick up a scent of a rabbit or see a group of people walking across a field. Dogs are social and they naturally want to say hello. Taking your eye off them or not having complete control can result in dogs running into the road and getting injured. Notably dog attacks on sheep are rising and it is essential to keep dogs under control. It maybe that the dog ran out whilst chasing a rabbit and ended up with livestock. These are real day to day scenarios often encountered by rural dog owners.

Is tethering a solution?

According to the RSPCA tethering isn’t illegal but it does have advisories.

dog proof fencing can be using a tether

Tethering does not offer freedom

“Tethering up dogs is only suitable for a very short periods of time, as dogs left for longer may become distressed or potentially cause injury to themselves”. Dogs love freedom and tethering them up isn’t the best way to give them that freedom.

Rather surprisingly we would agree with the RSPCA on this point! We have often been asked to install a dog fence for an escaping dog. On arrival the dog is tethered and usually they are all tied up against the tether post.

  • Does not allow freedom
  • Can be distressful for the dog
  • Must have access to shelter

Dog Fence containment systems – are really these dog proof?

Interestingly here at Dogfence Ltd one of our most common questions is “what is a dog fence”? At DogFence Ltd we supply and install electronic dog proof fencing to keep your pets secure within a boundary. This keeps them safe from roads and away from the threat of a farmer’s gun. The cable is installed underground around an agreed boundary.  White flags are then placed around the perimeter so that the dogs have a visual aid during the training. A radio signal is run through the cable from a transmitter and sent to a small collar worn the the pet. The receiver collar omits a warning beep followed by an impulse when the dogs approach the boundary. Dog Fences are far more dog proof than a traditional fence. cannot jump over signal

  • Cannot dig under the signal
  • Can be installed on any terrain
  • Covers driveways and open areas (river banks, lakes and ditches)

This form of dog proof fencing is positive because it gives the dog their freedom. A Dog Fence gives you as a pet owner the peace of mind that the dog is safe. It has also been proven to show that it strengthens the relationship between owners and their pets. Below are a few other deciding factors:-

Points to consider

An electronic dog fence is affordable for most people. Although electronic fencing can be expensive, it is often significantly less than the cost of materials and installation for traditional fencing.

Electric fences give homeowners some flexibility. Electric fences (stock fences) should not be confused with electronic dog fences. Of course electric fences are still physical fences and if touched by a human or child will give a significant jolt. They are also aesthetically unpleasing as they are designed for agricultural and not domestic users. Electronic fences don’t interfere with surrounding views. In addition, an electronic fence can be installed more quickly than many traditional fencing options and are safe to both wildlife and humans. These fences are often referred to as “invisible fences”.

An Invisible dog fence is proven to be effective. Many dog owners choose this fence because other alternatives have failed to keep their dog within the boundary. The dog either climbs over or digs under a traditional fence. In most cases, dogs quickly learn to stay within the boundary line to avoid the warning signal and correction. They work silently 24/7 covering all areas of the property, even driveways and open areas.


dog proof fencing with an electronic dog fence.

Electronic dog fence – a fraction of the cost of traditional fencing.

There are many types of fencing and when it comes to choosing dog proof fencing this will depend on your budget. If you choose to go down the traditional route this will be a large investment but it may also enhance your properties value. Electronic fencing is most certainly the cheapest option. This type of fencing can be moved from one property to another making it the most effective method of dog proof fencing.

To obtain an estimate or learn more call us on 01628 476475.

Labrador wearing an electric dog fence collar - these collars are also called containment fences

Are electric dog fences illegal?

Are electric dog fences illegal – what you need to know

With new legislation on the way, the question everyone is asking is: are electric dog fences illegal in the U.K.? The straight answer is an electric dog and cat fences ARE  LEGAL. Electronic dog and cat fences are completely legal in the U.K.

Why the confusion? Electric dog fences (which can also be used for cats) were included in the government consultation into electronic training aids for pets through a lack of understanding of the subject. However, Michael Gove, an ardent dog-lover who is heading up the legislation, realised the error and ensured that electric dog and cat fences were not included in the new law due later this year. Thankfully DEFRA has realised that to make dog fences illegal would comprise the safety of both dogs and cats.

