Keeping your Pets Safe from Theft

Keeping your Pets Safe from Theft DogFencePet thefts have been an ongoing problem for a while now, however we have seen a dramatic increase within the past couple of years.

In 2020, when lockdown started for us all, there was a massive increase in demand of people wanting pets to keep them company. Due to this increase in demand for puppies and kittens, it caused the cost of buying these pets go through the roof! However people are desperate and will pay anything for what they want.

After the massive spike in price for pets, this caused the inevitable of dog and cat theft to increase. It was reported that Dog Thefts in 2020 increased by 250%

Why are pets stolen? –

Dogs can be stolen for many reasons, here are a few:

  • Dognappers will steal a dog and then return it to the owners in exchange for the reward
  • Other Dog Nappers use Blackmail towards the dogs owners by saying they will get the dog back if they pay a ransom.
  • Dognappers can steal dogs to sell them on
  • Female dogs can be stolen to be bred from year after year, this way the dog napper can continuously make money.

The theft of a pet is a devastating time for the owners and not a time that anyone would ever want to experience. Here are a few tips on how you can keep your pet safe from theft –

Keep an eye at all times –

The most important thing you can do is keep an eye on your dog or cat at all times. If you are out in public make sure you know where they are at all times and if they cannot be trusted off the lead then don’t risk it.

When at home ensure to keep your pets on your property and not to let them wander around the neighbourhood.

Do not leave your pet in your car –

Dogs that are left in the car with the windows down, are a sitting target for thieves. The windows can be forced open or the thief can reach into the car and grab the pet, it only takes a few seconds!

Secure your Garden –

Before letting your dog or cat out into the garden, ensure that it is all secured. It is worth checking the fences for gaps and even installing gates to ensure they are contained. You do not want them escaping or even worse, someone entering your garden.

How our systems can help –

Our DogFence Systems allow to keep your pet safely contained within your property while allowing them freedom. We supply systems to secure your garden and to stop your pets escaping, this allows you to keep your pets safe from falling into the wrong hands!

Our website supplies you with all the information you need for our different DogFence Containment Systems.

When shopping, don’t leave your dog outside –

Seeing dogs outside shops has been common for a long time but now that the numbers of dog thefts have risen it is best to refrain from doing so. If you have to take your dog to the shops, take someone with you so they can wait outside with your dog.

Collars, Tags and Microchips –Keeping your Pets Safe from Theft DogFence

The Control of Dogs Order 1992 mandates that any dog in a public place must wear a collar with the name and address (including postcode) of the owner engraved into a tag. The owners telephone number is optional but advisable. Do not put your dogs name on the tag, as someone attempting to steal your dog can use that to call them over.

Report any incidents –

If you see any suspicious behavior or people coming up to you and asking strange questions about your dog, report it. You could prevent an incident happening.

Keep your documents safe –

Ensure to keep all your dog’s insurance and important documents somewhere safe. That way you can easily access them in an emergency.

Check up on Dog Walkers or Sitters –

If you are looking for a Dog Walker or a Dog Sitter, ensure you do your research, try to find out if they are registered with any bodies or have any qualifications.

Fit Alarms, Bells or Camera Doorbells –

Keeping your Pets Safe from Theft DogFence

Have alarms or bells installed at your property, to warn you of any intruders. A doorbell with a camera would also be a good investment, both of these can potentially warn off thieves.

Train Excellent Recall –

Take the time to train your dog to come back to your on command. This will help you if you need to get them to come back to your quickly. It also means they are less likely to run off on walks and in a public place.


Here is a list of places / contact information if you need to report something –