What our customers think of DogFence

Last Xmas our well behaved Jack Russel was joined by Bertie the Beagle (Long story but almost a rescue dog) Gradually Bertie realised that living in the middle of a farm with no physical boundaries his ability to follow his nose was boundless. Cedric the JR being only 2 was easily lead and we spent hours searching for and returning them home.

Dog fence cured them in one day and now we can leave them in the not inconsiderable 2 ha garden all day, they can roam and chase wabbits and still be there wagging their tails when we return.———Brilliant.

Robert Oldershaw

We have a young lurcher called Ollie and I am sure we owe the fact that we still have him, alive and well, is thanks to DogFence. We have a fast cut-through road running past our house and we were terrified that Ollie would get out and be run over. When he was a puppy he would wriggle through tiny holes, when we fixed them foxes and badgers just made more. Then we found DogFence, it was like a miracle and it is still like a miracle!  From his first training session after installation he has kept away from the fence, scarcely any reinforcement was needed.

Now that Ollie is an adult (with teenage behaviour) he could easily jump the board fence onto the road, jump the hedges too or tunnel under them if he thought that was more fun! However, thanks to DogFence, he doesn’t attempt any of those things and we can keep him safe.


cat climbing tree contained with a cat fence


We usually we reserve this slot for Testimonials but sometimes a picture says it all – Zeus who is climbing trees inside his garden – his fence keeps him within the boundary!

Hi Shanton,

Here is out baby boy at 6 months old learning to climb the fir trees inside our garden safe!!! You can see he has what we call his ASBO collar on!!

Good Morning

Last Xmas our well behaved Jack Russel was joined by Bertie the Beagle (Long story but almost a rescue dog) Gradually Bertie realised that living in the middle of a farm with no physical boundaries his ability to follow his nose was boundless. Cedric the JR being only 2 was easily lead and we spent hours searching for and returning them home.

Dog fence cured them in one day and now we can leave them in the not inconsiderable 2 ha garden all day, they can roam and chase wabbits and still be there wagging their tails when we return.———Brilliant.

Robert Oldershaw

Our life has been made so much better since we had your Hidden Dog Fence installed. We don’t have to worry about opening doors or gates and our beloved Cocker running off.You should be called ‘Magic Fences’ as our pooch is now very well behaved. Many thanks

Jacquie & John Abbey

The Dog Fence has been the best thing that I ever have bought for our Border Terrier Darcy. I am elderly and my daughter is disabled with cerebral palsy. If due to our physical problems, makes us unable on some days to walk Darcy far. He can have a heap of exercise in our garden right up to the hedges. I love to walk him on a normal collar and lead as well.  Terriers are extremely lively dogs as I am well aware having had Jack Russell’s and other breeds. Darcy will be 6 this year.  For 2 years in my youth I worked with a local vet in Stowmarket.  A neighbour who has this breed of dog, two of which had escaped had escaped and got on the dual carriage way 3/4 of a mile from my house in Woodbridge. This is an extremely busy road, there could have been the most awful accident with people killed. I cannot thank Dogfence enough.

Six weeks ago we had a containment fence installed by DogFence and we could not be more amazed, relieved and delighted by the effect it has. Although we live in a village we have a fast and dangerous road just by our house and were constantly worried about the danger this presented to our very adventurous young lurcher, very skilled at escaping by climbing, digging or using holes made in our traditional fences by foxes and badgers, no matter how often we mended them they reappeared. We could not leave our dog in the garden on his own.

But now, since the installation of the containment fence he is free and safe in the garden, we know he will not go across the fence and get hurt or killed on the road, nor cause an accident to road users. He has never been traumatized by his collar, now when we pick it up he comes running with his tail wagging in just the same way as when one picks up his lead to go for a walk.


We decided to put an electric dog fence around our boundry as we live in the middle of the country side in a farming community. We had 3 dogs, Monty who was 14 years old and did not need a collar but also Molly a 2 year old Cocker Spaniel and her puppy Coco who we used the electric collar system with. We have 3 acres of land of which the garden takes up one acre. Due to logistics fencing off an area this size was impractical as we are in the north york moors. We did not want them to be kept in a kennel area with run as they are pets not working dogs, and we would still risk them escaping from the house, as their are 5 external doors which are usually all open through the summer.

Last spring we had a couple of significant incidents when Molly and her puppy escaped and killed 3 lambs. One dog had been fine but suddenly with two they were a pack and hunting was their natural instinct. The farmer was very understanding as he knows the dogs are pets and we have 3 young children, but at the same time the lambs were his lively hood. I was at my wits end and was contemplating selling our pets when a friend mentioned the electric fencing system. It has changed our life and rediuced my levels of stress everytime the children run outside and leave the doors open. The dogs do not venture to the boundry, they will bark at passing walkers but do not leave our premises, and as a result they are not being shocked at all. Their change of behaviour has been commented on by passer-bys, but most importantly for me, we have not had any incidents with the lambs born this spring, the dogs have stayed within our boundary area, I have nothing but praise for the system and have been delighted with the success.

Mrs Bryson

I have a Jack Russell and 2 Border Terriers who -left to their own devices -would and did defy garden fences and go off hunting . Despite having a proper fence round the large garden the Jack Russell still manages to get out. The only thing that keeps them safe is my hidden Dog Fence System which they respect and keep clear of. The beeping noise is all they need to remind them of the boundaries.

Without this we live in fear of losing them:

-down a rabbit hole – shot by a local farmer -In local accident on the roads with tractors, cars and heavy farm vehicles and horse riders around.


Some years ago we lost a spaniel hit by a vehicle while chasing a pheasant out of the garden and across the road. The incident caused us and the motorist distress. Had the DogFence been in place we do not believe the incident would have occurred. Furthermore the DogFence allows us and our dogs to enjoy our home and garden without unsightly, costly and less effective forms of boundary control. And our experience is that once the dogs have been trained and become aware of the “boundary” the dogs do not cross it even when the DogFence has been turned off.

Matthew Thorne

Below is a mixture of testimonals and responses to the Government Consultation – we feel our customers are our best advert!

I live in a village cut through by a busy road linking 2 big towns where drivers in general have no regard for speed limits resulting in many animal fatalities wild and domestic and in fact human. I back onto amazing farmland but this is bordered by the M11 and I would dread to think of the chaos a loose dog would cause.  I researched and spent time investigating keeping my dog and others safe and having a horse who is happy in his electric fenced field I tried this but my dog could still jump it whereas I can set a distance away from the boundary with the containment fence. Dog Fence who fitted my system were amazing and very skilled in working with and training my dog to understand the stages of the system – visual – audible – shock and stayed until he and I felt able to manage and to continue the training – not punishment.