Michael Gove with dog

Michael Gove declares containment systems safe.

So whether you need an electric dog or cat fence because you have a tricky boundary, escapee pet or simply need to keep your dog or cat within a specific area of your garden or home, breathe a sigh of relief and read on for a clear and easy explanation of why  dog and cat fences are still legal in the U.K.

The confusion over electric dog fences explained

We all know that making dog and cat fences illegal in the U.K. would be a complete disaster because they save lives. However, civil service ignorance meant that when the department set out to consult on the legality of electronic training collars, the mistakenly included electric containment fences in the mix.

Any animal lover knows that electronic collars and containment fences are two completely different things.

So when experts like Ward Chapman, founder (who has been in the business for over twenty years), were invited to consult on the proposed legislation with The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), they immediately pointed out the error.

In fact, it was the experts and pet-owners that had to remind the government that in previous years DEFRA had themselves, excluded electric dog fences for pets from their past research. 

Thus, began a series of high-profile requests for the distinction to be made between electronic training collars and containment fences. Ross Thomson, Member of Parliament for Aberdeen South, was unaware that the government was consulting on making containment fences illegal too. Thomson’s request had referred to the electronic training collars, not containment fences.

When confronted by the Countryside Alliance in March 2018, Ross Thomson was quick to clear things up, stating that he had no problem with containment fences. With the backing of dog charities, his issue was with electronic training aids.

Luckily, knowing how containment fences work, Michael Gove, a dog owner himself, stepped in and removed containment fences from the legislation. So your pets can stay safe and you can remain hassle-free because electric dog fences and cat fences will not be illegal later this year.

Installation of Containment Fences

What did come out of the consultation was a need for the government to ensure that containment fences across the U.K. are high-quality products. Most importantly it was noted that they should be installed properly by professionals along with proper training delivered to owners during installation.

So from later this year, it will be a requirement that any electric dog fence or cat fence is installed by a professional, and full training is given to both the pet and owner.

At we have been professionally installing high quality, modern and safe hidden fences for over twenty years. With full training for owners and a lifetime warranty included, we have been ahead of the game for years.

How do electric dog fences work?

If you have happened across this post and are wondering how electric dog fences for pets actually work, let me explain:

Firstly, the word “electric” is incorrect – these fences do not emit an electric shock. A lack of understanding over how dog and cats fences work can mean that containment fences for pets can be classed as the same thing as a dog training collar. However, as recent events have shown, the two are completely different.

Training collars for dogs

There are many different types of training collars that are used by trainers and owners for dogs, these include shock collars, spray collars, and sonic collars. The controversial ones are electronic training collars. However, many dog training tools inc; leads, flat collars, head halters,  and even harnesses can harm a dog. All training tools need to be used correctly. It goes without saying that vets will have come across dogs that have been injured by incorrect use of a training tool. I would hazard a guess that very few have come across an injury from an electronic training collar though.

Why do people use training collars?

Although many dog trainers rely on positive reinforcement methods, there are some dogs or occasions where some dogs need negative training for a particular situation. In these cases where a reward is not sufficient or reward-based training has failed they may choose to use a negative response as a learning tool.

There are many myths that surround the use of electronic training collars, so let’s take a quick look at the facts.

Electronic training collars

Electronic training collars are sometimes referred to as “shock collars”. You may be horrified to hear that they do exist, however, with around 170 different types of electronic collars available around the world, here in the U.K. we only have five that are actually in use.

Each of the five approved electronic collars, meet British and E.U. safety and protection requirements for animal safety. The standards that we use here in the U.K., and across the European Union, were drawn up by The Electronic Collar Manufacturer’s Association (ECMA).

One of the biggest myths is that training collars are wired up to the mains electricity! Clearly, this is not true. When you use an electronic collar, the dog receives a “mild stimulation”, which distracts them from the hazard that the owner wants them to avoid.

