Dog Running Away

Dog Fence for escaping dogs

Is A Dog Fence For Me? Pet Containment Solutions.

In need of a dog fence for a currently escaping dog?

Are you asking yourself how hard it can be to contain your best friend? Many breeds of large dogs want to get in touch with their wild side and chase the neighbourhood squirrels or bark at cars. If you have a big, strong, energetic dog, you should think carefully about the type of fencing for dogs needed before adding it to your garden.

Is A Dog Fence For Me? Pet Containment Solutions. DogFence

The trick is to find a fence that satisfies your budget and aesthetic desires while stopping your furry friend from going on the adventure of his doggy dreams.

Here are four factors to keep in mind when choosing the perfect fence:


1. Big dogs need big fences …because they can jump!

A four-foot high fence is unlikely to deter a Husky, Golden Retriever, or Labrador, so you should look for a fence with a height of five or even six feet. For most breeds, six feet should be sufficient. Dog owners start adding extensions to make their fences higher and higher, enables your dog to learn how to jump a little higher each time! Your best bet, in this case, is to tear down your old fence and install a wireless pet fence.

2. Make that fence impossible to climb!

No matter how high your fence is, a clever dog will still try to get over it somehow. Even if he can’t jump it, he may be able to climb it. When choosing a fence, it’s crucial to make sure the design of the fence itself is totally climb-proof. Chain link fences are a bad idea for climbers—they provide your dog with easy footholds! A solid panel fence, on the other hand, has a flat surface without anywhere for your dog to stick his paws, yet your ingenious pooch can leverage items close by to get a foot us such as planters placed alongside a fence. Even better is a wireless dog fence that eliminates any climbing.

3. Give a little privacy!

Okay, your dog may not care about privacy at all, but a wooden privacy fence is a great option for peace of mind. Aside from their climb-proof nature, solid panel privacy fences are great because your dog can’t see what’s on the other side. If he can’t actually see other dogs and people and everything else he loves to bark at, he’ll be a lot calmer. He won’t be visible to other dogs on their walks either, who may get distracted and start barking. Ultimately, choosing the best fence for your dog depends on how your dog behaves and reacts to the outside world. So take some time to consider what will best suit your four-legged companion before making a decision.

4. Make your pet not WANT to escape!

Dogs don’t usually like being restricted, whether it’s a physical or invisible barrier. Boredom is a major factor that tempts dogs to try to escape your garden. If your dog requires a lot of exercise but isn’t being walked regularly, putting up an adequate fence will not be an easy fix to your problem. Maybe you’ll be able to prevent your dog from escaping, but your dog won’t be very happy—and an unhappy dog makes an unhappy owner. Dogs simply don’t thrive when they are cooped up in a little yard. A fence is necessary to keep your dog in, but as a behavioural fix, it’s only a starting point. Creating a dog-friendly garden is one way to keep your dog entertained between the fence walls.


Not everyone has a spacious garden or the ability to provide a dog with ample exercise. That’s exactly why bigger dogs aren’t for everyone, but the right fence does go a long way in terms of keeping your dog safe and secure. Managing massive dogs can be a massive challenge, but for owners that are able to take that challenge, it’s worth the effort so you can keep your dog around for massive cuddles.

Need a wireless fence for your pet? Get in touch & request your quote today!

Invisible Dog Fence - Stop my dog from escaping

Invisible Fence for Dogs – Points To Consider!

An invisible fence is ideal for pet owners with  a large breed dog in their family.  Owning a larger dog without previous experience can mean a pet owner has no idea what they have gotten themselves into.

Breeders will tell you that your breed of dog is prone to be calm and would usually laze around under a tree. We are sure your precious dog does love to lounge around under trees but… prefers the ones at the park a few miles down the road.

Suddenly, your days are now about chasing and tracking a large dog, that is terribly proud of its ability to run away.  Escaping regardless of a five foot chain-link fence. Your clever dog can climb, crawl and dig its way out in a matter of minutes.

There is a great solution on the market and it is a wise decision to install an invisible dog fence as a containment system above and beyond your regular fence.

Contain And Train Your Pet With The Invisible Dog Fence.

All electric dog fences and e-collars are a training tool.  They are only good when backed up by a constant training program.  The goal is for your dog to only be exposed to correction a few times in their lifetime.  After which they acknowledge that crossing the boundary results in correction.  This will keep them in their assigned area.  Electric dog fences are for engaged dogs with high intelligence.Invisible Fence for Dogs - Points To Consider! DogFence

Invisible dog fences are very effective at keeping your dog where it belongs and to have freedom but, it does not create a barrier to keep other dogs away from your property.