In no time at all he accepted and understood the system and enjoyed the BENEFITS of not being kept in or restricted. He knows that when the collar is off he can cross the boundary to go for a walk and never hesitates to cross the boundary or demonstrate fear.  I spent a considerable amount on the system – worth every penny to see my dog enjoy the garden and to be safe.   He does not wear a collar to reprimand him for my lack of wish to train him as we attend 2 local clubs indoor and out to socialise and be a good canine citizen-he has achieved this status.  He is loved by everyone he meets due to his nature but sadly without this amazing system I would have to rehome him to a totally rural setting or I would imagine someone would keep him constantly tethered which would break my heart.

I have rehomed a dog that was trained as a working dog but the trainer felt he was more suited to family life. It turns out that despite being a gorgeous family dog, he has a high prey drive and repeatedly escaped our large garden. He would chase foxes, deer, cats and on one occasion a sheep (resulting in the involvement of police and the farmer – not something I ever want to experience again). No amount of fencing deterred him as the foxes would dig new escape routes overnight. One day he chased a fox down a neighbouring railway line on live tracks with regular high speed trains. Without the option of the containment fence system we would have needed to have put him down. The company that installed the fence were reassuring and after a brief training session it has worked effectively for over 3 years. I admit that the dog received one tiny shock (the lowest setting) on the first day but he immediately responded to the visual flags to recognise his boundary and there is an audible beep warning if he approaches the fence. He has only ever received one shock and fully respects this boundary now. We had to move the dog fence to allow for our rear fence to be replaced and with the use of the warning flags he quickly adapted to the change of boundary (without need of a  shock). It has revolutionised our lives and for a dog who has to remain on a long line, it’s given him freedom to run about in our large garden and enjoy playing with our other dog (who does not need a collar so we don’t use one on him).

In my case I have a young Cockapoo dog, and at my house the bottom boundary of the garden is formed by the River Enborne. This is at normal times a shallow brook which my dog can easily walk across, but at times of heavy rain it swells to some 3 feet deep and floods over the lower part of my garden with fast flowing water. So to fence the boundary of my garden is completely impractical. To try to install a fence I would have to close off 75% of my garden, and in any case  it would probably not last long in the fast flowing floods, and would create escape holes for the dog.

The river is then only 100 yards or so from the busy A34 Newbury Bypass, so if my dog were to escape the consequence could be horrendous both for the dog and motorists.When I acquired the dog in 2017, I had a buried cable “electric” fence installed at great expense, and I have to say it works extremely well. After a couple of hours training, the dog (she was only 16 weeks old at that time) learned that crossing the line meant a short static shock was delivered to deter her. After that she has always responded to the first warning buzzer, before a static shock can even be delivered and the system is set to its lowest deterrent level.

The fence system is “intelligent” and gives her a warning buzzer, and a time gap before administering the shock if she ignores the warning (which she never does). It also cannot trap a dog in the area and then deliver a continuous shock because she cannot escape from the area. All of which makes the system harmless to her but very effective. I have tried the shock on myself and can confirm that it is a deterrent level shock not a painful, continuous shock.

Mr May

“ The experience at Dogfence was no less than life changing. I can’t recommend this excellent system more highly. It stopped our beautiful little working cocker from fleeing across the countryside and gave her our woods to make her own, while giving us the security of knowing she has never – not once – in 14 months ventured across the signal. It has given complete peace of mind and the aftercare is equally exceptional. ”


Message: Hi,
I just wanted to send an email to let you know how we have got on with the system for Jasper and Jet. Result! It has been liberating and we are delighted with it. The only disappointment is that we did not do it sooner. Jasper (3) is an escapologist who can climb and dig his way out of all of our boundary defences.  Jet (1) was previously involved in an RTA as a puppy when he managed to get on the road whilst building work was being done on our house and we were very lucky not to lose him. The dogs were trained within a couple of days and thanks to the internal transmitter we have also managed to stop them coming upstairs and have been able to remove the unsightly stair gate. I can let them in the garden when its dark and not be concerned that Jasper won’t come back.
I think there seems to be a a lack of understanding about how these systems that can deliver corrective shocks work. Understandably, no-one wants to hurt their pets.
The key part of this system is the audible alarm, and a properly trained pet will never get a corrective shock because the warning is the sound and not a shock. I expect that eventually we could even set the system to sound only with our dogs.

Thank you,

Hi, Yes that is fine, feel free to use my comments where you like.  Another positive we have had is that the dogs are no longer running out to greet (woof at!) everyone who walks past the house which was very annoying for us and no doubt everyone else in the vicinity.

Feel free to add that too!

Best wishes,



We installed a Dog Fence a couple of years ago and wondered why we didn’t do it earlier! Our two cockers have been ‘contained’ in our 9-acre garden with lots of space to run around and have never strayed beyond the boundary. We are safe in the knowledge that they won’t ‘roam’ and being in a rural setting this is extremely important. Would recommend this to anyone with a garden of any size; it was installed in a day and only took a couple of hours to train them. Well worth the investment.


Dogfence has literally changed our lives! We were having so much trouble with our dog escaping and running onto a local race track! After trawling the internet for ideas we came across dogfence. I was sceptical at first as we have 7 acres of land and keeping tabs on the dog at all times is impossible! However the system worked immediately and he has never escaped since. We can even leave the gates open and he will not go out of them as he is fully aware of the boundary line created by dogfence. We have recently added our 3 new puppies to the system with just as much success! I cannot thank Dogfence enough and highly, highly recommend them.


and when things go wrong.…. I would like to thank you so much for your help over the phone and for replacing my faulty collar so quickly. Everyone I spoke to was so nice and very helpful,  it was greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

Kate Brown

Nov 17


Ms Nahum gave the following testimonial:

“ We run a livery yard from our home, and without Dogfence our dogs simply would not have the same freedom as they have now. Our property is large with horse pastures therefore physical fencing is not an option. Our dogs were trained in just a couple of days and respect the fence now. We can let them roam around safe in the knowledge they are just where they need to be. They stay out of the horse fields and stay safe. Cannot recomment Dogfence enough! ”

Oct 17


Hi Emma,

The Cat fence is working out beautifully. I have recommended it to so many people.


Copy of a referral email sent to a customer:

Hi Jane & John, Thanks for email.  I too have scraped cats up from our road and didn’t want that to happen to ours, we have 12 of them. Obviously some of them (the older ones) we can trust to stay in the garden, we have put 5 – 6 foot high fences around the perimeter but that didn’t stop the younger ones from getting out and I was getting paranoid over the whole thing.    The dog fence was recommended to me by a friend and I must admit once the cats have been trained on the collar the ‘bleep’ from the collar if they get near to the fence plus the slight electric shock if they do go too close really does deter them.   You cant use it on tiny kittens, we started with our youngest ones at about 5 months (they are now 18 months old and the collars are second nature to them), the collars are not that big but a little bit heavy for little cats but as the cat grows they get used to them and really don’t take any notice.

Our largest cat is a Maine Coon and he is fine, he doesn’t attempt to go over the fence having once got an electric shock – it is not enough to hurt them, just enough to deter them.