The stimulation is to gain the dog’s attention. A good analogy would be “tapping the dog on the head to say – excuse me I’m talking to you!”. These collars can keep the animal safe by preventing them from chasing livestock and assisting with recall and other training issues. They do not as reported cause them pain, fear or distress. Instead, they keep the animal protected, and in some cases avoid the animal being re-homed or shot.

Why the controversy?

Some observers suggest that because the collar is operated by humans, it may be open to abuse. However, the reality is that there have been no convictions in the U.K. of animal cruelty resulting from electronic training collars or electric dog fences. Indeed, the cost of a training collar would make it a cruel and long-winded choice for a means to abuse a dog!

How are dog containment fences different?

Why is a containment fence different to a training collar?

The dog or cat is in control.

A containment fence is a passive Pavlovian system governed by the animal’s own behaviour. A containment fence collar releases a small static impulse if the dog or cat enters an exclusion area.  The impulse mimics the ‘nip’ that an adult animal would give its young to alert them of a threat. Before the impulse is given the collar gives a warning “beep”. The pet decides whether to continue or retreat. In the initial training phase, the exclusion zone is marked with temporary marking flags.

containment fence training with red setter

Dog in training using vocal commands and training flags

The impulse itself is a secondary measure because, during the training delivered by professional staff, we at will train the dog and owner. We use vocal commands and visual training flags to understand that the areas in question are out of bounds.

In this way, the impulse from the electric dog fence should be minimal and only in the training phase. Once trained it is rare for the pet to activate the containment fence collar.

At, our customers report time, after time that because of our training, their pet stays away from the fence thus the impulse from the fence is never needed. It is merely a precautionary measure. The pet is firmly in control. Watch our video of Lionel Demonstrating the fence!

Is there any research that says that electric dog fences and cat fences should be illegal?

No, there are no studies that suggest that these fences should be illegal. Indeed, research by Professor Mils at Lincoln University proved that containment fences are a safe and effective way to protect cats from hazards.

Professor Daniel Mills

Prof. Daniel Mills

Why are containment fences exempt from the ban?

Once the Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) looked at all of the evidence, they were able to conclude that containment fences were indeed different from electronic dog collars. Further, they recognised that containment fences can, in fact, save lives, enabling cats and dogs to roam freely outside, safe from dangerous roads. To make dog fences illegal would have a negative impact on animal welfare.

Why are electric dog fences illegal in Wales if the Government has proved they are safe?

With the current furor, it is expected that the Welsh Assembly will revisit their hasty and poorly researched ruling, to separate containment fences and electronic collars. With the original ban rushed through before the consultation was completed, the large rural population in Wales are up in arms.

There is a widespread call from farmers and dog owners for the review to take place sooner, rather than later. Further support for the Welsh campaign can be found on their Facebook page at: “Save our Welsh cats & dogs from death on the roads”.

Thankfully, through proper consultation, here in England we were able to ensure that the distinction was made between containment fences and electronic dog collars. As a result, containment fences are not illegal in England, now, or in the future, with Wales looking to follow suit soon.

Although, what you will need by law, is a high-quality containment fence that is properly installed by professionals, along with the delivery of full training for the animal and owner. Naturally, we are glad that DEFRA has chosen not to make dog fences illegal but the confusion has been worrying for pet owners across the UK. We can now put a line through the dark cloud that has been hanging over the fence and continue to offer dogs and cats safety and freedom.

At, we are proud to have been installing and training high-quality, modern and safe electric dog fences for over twenty years. For more about how we can help you to keep your dog or cat safe both outside or indoors, call us on:  03450 623 623 or email us on: today.



Hidden dog or cat fence

how we can help you to keep your dog or cat safe

Electric dog fences will give keep dogs free to run

Are electric dog fences legal?

Are electric dog fences legal?

So you’ve read the recent media reports and are confused about whether electric dog fences are legal. If you are concerned about your pet’s safety and want to use an electric dog fence read on …..