There are hundreds of vendors online offering a low-cost low quality pet fence equipped with weak and unreliable collars, with minimal features.  A bad quality electric dog fence is just like not having any fence at all.  Go for a well established brand which is well known like DogFence.

Understanding your terrain and any potential interference such as metal buildings and hills. This is essential for the success of your containment system.  It is always a good idea to speak to an electric dog fence professional, to help plan your layout, boundaries and install your fence.

Benefits Of An Electric Dog Fence.

1. Size of pet.

A wireless dog fence contains any sized dog.

2. Dogs learn many tricks that their owners teach them, but they also learn skills on their own.

Many dog owners have witnessed their pet open doors in their homes, and this does not limit their abilities to escape from a fixed fence garden.

3. You may already have a fenced area that your pet is familiar with and may know how to escape from.

It is challenging to find the right fence for dogs that dig or open fences. These habits may be difficult to stop. By choosing an invisible fence and with training stops the ability or escape attempts.

4. Dogs with destructive tendencies may damage fixed fencing.

Damage cannot happen to a hidden fence.

5. You no longer have to consider the fencing material needed or determine the height needed to contain your pet.

The last thing to consider is how much of your property you want accessible to your dog. Many homeowners choose to exclusively fence in the back garden, however with a hidden dog fence you can customise select areas of your property for your pet to enjoy and save some as a pet free zone.


Once you consider the benefits of Invisible fences for dogs, you in fact have peace of mind.  It prevents your pooch from getting lost or injured.

Why not get in touch with our friendly team of experts today to discuss your dog fencing requirements.


Further reading:

invisible fence | Dog Fence

Invisible Fence – Points To Consider and Benefits

Invisible Fence – Points To Consider?

An invisible fence for pet owners, who have recently added a large breed dog to their family, with no idea what they are getting themselves into.

Breeders will say your breed of dog is prone to be calm and would usually laze around under a tree.  Your precious dog loves to lounge around under trees.  You dog also, often prefers the ones at the park, a few miles down the road.

Suddenly your days are now about chasing and tracking a dog that is proud of its ability to run away.  Escaping regardless of a five foot chain-link fence.  Your dog can climb, crawl and dig its way out in a matter of minutes.

There is a great solution on the market, an invisible dog fence containment system.

Contain and train your pet with the invisible dog fence.Invisible Fence - Points To Consider and Benefits DogFence

Electric dog fences and e-collars are a training tool.  As such they are only good when backed up by a constant training program.

The goal is for your dog in its lifetime,  gets exposed to correction a few times.  With training they acknowledge that crossing the boundary results in correction.  This will suffice to keep them in their assigned area.  Electric dog fences are for engaged dogs with high intelligence.

Electronic dog fences are very effective at keeping your dog where it belongs and to have freedom but, it does not create a barrier to keep other dogs away from your property.

Many vendors online offer a low-cost, low quality pet fence.  Equipped with weak, unreliable collars with minimal features.  A bad quality electric dog fence is just like not having any fence at all.  Go for a brand that is well known like Dogwatch & DogFence.

Understanding your terrain and any potential interference such as metal buildings and hills is essential for the success of your containment system. It is always a good idea to speak to an electric dog fence professional to help plan your layout and boundaries and install your fence.

Benefits of an electric dog fence.

1.  Any size of dog will be contained by the invisible fence solution.

2. Dogs learn many tricks that their owners teach them, but they also learn skills on their own. Many dog owners have witnessed their pet open doors in their homes, and this does not limit their abilities to escape from a fixed fence garden.

3. You may already have a fenced area that your pet is familiar with and may know how to escape from. It is particularly challenging to find the right fence for dogs that dig or open fences. These habits may be difficult to stop, but choosing an electronic dog fence and with training stops the ability or escape attempts.

4. Dogs with destructive tendencies may damage fixed fencing, the electronic dog fence is hidden thus resolving this issue.

5. You no longer have to consider the fencing material needed or determine the height needed to contain your pet, the last thing to consider is how much of your property you want accessible to your dog. Many homeowners choose to exclusively fence in the back garden, but with a hidden dog fence you can customise select areas of your property for your pet to enjoy and save some as a pet free zone.

Once you consider the benefits of electronic fences for dogs, you can have peace of mind it will prevent your pooch from getting lost or injured. Why not get in touch with our friendly team of experts today to discuss your requirements.

Fencing For Dogs

Fencing For Dogs – A Beginners Guide

Considering fencing for dogs…. now spring is in the air!  There is nothing quite like getting out and about in the fresh countryside air,  and taking a walk.  This time of year is when many people decide, they would like a pet to accompany them, on there great adventures.

As a new pet owner, one of the first considerations should have is to ensure the fencing, you have is suitable, to effectively contain your dog.