I do know that if we ever moved we would certainly have another dog fence and we would thoroughly recommend it.


Louise – S

When our small cross breed was just 5 1/2 months old we installed a banana loop dog fence in our back garden. It did take a bit of time, but with two people helping it was far easier and was incredibly straight forward. I was very apprehensive about training my pup to the fence but it was so easy. She got it in a couple of days literally. (Since then I’ve realised she isn’t the brightest either! bless her) The instructions are so clear. I did exactly as told with keeping her on the lead and walking up to the flags. I’ve deliberately waited a year to review this product and I can only rave about it. Easy to install. Inexpensive for self installing; certainly less than fence posts and panels etc. Simple to train but most importantly a happy, SAFE dog within the confines of my back garden. I have left the collar off for months without any issue but have now noticed she is venturing to the absolute extremity of the boundary and not within the 18 inches buffer from the actual fence itself, so I’m about to start putting it back on her just to remind her!! She has never run through the fence for any reason and I will update this post if she ever does.


Mike – 

Wow – what amazing customer service my dog chewed the dog fence collar to the point of destruction and to my amazement the warranty lived up to the expectations and a few days later I received the replacement. arrived by First Class Post 2 days later. Brilliant system and great service thank you.


Thanks so much for all your help last week. We were very impressed with the system and the training.



Fantastic product, which has kept my two boxers safe, living beside a busy farm road, for over a year now. Lauren was very helpful throughout, giving advice and recommendations based on the information I provided. The system 1200 was very easy to set up and install, the training manual and flags even had Oscar, my deaf boxer, actually giving up his daily escape routine. ( vibrating collar available ).
The system can be adapted easily, and once the training is over, you wouldn’t know it was there. The collars are robust, as is the cable, wish I’d heard about this product years ago.
I have just bought a smaller, portable version, to take with me on my travels, because the system is so easy to use, and a lot cheaper than expensive fencing and costly vets bills !!

Bruce – self-installed


Just to let you know that your installer was very efficient and helpful.   I only continued to train Eddy for one day as he seemed fully aware of the flags.    He started to follow me down the drive, I said careful as we neared the flags and he stopped a good three feet away.

Thank you

Mary Britt

Installed Jan 


I have installed Dogfence in 4 different properties and they work brilliantly. All of the staff are friendly and go out of their way to give help and advice. I have had 2 fences installed by them and have installed 2 myself with an electrician doing the tricky bits! I was very sceptical at first as I have a Jagd Terrier (French hunting dog) and told them I would be the first client to claim on the guaranteed containment. They assured me I wouldn’t and they were right, Elf-Amadeus runs round the front garden and comes back in, even when I leave the property with the other dogs, he will not come out until I bring him out myself (minus his collar of course!).

He was never allowed off-lead on our walks which was awful for both of us so I very recently put my trust in Dogfence again and bought the Remote Trainer. I was sceptical once again but, after only one training session on a long lead, I had the courage to let him run free and – guess what – he comes back the second I call him, even though the other dogs are off on a scent, he comes straight back and walking is now a pleasure for both of us rather than a nightmare for me and frustration for him.

Elf-Amadeus and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts; your products have transformed both of our lives.

Jan Tebb

First System installed in Feb 11 – has 4 systems and 1 x training collar – feed back Feb 2017


Thank you.

We were very impressed with Noel’s advice and professionalism and I have completed the survey.  We have completed the training programme and Ben is enjoying running about the garden.

Best wishes




Thank you so much for the email. I am delighted with the system, and happy for you to use this testimonial.

The Dog Fence system is nothing short of life-changing, not only for us but also for our extremely enthusiastic one-year-old Cocker Spaniel. I was bemused by the idea that nothing more complex than a radio collar, some little white flags and a length of wire running around our perimeter fence could possibly keep her from the lure of the forest next to our property – to say nothing of the wild deer and the farmer’s sheep in the meadow next door. But from day one Maddy has understood clearly the system. Balint trained her to respond to the command ‘Careful’ while he tapped the white flags, and she quickly learned to avoid these little gremlins after he let her stray past them once. She now has the run of our two acres and has never once attempted to cross the boundary wire. We were so amazed to find that when my children and I tested the system by leaving Maddy and walking past the gremlins in the field towards the deer that she still respected this invisible boundary and waited – excitedly – for us to return. Our friends and family cannot believe how our lives have changed from a state of constant tension about her whereabouts to the secure knowledge the system works and Maddy is having fun nearby in her contained two-acres of woodland. To any sceptics, I would say believe in the system and pay that bit extra to have it professionally installed. This system will give you a happy dog and a carefree life.

Jane Warren 


My dog fence has made life so much nicer. No worries about the dogs getting out when we open the gates to drive in. No more chasing people, people walking their dogs or horses and riders along the far boundary fence. They just chill out sunbathing (when the suns out) or go and play in the free area. Happy hounds happy me.

Jackie Hicks 


We are absolutely delighted with our hidden fence. The guy was so helpful and had Rosie almost fully trained before he left. 

It was very interesting that my grandson was looking at the extra white flag which had been left for us, and as he unfurled it Rosie became aware and backed into a corner on the sofa. So it is was obvious she had learnt already that the white flag  means danger. She gives the perimeter fence a very wide berth , not going within 5 to 10 yards of it, and also avoids altogether a small path which has flags at the side of it.

Best wishes and many grateful thanks.

Dorothy H A Wishart



I bought a dogwatch grounds keeper from you a couple of years ago.i have since moved from Corsica to mainland France.I need  80 metres of electric cable to set up my dog fence again .The product is First class i have never had issues with it and very pleased with the service I had. Can you mail me details price etcASAP


William Curran


Good afternoon,

Barry recently installed the dog fence at our property – I would like to register he did a great job, service was excellent and we are delighted with the fencing solution, please pass on our thanks.  Our dog Luna, picked up the boundary in no time and it has solved a massive problem we had where she was disappearing and chasing horses in the field next door.

Best regards,



January Baxendale 

Game changer! Fantastic products, I was wary about the cost but the value they have bought to our lives is priceless – highly recommended


I have completed the survey favourably but wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you for the service, and especially for an installation that exceeded my expectations and highly effective training. Both dogs had grasped the situation and whilst I followed up as instructed they clearly know what the flags stand for and have made very few challenges.



Dear Sirs – I want to say a huge thank you. I rang this morning to say that my Dogfence system wasn’t working – i thought there was a break in the wire. i was terribly worried because I have 4 very precious cats and had the system installed because, in the past, i had lost 3 more cats to cars. The system works wonderfully and i was very anxious that the cats [who are pretty canny] would work out that it wasn’t working and start straying.

The young lady i spoke to this morning was very reassuring and understanding and, wonder of wonders, somebody arrived half an hour ago and fixed the problem for me .. my system is now up and running again. And all in the same day! I am very very impressed and grateful.