The good news is if you are considering installing an electric dog fence they are completely Legal to use in England. Our dogs and cats can have their freedom and safety!

In March 2018 the Government launched a consultation into the use of all electronic dog and cat collars.  Over a 6 week consultation period 7000+ people responded. Interestingly, the majority of people (64%) were opposed to a ban. The Government looked at the evidence and the  research for both the hand held units (aka remote training collars) and containment fences (aka electric dog fences). In August the Government announced that they would not ban invisible dog fence systems. They went on to state that these fence systems offer safety to pets.

Are there any regulations for installing a electric dog fence?

After considering the evidence the Government noted that in the interests of pet welfare containment fences must be Professionally installed. They . From Autumn 2018 all containment fences will have to be professionally installed with onsite training for the cat or dog.

What do I get with Professional Installation?

So what does Professional Installation give the customer? Firstly extensive knowledge as well as advise and a good standard of product. Companies that offer full installation will have correctly trained their operatives. The operatives will be trained to  know where to place the wire and how to correctly train the pet. These Companies will have also researched the best products in terms of durability and safety. If a product is constantly breaking down due to poor quality of wire or hardware it will leave the pet vulnerable.

When installing an electric dog fence correct placement of the cable is crucial. Ideally the cable will be buried to avoid damage. In situations where burial is not possible the Installer will find a safe position above the ground.  The product sold should have in-built safety features to protect the pet. This will include automatic shutdowns, a low battery warning and a good long battery life.  It is important to consider that if the battery runs out the pet could run out! When installing the cable advice should be given on areas to avoid and where possible the cable should follow natural boundaries.

Once the fence has been installed the Professional should train the cat or the dog for the owner. Ongoing  guidance and support should be part of the service.  A reputable Installation Company should keep records of the pets individual requirements and offer a follow up service for the future.

How do I know if I am getting a Professional Installation?

Companies that offer full installation will have a proven track record  so it will be easy to ask for references and check reviews. They should also offer installation using the trenching equipment and post installation service. Using a one man band or sub-contractor may not meet the Professional Installation regulations require. Due to the high cost of the installation equipment it is unlikely that these individuals will have access to correct installation tools and are most likely not trained. Furthermore a reputable installation Company will usually offer a good guarantee regarding their product and service.

Intrigued and want to learn more? call us on:  03450 623 623 or email us on: today.




stop dogs from escaping through driveway with dog fence

How to stop the dog escaping from the garden?

Ways to stop the dog escaping from the garden?

A common question that we hear from owners is how can I stop the dog escaping from the garden. Dogs will be dogs, some escape because they have a high prey drive or they are bored, sometimes it’s food driven. When considering dog proofing the garden there numerous options available. An escaping dog is not only dangerous but can be very stressful.

Traditional Fencing:

Close board or wooden fencing is a popular option for smaller properties. The cost of close board fencing starts from around £80.00 per meter installed but it depends on the property location and terrain. Stock fencing is a slightly more cost effective solution for some properties but may not be secure enough for small dogs and of course dogs will be dogs and they can dig and burrow under both close board or stock fences.  In general the weakest part of the property is the driveway. To dog proof a driveway can run into thousands depending on the type of gates chosen. If the dog is escaping onto a road then securing this area is a priority but will be costly and so a traditional fence may not be the best solution to stop the dog escaping from the garden

Radio dog fences

Radio dog fences have been available for over 40 years but many people still do not know that they exist. They are often referred to as invisible fences or a freedom fence. A radio dog fence is usually a much cheaper method to help prevent the dog escaping from the garden. The fence is more like a virtual fence – there is nothing to see and the fence can cover large areas or areas that would not easily be fenced by a traditional fence. A radio fence is a simple solution to stop the dog escaping and in monetary terms an inexpensive solution.