The Benefits Provided by Having FencingFencing For Dogs - A Beginners Guide DogFence

There are a number of reasons fenced gardens are beneficial for dogs and their owners.

Some of the most important include:

  • A fenced yard will give a dog room to run, jump, and play, and encourage him to get plenty of exercise.
  • Fenced gardens help prevent boredom. Dogs who get the chance to chase squirrels, smell interesting things, and bark at passing pedestrians will enjoy a ton of mental stimulation.
  • A fenced garden makes it easy to just let your dog go outside and answer nature’s call.
  • Fences are great for those who cannot go to the park. Many dogs have a fun filled time at the local park, but some are not capable of playing nicely with others. Other dogs can’t go to the park for medical reasons.
  • Fencing may help your dog ward off intruders. Even relatively small dogs will often bark up a storm when strangers approach, so a fenced garden may help keep your home a bit safer.

Above all fences do not replace walks, in addition to any fence, you will still need to take your dog out daily.  Dogs need to explore and enjoy wonderful smells and pee in all the right spots and need that stimulation.

Dog Proof Fencing

Fences are obviously not a one-size-fits-all item.  You’ll have to go with a style that suits your home effectively,  no to mention your tastes, and your dog. In actuality, dog fences are, therefore almost, always “custom built” to satisfy these and other criteria.

This means you’ll need to think carefully, about a number of issues, when selecting the best dog escape proofing for your home.

Some of the most important things to consider include:

  1. Installation
  2. Aesthetics
  3. Property Lines
  4. Durability
  5. Maintenance
  6. Security
  7. Cost

In conclusion, ff your dog is a jumper, digger or great escape artist, you should seriously consider an up to date type of fencing for dogs.  The  invisible dog fence is a growing more popular as a way to contain your dog whilst giving them freedom to roam and safety.  For instance it is ideal for unusually shaped gardens and perimeters and for those pet owners who do not wish to have a physical fence around their garden.

Get in touch with us today to get clarification on your dog fencing requirements and our friendly team will be happy to advise you on how an invisible fencing system can benefit you and your pet.

Dogs having freedom from a garden fence in the spring

How To Keep Your Dog’s Freedom Safe This Spring

Freedom as Spring is just about to arrive, with this comes the pleasure of getting out and letting your pet roam and explore inside the garden fence boundaries once more.How To Keep Your Dog's Freedom Safe This Spring DogFence

Spring Pet Freedom Safety Tips.

  1. Use heartworm and flea and tick preventive Now!  Your dog or cat should be receiving year-round monthly heart-worm preventive.
  2. Be lungworm aware. Lungworm can be contracted either by dogs eating slugs and snails, or from drinking water from a bowl where a slug or snail has been.  Even picking up a toy that a slug or snail has crawled into poses a risk.  So don’t leave toys in the garden overnight and regularly clean out any water bowls in the garden.
  3. Spring clean carefully – As you clean out your garages and prep your gardens, treat your fence etc.  Remember these activities may pose a risk to your pet. Fertilisers, pesticides, weed-killers, and even mulch can all be dangerous to dogs and cats.  Take care when you are putting things like this inside your garden boundaries,  where they are accessible for your pet to investigate or worse consume.
  4. When gardening, DO NOT use slug pellets to protect your plants, as these are tasty but toxic to dogs and can have fatal results.
  5. Just because the suns out doesn’t mean you should instantly take your pet out on long walks.  Your dog will be just as out of shape from winter inactivity as you are.  This is the time of year veterinarians see torn ligaments, strains and sprains, and a variety of aches and pains in dogs. Take it easy. Gradually build up strength and stamina, this is especially true in older pets.
  6. Longer days also mean pets go into “heat.”  For many stray, homeless, and neglected dogs and cats, this means unwanted litters. Animal shelters and rescue groups are typically stretched to capacity during spring.  Do what you can.  If you know someone looking for a pet, encourage adoption or rescue.
  7. It is a legal requirement for all dogs in the UK to be micro-chipped, so make sure your dog is chipped and your contact details on the microchip database are kept up to date.  Also your dog should wear a collar and tag, bearing the owner’s details whenever he is out in public.  If your dog makes a bid for freedom, beyond your garden fence, it can mean paying a sum to your local dog warden to get your pet back.
  8. The sun can be quite intense even in the Spring so do not leave dogs in cars on hot days.
  9. Plants are popping up in the spring and there are some flowers and plants which pose a danger to your pets.  Lilies are especially toxic to cats, if ingested every part of the lily came cause serious health problems and even be fatal.  For dogs – lilies, azaleas and foxglove flowers and even daffodil bulbs can present a danger to your dog.
  10. Always keep your dog on the lead in fields where there is livestock. Chances are they will have young this time of year, especially lambs. Also be aware that birds like pheasants and swans nest on the ground so don’t let your dog disturb the nests.
  11. Keep an eye on your dog in the garden as dog thefts from gardens are on the increase.  NEVER tie your dog up outside a shop – every day we see stories of dogs being stolen in this way.