Thank you once again – Serrie Meakins 


Dear Georgia, I did contact your office a few days ago to say how impressed I had been with all aspects of your service – I hope the message reached you!  I was particularly impressed with the young man who came to install the system and his obvious love of dogs. Sadly I cannot recall his name as he was European and I had difficulty pronouncing it ! But what an extremely pleasant person.  Larry has already learnt his new boundaries and both of us are happy that he can mooch around the fields in safety and I can do my work without constantly wondering if he’s still at home.   So , many many thanks to you all,

Kathy Maclean 


I would like to say thank you to all at Dog Fence UK for their brilliant product and excellent customer service. I live in France so was unable to have the system installed but the team answered all my questions and the result has been totally successful so far. Having seen how great it was outside, I ordered the BOB to stop my dog going upstairs. To my surprise, when it arrived, the recharger was fitted with a french plug. Perfect! That’s thinking ahead for your customers’ needs! I fully recommend this company!! Thank you.

Rachel Burns 

The system works really well and our dogs are now able to happily run around in the garden. Absolutely brilliant, we can’t thank you enough.

Mike Davies 

Hi Georgia – I wanted to thank you for all your help, I have been extremely impressed with your company and will definitely recommend you to all my friends. Noel was a truly amazing fitter – he was so polite and helpful and nothing was too much trouble for him! Thank you so much – he has done a wonderful job and Enzo has got to grips with the rules a day sooner than I expected! He’s off the lead and fine! thanks

Anne Sommers 

Good Afternoon,

We have been Dogfence customers for many years and have used the battery programme renewal for all that time.  You have just sent the last battery of our three over eighteen months with a reminder to renew.  Unfortunately, our little dog is so old and arthritic now, he rarely goes far and never at speed, so we have not used his collar for quite some time.  Consequently, there is little point in renewing with the way things stand at the moment. We will keep the system in place of course, and, should we get a new dog, we will certainly be back in touch to obtain a collar and to get enrol on the battery programme.

Thank you so much for an excellent service and a brilliant product.  You have been life-savers, keeping our dogs safe and contained and preventing them for going ‘walkabout’ at will!

Keep up the good work.

Hilary Young 

I was amazed at how your representative dealt with the installation and training and he was very professional and helpful.

Jo Lovelock – Dorset 

“Thanks to you and your team for fantastic customer service. The Dog Fence collar was chewed to bits by my English Setter and a free replacement arrived by First Class Post 2 days later. Anyone considering the purchase of the Dog Fence system should rest assured that the product not only works brilliantly but is backed up by a caring, first class customer service team.

Thanks again.”

Tony Bennett 

“Dear All, I am writing to say a big Thank you so much for all your help and great work in installing a DogFence for keeping our Beagle in our property. The neighbours tell me they ‘miss his visits!!’ We all have a very less stressful life now. Marley seems very happy and plays lots with the other dogs, he was too busy always getting out before! I will always recommend you to anyone who requires your services”

Tina Pratt 

“I had a DogFence installed back in March of this year and have waited until now to see how effective it was . Now I write to express my complete satisfaction with the system. Quickly and efficiently installed around an acre of ground and the dogs trained so effectively that they refused for a couple of days to go into the garden but eventually they carefully ventured out and after few days were content to stay well inside the fence. I thought we may have problem with the dogs chasing the deer that come into the garden however they have respected the fence and are content to stay within the boundary , with a working cocker that is saying something ! and it gives me complete piece of mind.
My thanks to you all for a friendly efficient and economical service.”

David Holt

“I can’t believe it is a week ago since Noel was here installing the DogFence!  Luna and Poppet have done extremely well with their training.  It’s interesting watching them now in the garden; they won’t go anywhere near the flags!!  It was interesting too how Poppet was extremely reluctant to go out on the ‘green lead’ and stayed very much close to the house.  However, since the leads have come off, she’s a lot more confident and even she knows her boundaries (Noel will be able to confirm that she’s rather a ‘airhead’!!).Thank you SO much for your help and assistance and send my best regards to Noel”

Jane Thursby

“I’d like to say how pleased we all are with the dog fence you recently installed for us. – especially Isla, the dog.

My family were sceptical that our characterful, escape artist Pointer would respect the barrier! After initial installation and training I was concerned. Isla was fearful about going out at all but we slowly and repeatedly walked the boundary with her on a lead until she became confident in our grounds. Since then it has been marvellous – the dog has freedom like never before and we have no worries. Isla has, I think, only had one shock and never crosses the line – even at temptations like rabbits and postman!”

Alex Hall 

“The system is excellent and within the first day we have a puppy dog who no longer strays across the boundary or indeed goes upstairs! – Noel was superb, friendly, professional and clearly and succinctly explained the system and how best to train Ozzy”

The Michaels Family 

“The chappy who installed my dog fence was excellent he took care in installing the wire and trained buzz bee well, a credit to your firm , please thank him for me”


“Balint has just left us.  I want to let you know that he’s done a brilliant job and worked non-stop the whole day despite his extremely long drive this morning! Thank you for being so accommodating in changing the date for us and please do let Balint know that we appreciated his hard work and patience with the dogs.”

Katie Coates

“Excellent service – I have already recommended DogFence twice in the two weeks we have had it installed :)”

Annette Bird – Norwich 

“The DogFence is a huge success, Ruben learnt immediately not to go near it.

I do not complete surveys but we are very pleased with the product and the young man who installed the system and trained Ruben was most pleasant and polite.  Please pass on our appreciation to him.”

Janet Fenton 

“We are getting on well with the training and Billy is enjoying his new found freedom. Your fitter was excellent and clearly loved dogs and his job. He mentioned that you sell a small wire system suitable for putting around our caravan when we are away – please could you end further details and a price for this. I know you do the disc but don’t think that would be suitable for us.”

Ann Lee – Derbyshire

“Has changed our lives – we were facing having a dead dog with the old physical fence we had to install tent pegs to stop the dog pushing up the netting”

Dawn Simpson 

“I am so impressed by the system, it’s only day 4 and Cadbury has been out the front with us an didn’t even approach the flags when our daughter arrived home. We are really happy with the system and hopefully this will mean no more stressful hunting for her and trying to stop her running in front of a bus. Thank you again”

Lorna Kettleborough 

“We have been absolutely delighted with the system and the battery has lasted longer than we expected. Please would you contact me regarding a replacement.
Many thanks”

Annette Clarke

“just wanted to say how great your product is. We have a beagle who before installing the Dogfence was a Houdini of the dog world. Now he knows his limits! the training advice worked perfectly and was v quick. Even the temptation of free range chickens on the other side of a physical fence and Dogfence won’t tempt him. A truly great product which I would recommend to anyone with a pet they want to keep safe”