So what is a radio dog fence. In simple terms it is just a radio transmitter, a boundary wire that surrounds the boundary or the area to be “fenced” and an innovative computer collar which is worn by the pet. The transmitter sends a coded signal through the boundary wire and a “no go zone” is set when the pet enters the no go zone the computer collar activates and lets out a high pitched warning beep to alert the pet that they are in the wrong area. If the pet continues further info the zone the collar then gives out a small static shock (correction) which is set to the pets personality. With the assistance of some temporary training flags and training from the fence installer the pet quickly learns where the boundary is.

The great advantage of radio dog fence is that is covers all areas including the driveway so if someone leaves the gate open the pet cannot wander in the road. Also the radio signal is 360 degrees around the cable so dog or cat cannot climb over or dig under the signal. With the DogFence system the signal is also quicker than any other pet fence worldwide so that dog or cat cannot out run the fence.

Electric stock fencing:

Electric fencing or electric stock fencing can be used for pet containment but it is not advisable and the shock given out by an electric dog fence is 250 times higher than the output on a radio dog fence. Also with an electric fence if the pet gets stuck in the fence they will continue to be shocked until the fence stops or they are rescued but with a radio dog fence the fence shuts down after 15 seconds to ensure the pet is not over corrected. Of course an electric fence is not only more expensive but cannot cover gateways or driveways and if there are children or members of the public close by they are also affected by the electric fence.

Dog Runs

Dog runs are a great solution for keeping your dog within a confined area of the garden but these can be very costly and unsightly and of course will only give the dog a limited area to use. It is also advisable to install a dog kennel within the run so that dog has somewhere to go to if it is very hot or rainy. In some areas planning restrictions may apply and it is always advisable to check with our local council.

Other Solutions to stop the dog escaping maybe to try to train the dog to stay in the garden, for some breeds this maybe a workable solution but for those with a high prey drive or who have had a previous history of constantly escaping the drive to leave the property may be too great.


Here at DogFence Ltd we meet customers with different breeds and personalities but they all have one thing in common! they want a solution to the stop the dog escaping. Many have tried other forms of fencing and many are sceptical as to whether a radio dog fence will work. Our customers are our best advertisement (Customer Testimonials).

If you would like to learn more about our radio dog fences please call us on 03450 623623 or visit our web site

stop dogs escaping from garden

Top Tips to Stop your Dog from Escaping Out of The Garden

Top Tips to Stop your Dog from Escaping Out of The Garden

stop dogs escaping from garden

Yipee – let’s go guys!

Boredom, loneliness, territory protection, prey instincts and separation anxiety are reasons that may lead a dog to stray. So how do you stop your dog from escaping? The answer may be more straight forward than you think.  Firstly it is important to assess the reasons why the dog is escaping.  What is it that draws him off, is it food, livestock another dog or boredom? It goes without saying that every dog owner wishes to prevent their dog from escaping and getting into danger. Outside the safety of the garden your dog risks getting into a fight, being hit by a vehicle, being stolen or even eating something poisonous. There is also responsibility; a free roaming dog is a threat to children, livestock and even other dogs on a lead.

Train your dog?

You may have already asked your trainer how to stop your dog from escaping. Many owners report that the dog develops the habit of escaping through the front door as soon as it is opened. They may also get rewarded for escaping. They get to roam the neighbourhood, scour bins and possibly enjoy a game with another dog! Hence, this then becomes a hard to break habit. Teach your dog to wait at the door until you open it for him and to never go out on its own. Always rewards his good behavior. Your dog will stop getting out of the garden to enjoy treats from you.

Secure your garden

Ensure that your garden area is well secured to stop your dog from escaping. You may be able to use a 6-foot fence to secure the area because most dogs cannot jump over it – you could also consider digging in a chicken wire along the fence line below ground. When a dog is determined to escape, it can do anything to gain access to digging under the 6-foot fence. The chicken wire will be uncomfortable for the dog, and may prevent deter the dog from digging. You can also place concrete or wood blocks at the bottom of your fence to discourage digging. Try to avoid picket fencing as this can cause serious injury to your dog or cat if they impale themselves on the stakes. The issue with a lot of fencing is that wildlife can damage the wire and make holes within the fencing.