What else happens in spring?How To Keep Your Dog's Freedom Safe This Spring DogFence

That’s right Easter – a time for chocolate and sweets.  Children and adults can accidentally drop these around the house, in the garden and out in public. A dogs trusty nose can sniff out a sweet treat with ease.

But here it is, its not a treat, it’s a danger – Why?

Chocolate – Chocolate, even in the smallest amounts, can cause serious health problems if ingested by a dog. The darker the chocolate, the greater the danger to the dog. Beyond the initial symptoms of vomiting and diarrhoea, chocolate toxicity can lead to tremors, increased heart rate, heart failure, seizures, and in some cases, can be fatal.

Xylitol – Sugar-free candies and gum can contain large amounts of the artificial sweetener Xylitol.  Xylitol is highly toxic to some dogs and has been found to cause low blood sugar and liver failure.

Freedom For Your Dog?  Have You Checked Your Fence?

Your dog may spend longer in the garden now, so check your fencing and gates are secure both to prevent your dog escaping and to prevent your dog being stolen.

Perhaps you would prefer a specialist invisible pet fence so you have peace of mind that your beloved pet won’t escape.  They get out through open gates, dig their way out under a fence or even climb or jump over it, thereby having the freedom to roam.  Worse still your dog could end up in a road accident.

With a little foresight and planning, spring can be the best time of year for your pet. Go out in the fresh air and enjoy the freedom of spring!


sheep grazing keep dogs on lead to stop dog sheep chasing sign

Escaping dogs in the country are a danger to sheep

Solutions to stop a dog chasing sheep

It’s getting to that time of year when the wildlife is waking up. In early Spring our most common call is I am concerned about my dog getting out and chasing sheep or livestock. Usually owners have tried everything, plugged the hedge, lifted the fence height and all to no avail. If a dog has a high interest in Sheep and has had no training sooner or later he or she will be in with the sheep. For some dogs it’s just the chase, for others it’s the kill. Also a dog with a high prey drive will probably have a high interest in cats or other livestock.

What are the penalties for a dog chasing sheep?

  • Ultimately his life – the farmer has the right to shoot if he considers that the dog is a threat to his flock and there are no reasonable means of preventing it.Escaping dogs in the country are a danger to sheep DogFence

So What steps can an owner take to prevent their dog chasing sheep?

  • Training – find a good trainer that has a proven track record in this field of expertise (see list below). As Company we recommend a Balanced Trainer. A Balanced Trainer will use multiple tools to train the dog, including an e-collar if necessary.
  • Ensure that the garden fencing is dog proof. If you are rural, even if you don’t have livestock nearby make sure your fence is secure. The wildlife may tempt him out but ultimately he may end up in trouble with a farmer or a vehicle.
  • Walking the dog on a lead where sheep are present. It’s good practice, no matter how good your dog is if there are sheep around pop him on a lead for a few minutes.

Training for sheep chasing

  • Balanced dog trainers will use a range of tools and methods to modify the dog’s behaviour and desire sheep. They will work with you and your dog in a controlled situation and will modify the dog’s desire and interest to chase sheep.
  • Many old school farmers will advocate putting the dog in a pen with an older Ewe. This can be a risky move as a large Ewe can cause considerable damage to a dog when cornered. It is most certainly a harsh method but may ultimately save the dogs life.
  • Some Trainers recommend reward only training. Many dogs will recall well in normal situations using this training method. The issue is if you have a dog with a high drive usually the treat is insufficient to divert the attention and so this method not always successful for sheep chasing.

How can I make my rural property dog proof?

  • Deer or stock fencing may be a solution but can be costly and unsightly. It is also not always effective as dogs will climb up and over or dig under the fence.
  • Electronic dog fences are a great solution as they will back up your current fencing.

Are Electronic Fences banned?

No, electronic fences are not banned and have not been included in the recent e-collar ban proposals. Electronic fences are a great way to give your dog freedom but also keep them safe in the garden. Unlike traditional fences if the dog is trained correctly then the fence will keep even the keenest dog at home. Interestingly, a dog fence can also often be installed on terrain that is not suitable for traditional fencing. A dog fence, often referred to as an electric dog fence, will also cover driveways and vulnerable open areas.

The word “electric” is actually incorrect as there is no electricity in the cable or the collar. As with an e-collar, it is a static impulse that is generated, very similar to a Tens machine. When a dog is trained to an “electric dog fence” he is conditioned to respond a warning beep. The training is gentle and effective, with many owners asking “when will he get the shock?” only to be told that the dog has already received the stimulation.

