invisible fence | Dog Fence

Invisible Fence – Points To Consider and Benefits

Invisible Fence – Points To Consider?

An invisible fence for pet owners, who have recently added a large breed dog to their family, with no idea what they are getting themselves into.

Breeders will say your breed of dog is prone to be calm and would usually laze around under a tree.  Your precious dog loves to lounge around under trees.  You dog also, often prefers the ones at the park, a few miles down the road.

Suddenly your days are now about chasing and tracking a dog that is proud of its ability to run away.  Escaping regardless of a five foot chain-link fence.  Your dog can climb, crawl and dig its way out in a matter of minutes.

There is a great solution on the market, an invisible dog fence containment system.

Contain and train your pet with the invisible dog fence.Invisible Fence - Points To Consider and Benefits DogFence

Electric dog fences and e-collars are a training tool.  As such they are only good when backed up by a constant training program.

The goal is for your dog in its lifetime,  gets exposed to correction a few times.  With training they acknowledge that crossing the boundary results in correction.  This will suffice to keep them in their assigned area.  Electric dog fences are for engaged dogs with high intelligence.

Electronic dog fences are very effective at keeping your dog where it belongs and to have freedom but, it does not create a barrier to keep other dogs away from your property.

Many vendors online offer a low-cost, low quality pet fence.  Equipped with weak, unreliable collars with minimal features.  A bad quality electric dog fence is just like not having any fence at all.  Go for a brand that is well known like Dogwatch & DogFence.

Understanding your terrain and any potential interference such as metal buildings and hills is essential for the success of your containment system. It is always a good idea to speak to an electric dog fence professional to help plan your layout and boundaries and install your fence.

Benefits of an electric dog fence.

1.  Any size of dog will be contained by the invisible fence solution.

2. Dogs learn many tricks that their owners teach them, but they also learn skills on their own. Many dog owners have witnessed their pet open doors in their homes, and this does not limit their abilities to escape from a fixed fence garden.

3. You may already have a fenced area that your pet is familiar with and may know how to escape from. It is particularly challenging to find the right fence for dogs that dig or open fences. These habits may be difficult to stop, but choosing an electronic dog fence and with training stops the ability or escape attempts.

4. Dogs with destructive tendencies may damage fixed fencing, the electronic dog fence is hidden thus resolving this issue.

5. You no longer have to consider the fencing material needed or determine the height needed to contain your pet, the last thing to consider is how much of your property you want accessible to your dog. Many homeowners choose to exclusively fence in the back garden, but with a hidden dog fence you can customise select areas of your property for your pet to enjoy and save some as a pet free zone.

Once you consider the benefits of electronic fences for dogs, you can have peace of mind it will prevent your pooch from getting lost or injured. Why not get in touch with our friendly team of experts today to discuss your requirements.