Containment fencing

If you have an uneven garden terrain, consider having a smaller dog run that could be confined to one corner. Another alternative for securing the garden is installing underground or invisible fencing. The hidden fence uses a small computer collar that interacts with a signal that surrounds the property. When the dog enters the “no go zone” the dog’s collar reacts to the radio signal and gives the dog a high pitched warning beep to alert the dog that he or she is in the wrong area. If the dog continues the collar gives out a low level static shock (correction). The dog will have been trained to know where the “no go zone” area is located through a training protocol that uses both vocal and visual indicators. The advantage of an invisible dog fence is that they can be installed on nearly any terrain.

Over the years there has been negative press on the use of electronic dog fences, often referred to as electric dog fence but recent studies have dispelled the myths, indeed a study into cat containment reported that there are no negative long term effects with using an electronic fence. (Lincoln 2016)

The issue of how to stop your dog from escaping is always going to be a difficult subject but below are few tips:-

Driveways and open boundaries

Driveways are always going to be a weak point, as are open areas which cannot be fenced due to planning restrictions. These areas really are ideal for using electric dog fences. Escaping dogs will always use the weakest point on a property and an open gateway or clear area is a golden opportunity for a dog to make a bid for freedom. An underground dog fence will operate invisibly and effectively 24/7 to prevent the dog or cat from escaping through the vulnerable area. Owners often install electric gates to keep dogs and cats off the roads, however, most dogs will quickly learn that when they hear the buzzer they have an open opportunity to not just run out but amble out at a steady pace. An underground dog fence can be fitted in conjunction with electric gates to prevent the pet from escaping when they hear the buzzer.

stop dogs from escaping through driveway

An open driveway is difficult to secure.

Consequences of an escaping dog

If your dog escapes and is caught by a council dog warden you may be issued with a warning, a caution or a fixed penalty fine. If your dog is considered out of control you may even be prosecuted and fined. The penalty is up to 6 months in prison or an unlimited fine!  This is surely a big enough incentive to stop a a dog from escaping! Also further controls can be given to the owner.  In some cases the dog may be transferred to a local kennels whilst the owner is located at a heavy daily cost or even transferred to shelter and possibly re-homed. Recent media reports have also found out that the RSPCA is too quick to euthanise. Sadly owners pets have been permanently separated from their vets within a matter of weeks.


Exercise your dog

A dog that only stays and plays in the garden will eventually get bored, stressed, frustrated and unhappy. Dog’s need a change of scenery. Just like people a change is as good as a rest. If your dog is bored it will look for ways to break the tedium.  For you and your dog’s sanity it is advisable to walk your dog every day if possible. This way he can experience a new environment, remain engaged and interact with other dogs. Exercises not only boosts your dog’s socialization skills but also stimulates its mind. Country walks or walks in the park are a great way to stimulate your dog. The sounds, scents and interaction with nature and other dogs will keep him fresh. If you exercise your dog daily or regularly then this should help to stop your dog escaping from the garden.


Just like human beings, dogs like adventure and to discover new things. If you want to stop your dog from escaping you need to break the cycle. It may be that you need to install a containment fence or that you need to train your dog or exercise him more. If the issue is not tackled then the habit will continue. As an owners we must look at the issue from two angles. Primarily we need to be responsible for our dog’s welfare, state of mind and health. However, we also have a responsibility to those people, livestock and property that a wandering dog may come in contact with.  An engaged happy dog will be less likely to wander.



wireless dog fence creates a circle of signal around the boundary.

Wireless dog fence – the truth – do they work?

Wireless dog fence – is this an easier solution?

What’s the buzz about a wireless dog fence? When considering installing an electronic dog fence one of the factors will be “do I need to install a boundary wire? A wireless dog fence seems like an easy solution. No boundary wire to dig in, just plug in and go! For over 40 years  the electronic dog fence has been used to keep pets  safe. Traditionally this  involved digging or installing a circuit of boundary wire to keep the cat or dog contained. The idea of simply plugging in and going seems so much easier so why are these fences not more popular?