“I have to say, that the Hungarian chap (sorry, I can’t remember his name), who came out to alter my system, was a very professional and personable man. Plenty of people complain in life but not many compliment. So, thank you. You guys are always very helpful”

Rachel Smith – Kent

“Whilst in communication I would just like to compliment your employee who fitted the original and most recent networks. I have forgotten his name, probably as he is Hungarian. He is a very professional guy and an excellent ambassador for your company. He carried out both jobs in a first class manner and was very thorough with the training and explanation to my wife and I as to the mechanics of the system itself. He is a credit to your company.
I have been a CEO and now Chairman of various international companies for the past 45 years and believe that good people deserve a mention, we are all too quick to criticise when things go south”

Chris Gray  – Feedback received Dec 2014

“I just want to say how courteous, considerate and professional Andrew Sherwood was when he installed the DogFence for us on Monday. The training of Robbie is, I think, going very well, and on schedule, and he appears to have a very good picture of where the boundary is. Please pass my thanks on to Andy for his good work”

Nick Pennington 

“If it hadn’t been for Emma’s patient and considerate manner, I may not have purchased your fence and services as the physical fence is much cheaper to buy elsewhere, but she showed me options and more than satisfied my concerns.
Andrew was very professional, personable and accommodating, a credit to your company”

Romaine Waldron

“I have to say I rarely write reviews and our fence was installed 9 months ago but I felt I should write a review now as it has been the most fantastic investment. We have 2 working cocker spaniels and 10 acres of land. They used to get a scent and be off before we knew it. The installation was quick and professional, the training and advise great and it has transformed our day to day life with the dogs. They just do not go near it. They have not once escaped or run away. Happy safe dogs and very happy owners”

27/11/2014 6:06 PM – Anonymous

“You came and fitted our setup in the February of this year and it is amazing and worth every single penny. The spaniels fully respect the system and ‘steer’ well away from an open gate. From two naughty ‘we will escape’ pets, we have total peace of mind now. Thank you so much dog fence team. I am now seriously thinking about buying the control training collar as they run without listening to whistles or commands”

Celia Cummings – Feedback received 

“The electric dog ‘fence’ that we have is absolutely perfect for our dogs and smallholding. It surrounds a field and a large garden. Rather than run off and chase sheep, our two whippets play tag with each other. I then maintain good relations with my (sheep)farmer neighbours and so everyone is happy. Our dogs were trained to the fence which happened quickly thanks to the sound which plays from the collar about a yard from the buried ‘fence’ . As a result, in two years, they have not had any electric shocks. The ‘fence’ is actually a deterent rather than a regular electric chastiser. People need to appreciate this. Just as you don’t stick you hand into a fire more than once and foxes don’t go near our electric chicken fence, everyone is a winner. It cost far less to surround our smallholding with your wire than put an actual fence up. Not only that, it is more attractive to look at the open pasture. Thank you”

Miranda Beaufort 

“I thought I would take this opportunity now to write to you now the installation has been in a while. Can I say that this has transformed my parents enjoyment of Lucy and transformed their lives, they can now have the Kitchen door open in the warm weather and sit out with Lucy free to roam knowing that she can run and come back to them without the worry of her going AWOL , Lucy is much happier now she can get the exercise she needs, a side effect is she is better on the lead when they go for a walk and does not pull so much.

The Installation was excellent with your installer discussing everything with me and Mum & Dad, he got on with Lucy from the first moment so that put everyone at ease, a first class guy describing everything as he went along.

Thank you and we would be happy to recommend you at any time.”

Tim Holway – Herts 

“Balint came & fitted our fence today – he was absolutely brilliant with my three dogs (australian shepherds) & i’m very confident my dogs will now be safe in there garden without the temptation to explore into danger! Thank you Balint!”

Comment from our DogFence Facebook page 

“No one that knows Buster (my wife included) thought this would work and told me I was wasting my money. Considering we have just moved into a new house with a large garden with open hedges, containment for Buster was an issue. I took a gamble and have proved everyone 100% wrong

I have a very boisterous dog who scares most people but Noel was not fazed at all and soon developed a rapport despite the required training.  I had lots of questions and your staff were excellent in responding”

Mr Harries – Lincs 

“You came and fitted our setup in the February of this year and it is amazing and worth every single penny. The spaniels fully respect the system and ‘steer’ well away from an open gate. From two naughty ‘we will escape’ pets, we have total peace of mind now. Thank you so much dog fence team. I am now seriously thinking about buying the control training collar as they run without listening to whistles or commands”

Celia Boden 

“It is the best money I have ever spent in my life!”

Mr Gutman

“Your installer trained my dog well and explained how the fence worked. He installed the fence really efficiently. Two weeks on and the fence has worked brilliantly so far. It has given both me and our dog so much more freedom. Thank you”

Mr Hammond – Herts

“Called in to check when the battery needed changing – Said it was the best thing she has ever done and now feels relaxed that the cat is safe in the garden”

Vicky Mudford – Chichester — British Short Hair Cat – Installed May 13 – feed back received Sept 13

“Just a quick email to let you know how pleased we are with the fence that you installed back in the early spring. It has changed both my and the dogs’ lives. I no longer spend my life wondering where they are and they have the freedom of the grounds (5 acres) – and much more freedom than they could ever be allowed before. It works splendidly and once they got the hang of it, the dogs seem quite happy with it. They even come trotting over in the mornings at the mention of “collar” to have their collars put on before they out. Only sorry that it was such a filthy day the day your chap came to put it in!”

Jane Tomlinson – Weston Supermare (2 x Lurchers) 

“I just want to say how very impressed I am, finally a Company that does what they say – the installer arrived on time and was excellent – the service from start to finish has been impressive – I will be writing a review once the dog has had a little more time on the system!”

Anne Minstram – Pullborough- Installed 

“The DogFence is brilliant – I didn’t think it would work, I thought he would just run through it but he doesn’t it’s brilliant!”

Ruth Bowers – Oxon- Installed 

“The dog fence has been a resounding success – I asked will it stop a Patterdale when chasing an Muntjac and you replied “absolutely yes” – I have to tell you that is has done so on two occasions!”

John Birkbeck – Kings Lynn 

“It is the best thing I have ever done – it’s kept my dogs safely at home for 10 years”

Mrs Foster – Installed 2003! in Cheshire 

“Hi there Just thought I’d drop you a line to say the dog fence is working extremely well so far. Even put a couple of spare flages by the new chicken run and the dogs aren’t going near it now! Life is much easier…………….Pam”

Pam Franklin (20 acres)

“I wish to thank you for your advice prior to purchase and subsequent help after purchase of your DogFence which I installed myself very easily.

I have two testosterone filled adolescent Boarder Collie brothers who used to see who could escape my garden first every single time I let them off of their lead. What they could not jump over or climb over they used to break down to escape. But, after the installation of your product and very little training at all (They really learnt so quickly) they now are let out unsupervised from dawn till dusk, allowing me a life again !!