DogFence Ltd have been installing the hidden dog fences for over 16 years. We have fenced and contained many dogs on their last chance saloon. We offer a containment promise with our Professional Dog Fences but as with all dog ownership this does involve management from the owner.

  1. Put the collar on the dog every day – it’s useless in the draw!
  2. Make sure the collar is correctly fitted – a lose collar can equal a lose dog!
  3. Remember to change the battery at the correct interval – DogFence batteries last 6 months or 2 years depending on the collar and we even offer automatic renewal programmes so you don’t forget.


The majority of dog owners recognise that dogs need to be trained so that they can enjoy walking together. Sadly owners cannot be present 24/7 and it maybe that the dog escapes from the garden and ends up in a field full of sheep. Installing an electronic dog fence gives owners peace of mind whilst allowing the dog the freedom to enjoy the open air.

If you would like to know more about how DogFence can secure your garden give us a buzz. Our lovely office team can measure out your boundary and give options for the fence remotely. Call us today on 01628 476475 or click here for a quote.

Below is a list of Balanced Dog Trainers that we recommend for sheep chasing:

Take The Lead Training – Devon  – Jamie Penrith.

Dutiful Dogs – London & South East England – Nicky Bulter

Southend Dog Training – Essex – Adam Spivey

Paws in Nature – Cheshire – Andrew Lang



dog fencing idea gone wrong - Collie leaping over net fence in countryside

Dog Fencing Ideas – how to keep Fido home!

Dog Fencing Ideas – solutions to keep Fido safe

Dogs will be dogs so exploring different dog fencing ideas is a must for any canine owner. Having spent 17 years fencing dogs we have come across many different ideas. As with people no two dogs are the same and of course they all live in different locations.

Rural dog fencing ideas

Many rural locations are difficult to fence. Understandably this could be because of the terrain being very hilly, wooded or prohibitively large. Furthermore most rural properties are surrounded by hedgerows. Hedgerows may be a deterrent for a dog with a low prey drive but for many it’s an open avenue of escape.

Stock Fencing

Dog Fencing Ideas - how to keep Fido home! DogFence

Badgers are not deterred by Stock Fences

Stock fencing is a traditional dog fencing idea for rural properties. Used to contain livestock it is adaptable for use in rural gardens. For many dogs this will give enough of barrier to prevent the dog jumping  out of the property. The downside is that this type of fencing is it is costly, unsightly and can be damaged by wildlife. Badgers and foxes will often make holes in this type of fencing and thus some rural owners find this dog fencing idea a temporary fix. Also the cost of such fencing can work out extremely expensive; starting around £6.00 p/m + gates etc it can a costly exercise.

Deer Fencing

Deer Fencing; again another great rural solution but sadly it is extremely obtrusive more expensive than stock fencing. Again, the downside with this fencing is that badgers and small mammals will make holes that then become an escape avenue for your dog!

Electronic dog fencing

Electronic dog fencing; you may not be familiar with this product even though this type of dog fencing idea has been around for over 40 years. Using a boundary wire, transmitter and a computer collar worn by the pet this type of fencing can be used on any terrain. Electronic dog fences do need to be professionally installed. This is because the pets need training but they a more cost effective solution than traditional methods. As a guide price an rural installation of approx 2 acres for 2 dogs would be circa £1300.00.

The advantage of this type of dog fencing idea is that it can be used cost effectively on very large properties (up to 350 acres) and can be removed if the owner moves house. It is also invisible so will not affect any planning restrictions or spoil the view!

Kennels and dog runs

Kennels and dog runs are full proof method for dog containment. The downside of installing a run is that many dogs become bored and exercise is limited. The cost of installing Kennels can be high but equally these can be relocated to a new property.

Urban dog fencing ideas

Most urban gardens are fenced in some way but these may not all be dog proof! Some new sites have planning restrictions on fence heights and even open plan. Many properties use Picket or Rail type fencing which dogs can easily jump over or squeeze through.

Planning permission is not usually required in urban areas.  Fences must be no more than 2m high or 1m high  near roads. The most popular type of fencing is for urban houses is Close Board fencing.

Close Board Fencing

Dog Fencing Ideas - how to keep Fido home! DogFence

Dogs can dig under traditional fences

Close board fencing is a great dog fencing idea for many urban owners. It is generally tall enough to stop jumping dogs and quick to install. This type of fencing comes in varying heights and can be installed by most handymen. The downside is that some dogs will dig under and there may be restrictions to installing this type of fencing on some new estates. As a rough cost to install on a small rear garden it would be approx £1200.00.

Electronic dog fencing – no need to install gates!