The wireless dog fence involves installing the transmitter into centre of the property.  From central transmitter a circular signal creates the no go zone around the garden. Sounds simple enough, however, the downside is that property owner needs to consider several major facts when looking into wireless dog fencing.

Considerations re installing a wireless dog fence

circle zone of wireless fence

The wireless fence works be creating a circular zone around the boundary.

  • A Wireless dog fence may not suitable for narrow properties – the property needs to be 30ft wide min.
  • Terrain challenges: The lay of the land may not be suitable. A wireless dog fence is not ideal for sloping or terraced gardens.
  • Heavily wooded areas can interrupt the signal. Similarly metal objects and fencing can grossly effected the signal leading to dead spots. This happens with all AM electronic dog fences.
  • A wireless dog fence collar cannot be worn indoors as is prone to activation from objects within the house – TV’s and dimmer switches as well as other household appliances.
  • Fence wobble – the boundary with a wireless dog fence fluctuates so the dog boundary will change causing confusion/danger to the dog .With some systems the Wireless Fence wobble can be up to 16ft.
  • A wireless fence cannot be used with houses that have a mobile phone signal booster or smart meter.
  • The Wireless dog fence receiver collar is heavy and bulky and not really suitable for small dogs or cats.
  • Does not give adequate warning if the pet enters the zone.

The wireless fence does work for some owners.  It would be fair to say that this product is probably more suitable to US houses where the house is on an open plan flat plot. For UK households most gardens are already fenced and the wireless dog fence is a backup. With US houses the wireless fence may be the only containment parameter. If the zone does not cover every inch of the property it is not quite so crucial. With a UK garden if the owner has a fence running around the boundary and the installs an interior circular zone this is confusing for the dog.

Also if the owner is prepared to remove the computer collar when the dog enters the house this would make the wireless fence a good option.

Most owners will agree that boundary wobble is unfair for the pet the if the wireless dog fence is being added as a secondary fence it may not be quite such an important issue.

Advantages of a wireless dog fence

  • Quick and easy to install.
  • No boundary wire to lay – so cable cannot be damaged.

What about wired systems?

wired dog fence wire is running around edge of property. Electronic dog fences can be used on any size or shape garden

The wired fence can be used to cover irregular boundaries even on undulating terrain and can create inner loops to cover pools or play areas.

The advantage that a wired dog fence has over the wireless fence is that it can be used for any shape of property, on any terrain. Also the FM systems* guarantee no false activation on the pets collar both internally and externally so the collar can be worn both inside and outside. Different technology within the wired fences enables the   size and weight of the collars  to be far smaller and lighter. Collars used for wireless dog fences are heavier and bulkier due to the antenna and batteries.

*Dog Fence UK are the only electronic dog fences worldwide to us an FM signal.

  • A wired dog fence can be installed on any terrain and can cover irregular shaped or undulating boundaries.
  • If an FM system is used there is guaranteed no false activation on the collar.
  • Boundary is consistent – no mixed message for the dog.
  • Can cover a larger area – up to 6km of boundary wire (350 acres).
  • Collars are smaller and lighter (suitable for all breeds and cats).
  • Always gives an audible warning.

Disadvantages of a wired dog fence

  • Boundary wire can be broken, therefore, burial of wire is advisable
  • Installation will take longer
  • Not as easy to move from house to house.

October 2018 Update

Since this blog was originally written the criteria for the installation of both wired dog fences and wireless dog fences has changed in the UK. New Government legislation to be introduced shortly requires that all electronic dog fences need to be professionally installed with training. We are currently waiting for the Governments position regarding wireless dog fences.

Both wireless dog fences and wired systems will contain most pets but it is worth researching before purchasing to avoid making a costly mistake. The training time for both wired and wireless dog fences should be the same and this will be dependent on the size of the area, age and breed of dog.

Should you wish to talk to one of our experts regarding an electronic dog fence installation please call us on 03450 623 623 or email us @

Articles of Interest?

Dog Fences are NOT banned