I still can not believe the change in Max & Sam and the speed of the change (within a matter of days) from juvenile delinquents to little angels so quickly. It has enhanced the lives of all three of us to a great extent.
Once again I thank you for your help and advice and believe me I am recommending your product to everybody I know”

Tony Gale BraIntree Essex 

“Just a note to say how impressed we were by the speedy and efficient way the DogFence was installed today. Obviously, Radish is not as taken with the whole thing as we are – but we will bend him to our ways! He seems to be playing this on repeat ” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuMvkNDuOuQ

Sarah Kirk – Wareham 

“There is no other comment box so I would like to add that the installation was put in so smoothly – nothing was too much trouble, Adams advise was given willingly and he was a nice happy chap to have around. The dogs knew he was ‘in charge’. He left us feeling very confident that this system was going to work – providing we put the effort in – which is what we are doing. Thank you Adam and Dog Fence from the Boden-Cummins and Goodwin families”

Celia Boden-Cummins – 2 Cocker Spaniels (stolen and found thanks to Twitter & Liz Hurley!) 

“Stuart was very friendly, professional, and efficient despite the snow and cold!! He did not rush the job or make me feel he was dying to get home to avoid the snow”

Mrs Flynn – Cambs – Springer 

“Full credit to Adam the gentleman who fitted our dog fence, Outstanding very professional. Many thanks Adam”

Steven Clarke

“I would like to say how pleased I am with your products.  I had two young dogs who loved to escape after scents in the woods below our garden, and would go conveniently ‘deaf’ to the whistle or requests to come back. They were also getting in with cows and sheep so it was imperative we contain them. The dog fence worked a treat, and I now have six very contained dogs, and peace of mind.
I have also got one of the no-bark collars. I spent lots on citronella and sonic anti-bark collars which did not work at all. A clever dog works out how to get round them, and he did. I purchased one of your collars and it is now very peaceful and it even works if he doesn’t wear it all the time.
I also have one of the ‘discs’ which I put on the floor by the glass doors in the kitchen, and it means the dogs don’t come near, I can get outside without a cavalcade of dogs trying to get in, and the glass stays mud free. It is also useful to put on our kitchen island to deter them from stealing anything on top. A fantastic product.  Keep up the good work”

Jenny Holmes – 2 x Clumber Spaniels

“I was not convinced this system would work as effectively as advertised. I am very happy to say I was wrong! After 6 months our dogs remain in our grounds & are very happy. They have not attempted to cross the “boundary”. The installation remains “invisible” despite crossing two driveways. I have already recommended your company, and when I move, will definitely use your company at the next house. Absolutely delighted with the product, service & everyone I have made contact with. Well done – a brilliant product at a very reasonable price!
Your installer was very patient with our dogs – by the end of his visit we felt very confident that we could continue the training – which only took another two days”

Denise Perdy – Sussex (GSD & Retriever) 

“Thank you for such a professional transaction – it is a pleasure to be able say that nowadays. Fingers crossed – our cockers are learning quickly and the signs are good that you may have solved one of our biggest nightmares. Thanks and regards”

Keith Brown – Kent

“This is a great product. My dogs learned within 2 days and have made no attempt to escape our large garden since, even when the gates to the main road are left open by visitors. I can now happily work out in the garden knowing the dogs are safe and contained, without having to check them every couple of minutes. Prior to the dogfence, the family were spending part of every day looking for the dogs”

Dr Ellie Dow Beechwood House Kettins, Perth 

“I recently bought a system from you and I cant tell you how easy it was to install and work. Life is much easier now all the dogs are contained”

Peter Hicks (France) – Self installed May 12

“Has changed my life!”

Helen Bewsey – Thatcham (Installed Mar 12 – Feedback April 12)

“Just wanted to say – your system is beyond marvellous!  My dogs are safe in the garden – learned very quickly that crossing the open gateways was a complete ‘no no’. My life and peace of mind has had a complete turnaround!  I cannot endorse the product enough! Well done – a system that truly works on not the brightest of wolfhounds – who had been very territorial over the bridlepath which runs right through our property!  I no longer panic if gates might be left open or when I think people with dogs are walking the bridlepath!  Bliss.  Thank you”

Maggies Routledge – Surrey – SWAPPED OUT FROM A COMPETITORS SYSTEM! Installed Oct 11 (Feed back Feb12)

“In autumn 2011 we were experiencing trouble with our young labradoodles bothering walkers on the road outside our property. Although the six acre site is extremely well fenced, and there is a large hedge which extends to the total site, the entrance to the property is open, ie. there is no gate or similar mechanism.
We thought the only thing we could was to install a gate and we called in two companies from Edinburgh who were experts in the field. Both explained that there was a huge complication as the entrance was at an angle of 30 degrees. Then came the quotes for the installation and both came in at approximately £14,500 + VAT!
We mentioned the whole scenario to our electrician who recommended your hidden fence system. Thanks to a first class DVD and installation guide we were able to install the system with ease and we then started with dogs one at a time to install them to your system. Our extraordinary experience was that from start to finish our problem was solved in three days. The System has been in for a few months now and we have not had one failure. Both labradoodles are young energetic and happy, they are walked daily but never go near the fence! The cost of this System was approximately £14,000 cheaper than the gate and certainly no gate could be as effective as the System 1200.
Congratulations on your excellent product and service and my wife and I would be delighted to act as a reference for anyone interested in installing your system. We are truly grateful that it really works”

Geoff Adam – Melrose – Self Installed (feed back received Jan 2012)

“Thanks for your email and receipt. The fence is working well and we are gently working with the dogs to ensure progress continues.  Whilst writing I wish to place on record my satisfaction with your service and in particular with the way in which your installers carried out the installation. They did this in the most horrific weather conditions and yet strived to ensure that we were completely satisfied in every respect. They are a credit to both your company and to themselves and we are very appreciative”

David Holmes – Devon – Jan 12 (6 dogs – 4 Cockers, 1Lab & 1 Patterdale)

“We are so so pleased with the outdoor fence that we are thinking of installing a small section inside. We already have the cable and collars so please advise how much for the socket bit?”

Alex Jenner – Guernsey (self installed Jan 12)

“I have been meaning to write for the last 6 months. The DogFence is absolutely brilliant!!!  The dog can go out with total assurance that she will not wander however many holes we have around. Gardening is a pure pleasure as I know she is now always nearby.  I hear of peoples troubles with similar devices (not the same) and feel v smug and vindicated for spending the extra!  The person who laid the wire & trained Pippa did a great job. Pass on all grateful thanks”

Mrs Maltby – Lincs Installed June 11 – Feed back Nov 11

“Your system is brilliant – it has been a life saver!”