As with the rural properties this type of fencing is a very cost effective solution. This type of dog fencing idea also gives the owner the possibility of protecting the drive within the price. It is true that the larger the property for more cost effective the electronic dog fence becomes but small properties can also be fenced with this product.

Many owners may already have a Close Board or Picket fence installed and need additional backup. The electronic dog fence can be run around the existing fence if the traditional method is not working. Our Installers can place the cable to prevent the dog jumping over or digging under the existing fence. The cable can even be run under the drive to protect this area. Most owners are concerned that this means digging up the drive but the installation is both neat and discreet.  A typical urban property would cost less £1000 to fence and this would include a driveway loop.

Cat Runs

Interestingly cat runs can be used to keep both dogs and cats safe. These type of structures can prove expensive if they are professionally installed and may not be aesthetically pleasing. A cat run suitable for a dog would usually cost from £750.00 upwards depending on the size.

A DogFence Ltd we have been Professionally installing electronic dog fences for over 17 years. The dog fencing ideas that some owners come up with to keep their pets at home can often be amusing. Over the years we have seen:

  • Old Fireplaces in the hedge!
  • Old garage doors down one boundary!
  • Orange builders netting – not attractive or effective!
  • Hundreds of dogs on tie out stakes – who have wound themselves up to the pole 🙁
  • Electric horse fencing – Harsh and not fall proof!

If you would like to learn more about how we can keep your dog safe at home please call us or visit our web site. We offer bespoke Quotes using our online measuring tool – simple, accurate and effective. 01628 476475 or


dog fence dogs

Fencing For Dogs Who Escape

Fencing for dogs – Which Fence Is Best?

Here you are finding yourself researching about fencing for dogs. I am guessing your canine companion is one that is a great escape artist! I have one too and not one who jumps over a fence but one who finds the smallest gap and squeezes himself out or it maybe you have a high energy dog who just loves attention from any passing people or other dogs, whatever breed you own, a dog is always on the lookout for freedom to roam.

Frequent escapes create a number of worries for you as a pet owner:

  • Theft.
  • Become a bait dog.
  • Poisoned.
  • Even shot for chasing livestock.
  • Picked up by the local dog warden (which costs you).
  • Be at risk of injury or hit by a moving vehicle.

All of these worries are real today! Dogs do not see these dangers, they escape because they can and often if left for long periods of time, because of boredom.

There is a simple solution to this issue of fencing for dogs and that is for an invisible or hidden fence.  Whereas a static fence:

  • A dog can jump over.
  • Dig its way out underneath.
  • Chew through in a bid for adventure or someone to be with.

Interestingly, people often say a dog can run through the wired or wireless system – however…read on and you will see why this is and why DogFence systems do not pose this issue.

Wired or Wireless Fencing For Dogs

Sadly, there has been much stigma about electronic fences and shock collars but the collars available today are far removed from the collars available 40 years ago. Today’s systems have improved massively in terms of stimulation levels, size of receiver collars, training etc.  People are concerned that these fences may be illegal. All our DogFence systems are 100% legal. Of course, our legal dog fences come with patented fail-safe FM radio frequency technology. Unlike the AM frequency dog fencing systems, it will not fail or activate accidentally.

Wireless dog fence

Most dog fences are wired but wireless systems are available but are often not as effective due to the constraints regarding lay of the land etc. With the wireless installations, there can be issues with undulating terrain, trees, and building and these types of pet fence are highly prone to false activation. Whilst they may be quick to install, sadly the end result can be confusion for the dog. As with any Pet Training protocol it is best to take time. Taking a day or so to install a wired fence will give your dog more freedom. If your dog is happy and safe then this will also give you peace of mind as well.

Of course, wireless dog fences have a few advantages over their wooden or chain-linked counterparts. Many electric dog fences require few tools to install and can be set up in an afternoon. Unlike a traditional gate, the layout of many invisible dog fences isn’t as restricted by the topography of your garden. Using an invisible fence does not obstruct your view, it is ideal for creating a space for your dog.  A wireless dog fence allows you to increase the range of your boundary area.  You can link additional receiver collars to increase the range of the signal.

What is an Invisible Dog Fence & How Does It Work?

  1. An FM radio signal created a virtual fence. Dog Fence uses the Safelink patented FM digital technology.
  2. 15 times faster than AM radio signal fence systems.
  3. An invisible fence can cover a large area (at a fraction of the cost of traditional fencing).
  4. The radio signal transmits to a collar worn by the pet.
  5. A zone before the boundary triggers a high pitched beep from the collar, to warn your pet.
  6. At the boundary, your pet gets a warning beep and small static impulse, through the collar.
  7. Temporary training flags are installed to give the pet a visual
  8. Through training, the pet learns to retreat to a safe area.
  9. Maximum protection against false activation.
  10.  If a correctly trained a dog cannot run out of an FM radio signal.
  11. 2-5 days training programme for your pet.
  12. Suitable for dogs over 12 weeks and cats over 16 weeks.
  13. Discomfort from the impulse, experienced by your pet, occurs mainly during the initial training.  It feels no worse than an annual vaccination.  The stimulation cannot compare to the pain of being hit by a car!
  14. Costs a fraction of the price of installing a traditional fence.