Hugh Potter (self installed Oct 10) – Wilts Cocker Spaniel – feedback received Aug 11

“Ruby continues to respect the flags and will only go near them if I am with her – so thank you very much so far it has been a great success”

Jenny Waaler – Oxon Installed Aug 11

“It’s been great; the installation went fine and so far Biscuits has not been near the fence after her two initial experiences with it. So we’re very pleased”

Anthony Dickinson- Cambs Installed Aug 11

“The first thing I want to say is that the fence has been wonderful” (customer rang to order a battery). Customer has lost 3 cats on the road previously”

Kate Wadley – Shrops (Cat fence self install) Installed Oct 10 – Feedback received Aug 11

“It’s changed my life – I can leave the doors open & I know that Milly is safe”

Mrs Laing – Northants (Installed June 10) – Feed back received Aug 11 (British Blue)

“The system is brilliant. Before I used the system I had lost 5 cats on the road”

Mr Barrow – Nr Bideford (Installed Sept 05) – feed back received Aug 11 (rang to order additional receiver)
2 x Lurchers & 2 x Cats

“The dog has been a quick learner and no more escapes!”

Peter Kyle – Oxon (Installed end July 11) – feed back received Aug 11

“I just want to say your customer service is excellent – you deserve to do well!”

Lord Banbury – Glos (Installed March 05) – Called in July 11 to book a service call visit

“Good evening Emma Thank you for the receipt. The fence is amazing, it is working so well the dogs dont even go near the boundary now, which is fabulous. Stewart was great and did a super job. Many thanks for all your help with very best regards Alison and the dogs 🙂 happy”

Alison Burgess – Hants (Installed July 11) – Cocker & Flat Coat

“I was at the end of my tether and tried everything, my dog dog was climbing up & over a tree. The DogFence is brilliant”

Sarah Hopkins (Uckfield) – Installed June 11 (Wheaten Terrier)

“Dear Dogfence, I am the proud owner of one of your systems for my two labs. Unfortunatley one of the receiver collars has been chewed to destruction during their frolicing. Can I have a new one please?  Many thanks.

New collar sent special delivery upon receipt of the chewed up receiver – customer replied: Thanks Sam, Freddie says he will stop grabbing his sister by the neck from now on!”

Jon Neale – Warks (installed April 11)

“Great Dane – before the system was installed the dog was tied to a chain – without this system the dog would have to be put down – it has saved my dog’s life”

Richard Williams-Menlove – Installed May 2010 – feed back received July 11 – Sheffield

“Hi, had your fence fitted at my property on 1st july and whilst I was very sceptical, I have to say that it worked from day 1. My Jagd Terrier ,Elf Amadeus, will not go anywhere near the fence. even at the front when we go for a walk with my two other dogs, he will not cross the boundary despite being desperate to go with the others. I take his collar off and carry him out onto the street so that he knows he can cross it with me but not on his own. I will start to remove the flags at the weekend as instructed but am confident that he will still not go anywhere near the boundary. he doesn’t even wait for the beep, he doesn’t even go that close!!! thanks again”

Jan Tebb – Leics (July 11)

“Hi Yes all going well and in fact I barely need to use it! Please let me know when I am likely to need a battery (response was battery not required for 18 months!)”

Joanna Knight – Oxon (installed in Jan 11) feed back received July 11

“Henry was habitually running away. Henry is contained at last and very wary of the fence and flags”

C Spong – Malden (installed 14 June) feed back received 25 June

Thank Stuart for a great job given the difficult terrain we had to fence in.
Was amazed this morning (after the 2 day installation and 2 training sessions) that both dogs would not go near flags even the ones we had not shown them yesterday.

Peter Welling – W Sussex (installed 20 June) feed backed received 23 June

“Self installed 2 dogs & 2 goats!  The System was easy to install and the both the dogs and goats picked up the System with ease!”

Nicky Brooklyn – Wantage (self Installed May 11)

 “Adam was great, the terriers are already running round the garden loose, so we are all happy”

Sally Cripts – Sussex (Installed May 11)

“This system has completely transformed my life!”

Beano Coates – Suffolk (installed Feb 11) – Feedback received Apr 11

“I couldn’t cope without it – I recommend you everywhere, it has changed our lives!”

Mrs Connaire – London – Installed July 07 – called to re order battery programme (Mar 11)

“Pippa was chasing a hare and I could not believe it when she stopped at the edge and the hare carried on”

Mrs Maltby – Spalding – Installed Dec 10 – Feed back received Feb 11

“Called to add an extra collar for a new puppy and a kitten – “I think the System is brilliant”

Geoff Williams – Dundee Self installed May 09 – Feed back received Feb 11

“I bought one of your fences last year and it’s been very good. Alfie’s only strayed once and this was due to the collar being too loose (as you told me). We are now moving house and I need to order some more cable. The garden is around an acre so would you quote me for the cable needed please?”

John Eglinton (self installed) Sept 10 – feedback received Feb 11

“It is the best thing I have ever done!”

Mrs Brewster – Hants – Installed Sept 10 (feedback received Jan 11)

“I bought this dog fence for my Whippet x Saluki because I moved to a rural area on the Orkney Islands and my house is surrounded by sheep and cows. My neighbour has over 200 chickens which are free to roam in his garden, but was worried the fence system would not be as good as it is.

Although my dog has a sweet nature when it comes to other animals if it moves she thinks it is her right to hunt it, and being a whippet she is extremely fast. Installing the fence which was easy to do, and the dog trained in a week, the dog has not been able to get out of our land which is 1 acre, I cannot recommend this system highly enough, the dog can run freely on our land and the animals in the neighbouring fields are safe. I would be only too happy to talk to anyone who is thinking of buying a dog fence but may be wary that it might not work as well as it does. Also when I have rang you to talk about something, I get through to a real person not an option menu, which is a nice change.
10 out of 10 for the product and service”

Neil Hannant – moved from Kent to Orkney Island (self installed Aug 10 – feedback received Nov 10)

“Just a quick thank you to you and your team for providing the solution to our escaping Labrador Millie (aka Houdini). My wife’s reticence at giving Millie a shock has been replaced by a relaxed confidence in letting her into the garden and not having the constant dread of roaming the area looking for her. Millie has taken to the system like a duck to water and is now confident where she can and cant go. As far as we are aware she is responding to the flags and not even getting the “bleep”, all of which, of course, you knew would happen. She has even understood the difference of passing through the sideway with different collars on.
Special thanks has to go to Stuart for handling the whole installation professionally and efficiently (especially with my wife’s concerns) which, of course, you also knew would happen. We have no qualms in recommencing the system to our friends and neighbours”

Stuart Marnoch – TN14 (Installed Oct 10)

“Really pleased with the system it is brilliant”

Gabriela Haers – West Sussex (installed Apr 10 – feed back Oct 10)

“Best thing I ever did for my naughty dog, the dog has not been near the boundary since the day she was trained”

Mrs Atkins – Hants (Installed Apr 08 – feed back received Oct 10) – Poodle

“We recently bought your dog fence system, how do I register my dogs collar to ensure that we order batteries in 2 years time? I look forward to hearing from you.  It is very successful and works great for our Jack Russell”

Carol Brown – self install France (sent out Aug 10 – feed back received Oct 10)

“Thanks for doing such a great job and hope you got back safe to Maidenhead. Coco was off the lead this morning and cheery with the promise/cajoling of treats”

Tamsin – Warks (installed Oct 10)

“Just to let you know the fence arrived on Saturday. I have installed it (quite a job), and it is all working well. Looking forward to the stress free days. Thanks for all your help, a great product and excellent service”

Mr K Stacey (Dubai – Self install!) – delivered in 3 days!