All things considered, the best fencing is a hidden containment fence, one which transmits over FM frequency. After all, we are pet lovers and the importance of our pet’s safety should not be underestimated.  Pet shelter organisations do require you to have secure fencing in place before approval of adoption too.  With other types of fencing for dogs, a pet has the means to escape.  You want peace of mind that the fencing you choose is secure enough to keep your pet safe.

To conclude, hidden legal dog fences are the best choice, due to the following factors:

  • They are highly effective at pet containment.
  • The fence is invisible and does not obstruct your view.
  • A cost-effective solution that allows freedom for a safer, happier, independent pet.
  • An easier life for you the pet owner having less worry.
  • They are professionally installed.

DogFence Ltd offers a pet training programme as part of its installation service. This is designed to minimise the static shocks, to your pet, by ensuring can teach your pet it’s new boundaries. So don’t wait, get in touch with our friendly team here at Dog Fence today for an informal chat about fencing for dogs to suit yours & your pet’s needs.


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Golden Retriever running along boundary marked with containment fences

Containment Fences Explained

What are electronic Containment Fences and how do they work?

Containment fences hit the news earlier this year when the Government declared that they intended to ban e-collars for training dogs.

Sadly, the media jumped in with both feet first and declared that containment fences were also to be banned. At DogFence we were horrified having Professionally installed containment fences for over 17 years we had no idea why! For our customers that already used a containment fence there was outrage. How could the Government even consider banning a fence that had saved their pets life and given them back their freedom?  For those that had not heard about containment fences there was intrigue. What is a containment fence and why do they want to ban them?Containment Fences Explained DogFence

Even the MP that called for the ban didn’t know if the containment fence was to be included within any ban and the officials at DEFRA did not know how containment fences worked! As experts in the field for containment fencing DogFence were invited to meet with officials from DEFRA and demonstrate the fence.

The comments from the DEFRA team were as we suspected “it’s not that bad” and “it’s not what I imagined”.

So what is a containment fence?

It’s actually an invisible fence or virtual fence which is created by a radio signal. Originally invented to keep dogs safe at home in the USA where gardens are traditionally unfenced their popularity has grown in recent years.

A containment fence is actually a very simple and unobtrusive system which can be installed on virtually any property at a fraction of the cost of traditional fencing. It also offers for safety than conventional fencing as the pet can’t dig under or jump over the fence and it protects open areas such as driveways.

A boundary wire is placed around the property boundary which transmits a coded radio signal to a collar worn by the pet. When the pet approaches the boundary wire a high pitched warning beep alerts the pet to go back. If the pet continues forward, an electrical impulse is given through the collar (this is often referred to as a correction or static shock) and the pet retreats back into the safe area.

How does the pet know where to go?

Every pet undergoes a training programme which usually takes 2 – 5 days. When training to a containment fence it is important that the boundary is flagged to give a good visual of where the virtual fence starts. The flags stay in the ground as a visual marker for approx. 2 – 3 weeks. Containment fences can be used for dogs over the age of 12 weeks and cats 16 weeks or over.

The trainer will take the dog outside and set the collar to “beep only” mode. Using some voice commands, he will introduce the dog to the containment fence training flags and later he will allow the dog to enter the “no go area” of his own accord. By re-focusing the dog back into the safe area with the assistance of the warning beep and vocal commands the pet will quickly learn where he can or can’t go. Following the beep only session the training moves onto to assess the correct level of impulse (correction) required for the pet.  If the owner has more than one pet the likelihood is that they will each have a different training level.

Containment Fences Explained DogFence

Visible boundary for the pet with flags.


With cats the training is carried out internally following the Dog Fence Cat protocol. This training protocol was used as part of the Lincoln Cat Containment Fence study.


Will the containment fence hurt my pet?

Of course the thought of giving any impulse or shock to your pet can be abhorrent. It is important to note though that the impulse is very low and is usually only felt during the training phase. The sad scenario is that the pain felt from a car is almost unimaginable and the discomfort of containment fence is no worse than an annual vaccination. Also for dog owners there is always the threat of a shot gun as dog attacks on sheep are rising annually.

What areas of the garden will the containment fence cover?

Interestingly, containment fences can cover the entire garden including the driveway. The largest installation that we have installed at Dog Fence is 450 acres. Usually the fence wire is dug directly into the ground (approx. 3 – 5” below the surface) but it can be attached to existing physical boundaries. It is not uncommon for the fence wire to be attached to post and rail fences, stone walls, run through hedges, ditches or streams and even the odd moat! When it comes to the driveway any surface can be crossed except Resin bonded drives which require special attention.

Containment Fence Collars

The original containment fences from the early 80’s used heavy bulky collars but as with the mobile phone technology everything has been scaled down in recent years. Not only have the collars become smaller and lighter but the battery life has also increased.

At Dog Fence we can boast the smallest and lightest collars worldwide. Our mini containment fence collar only weighs 30g but still features an incredible 6-month battery life. Incredibly our standard collar has a 2-year battery life and weighs in at only 48g which is still the 3rd lightest collar available worldwide!

How much do containment fences cost?

A containment fence costs a fraction of the cost of installing a traditional fence or driveway gates. Unlike a wooden or stock fence a containment fence becomes more cost effective the larger the area. Naturally the price is dependent on the owner’s location and the number of dog or cats that they have. There is no need to visit a property to give an estimate for the containment fence; this can all be carried out via our online survey tool.


Thankfully, the Government looked at the evidence, research and responses from containment fence owners and deemed these lifesaving systems safe to use. Indeed, Michael Gove stood up and supported the life-saving fences in Parliament.

If you are interested in receiving a quick free quote contact us today on 01628 476475 or fill in our quote form

our mini receiver R7m is suitable for Pomeranian dogs

Electronic dog fences – are they safe for small dogs?

Are electronic dog fences safe to use for small dogs?

Electronic dog fences have been around for over 40 years. Unsurprisingly in the early years this type of electronic dog fencing was most certainly not suitable for small dogs. Why were they not suitable? Size and weight of the computer collars!  Many of the early collars used a 9 volt battery to power the collar which was both bulky and heavy. As with mobile phones recent advances in technology have enabled the size and weight of the computer collars to be dramatically decreased.

At DogFence we are proud to be able to offer the smallest and lightest electronic dog fence collars on the market today. Our mini computer collars weigh only 30g including the small 3.0 volt battery. Our electronic dog fence collars are suitable for all breeds of dogs and cats and with the increasing popularity of toy breeds our sales of mini collars has risen significantly in the last 5 years.

Electronic dog fences - are they safe for small dogs? DogFence

Small enough for cats too!

Will the electronic dog fence hurt my dog?

Naturally a common concern is that the “correction” or impulse will hurt the dog. Naturally, at DogFence we are all dog lovers and the last thing we would want to do is inflict pain or suffering onto any dog or cat. The impulse level is set to each dog or cats personality. People often asks does it hurt? can I feel it?  In reality, once they feel the impulse the next reaction is usually “how will that keep my dog in?” or “oh it’s not that bad!”.

Electronic dog fences have been tested by leading Universities and pet professionals across the world. The results have proved that these fences are safe to use with both dogs and cats. The amount of impulse delivered is not determined by the size of the pet but their personality. The average setting for most dogs is level 2 this would equate to some 250 times lower that a cattle of electric stock fence.

Interesting, the impulse is generally only received during the training phase. All our electronic dog fence collars give out a warning beep prior to giving out the impulse. During the training phase the pet also has a visual marker with training flags. If the training is carried out correctly the pet will rarely receive any activation after the initial period. All our DogFence installers are qualified to train your dog or cat to the containment system. DogFence is a member of the IACP an international organisation set up for training dogs using electronic stimulation alongside conventional training protocols.

Will I have to use the electronic dog fence forever?

This is always a difficult question to answer. It really depends on your dog’s personality and hunting drive. As a rule we find that dogs and cats that are trained before the escaping behavior begins will train quickly and easily and never challenge the fence. However, if you have livestock or game birds nearby and a dog with a high drive then it is advisable to use the system everyday. With electronic dog fencing consistency is king. If every time the dog enters the zone they hear the warning beep they will not “challenge” the fence. Issues can arise  if they can go through the zone one day because they are not wearing the electronic dog fence collar and not on another day it becomes confusing to the pet.

What do the Experts Say?

Electronic dog fences - are they safe for small dogs? DogFence

Prof. Daniel Mills

Recent studies through Lincoln University, headed by the well revered Prof. Daniel Mills, and the Governments research have proved that electronic dog fences are  only safe and also save the lives of dogs and cats. With modern technology size is no longer a barrier to pet containment with an electronic dog fence. Read more about what the experts say on our web site.

If you would like to learn more about how an electronic dog fence can keep your pet safe contact us on 01628 476475 or email us @