“I was very sceptical that the dog fence would work but it is amazing and it has changed my life, please feel free to use my name as a referrall any time”

Mrs N Allen – Henfield (BN5) (Installed July 10)

“The System is amazing – the dog has not ventured out once and was off the lead within 2 days of training”

Mr McSwiney – (Rickmansworth) (installed July 10)

“I just wanted to write a quick email to say a huge thank you – the dog fence is fantastic and all my worries about them not being contained have vanished – happy dogs, happy owner thank you once again for all your help”

Sheila Cmpbell-Lloyd – Nr Inverness (installed July 10)

“What can we say? The fence works an absolute treat and what a total pleasure it has been dealing with you over the past weeks. Lucy, the Parson Russell terrier is having the best time of her life and Tara the Irish Setter is enjoying life even more than before because she can roam the grounds freely with Lucy.  Thanks a million – we have already recommended you to numerous friends and will continue to do so.  With sincere thanks and warm regards”

Rob Gygax – Jersey (installed July 2010)

“Thank you very much. Stuart turned up on the dot of 7.30, installed the fence and trained the dogs – all very professional and courteous. The system works brilliantly and I’m sure that within a few days the dogs will settle down and get used to it and we can have a nice new lawn laid that they don’t destroy. The whole customer experience from my first telephone call to installation was excellent and I’d have no hesitation in recommending your product and services. Many thanks indeed”

Paul Phillips – SW London (installed July 2010

“The hidden dog fence has been a complete success I was at the end of my tether with dogs escaping on a daily basis. The dogs are settled and happy as they have more freedom and the now Lab is now loosing weight”

Mrs Robertson – Kent

Having tried to install another system ourselves we were very sceptical about the DogFence system. I am pleased to say that any negative thoughts disappeared as soon as the engineer arrived. The professionalism of the engineer gave us confidence before he had even installed the cable and the training and knowledge were top class. Thank you DogFence for a job well done (Parsley & Jaspher agree!)

Mrs Rowe – Leics

I had resisted going down the route of the electronic fence but had no choice as my Wiemaraner was worrying my neighbours sheep. I had plugged the holes in the hedge without any success. Both my wife and I were not convinced that the system would deter Ditty but to my amazement it worked and continues to work. Great product and service – THANK YOU!

Mr Keen – Herefordshire

It has been a pleasure to deal with yourselves as your dedicated team have quick to respond and have followed up and resolved my problem with ease and care which is very much appreciated.
We are delighted with system!

Julie Cockle – Kingston Seymour

Hi Folks, Thank you for your help.  It is a joy to be able to let our dogs into the garden without the fear of them visiting our neighbours – in fact I am thinking of taking the sign down asking people to shut the gate – I’m not sure we need them to any more!

Jay Blake – Marlow

I just wanted to thank you a million times for the dog fence for our bad beagle. It is nothing short of a miracle. It works like a dream. Snoopy has not broken through the boundary though she chases everything around the garden as usual – she’s had a few shocks and knows exactly where she can go and where she can’t and accepts the situation quite happily. (And next door’s Jack Russell has sussed that when Snoopy’s being too boisterous and she needs a breather, all she has to do is step through the flags and she can lie down in peace).
Thank you for the installation and training guidlines as they obviously make a huge difference in the success of the operation when I hear of other people’s bad experiences.
Please fell free to use us as a recommendation.

Lynne Palmer-Jones – Nr Farnham (Surrey)

Worked a treat and cat enjoying freedom of garden now!

Clare Gamble -Dale – Tunbridge Wells (June 10) – (Cat)

We are happy to recommend DogFence – we think it is the only way to keep our dogs safe.

Avril Jones – Ascot (July 08) – Collie & takes in FOSTER DOGS

We love the freedom it gives to our pets but also the knowledge that the cats are safe and my chickens will not be eaten by our young dog!

Sophie Blaker – Sussex (Dogs & Cats)

Our DogFence has been total success and Daisy has not escaped once.

Alexander Dolbey – Woodbridge

When we moved we took our system with us and has it re-installed at our new property.

Mr Hewitt-Jones – South Cave (E Yorks)

Thank you after a two day sulk we now have a contained cat, the patio door is wide open and Millie tootles in and out!

Julie Lang – Northants (Cat) – July 10

I love the freedom it gives the dogs.

Fiona Duval – Cranbrook

Thinks the system is great!

John Powell – Winchcombe Glos (Cat)

Very successful – loves the system

Mrs Watts – Fleet (3 cats)

I have been using the system since Dec 06 and I would not be without it!

Roger Teesdale – Slovenia (self installed)

Has a Westie and thinks the system is brilliant

Les Turnball – Twickenham

My son is a vet and it was him that put me in touch with you. The service and product is amazing. We will continue to recommend you.

Mr Cosser – St Leonards on Sea

Was very impressed with the installation & training service – 3 Labs and 1 Working Cocker.

Philip Porter – Newbury

We recommend DogFence where ever we go!

Liz McGarvie, Herts, Yorks & France (has 3 systems all installed by DogFence)

Was very sceptical when the system was installed but it has changed my life!

Sue Danby – Sudbury

I live on a blind bend and think the system and company are fantastic!

Mr Coventry – Falmouth

We just want to say we think you offer the most amazing service and if you ever want a testimonial from us – please do not hesitate to ask. Have a good summer, thanks again.

Belinda Pollock – Herts & Switzerland (2 systems in Switzerland – I x installed by DogFence)

I would not have got a 2nd dog if it had not been for the safety of the system. New dog added to the system in May 09

Mrs Tarry – Northants.

I love the DogWatch system! (purchased a 2nd collar in June 09 for new dog).

Mrs Sargeantson – Taunton (Border Terrier)

Both my wife and I were amazed by how effective the system has been at keeping our 2 labs safely in the garden.

Mr Meyer – near Reading

What our customers think of DogFence

I have completed the survey favourably but wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you for the service, and specially to Noel for an installation that exceeded my expectations and highly effective training. Both dogs had grasped the situation and whilst I followed up as instructed they clearly know what the flags stand for and have made very few challenges.

Chris Wales – Installed February 2016


Dear Sirs – I want to say a huge thank you. I rang this morning to say that my Dogfence system wasn’t working – i thought there was a break in the wire. i was terribly worried because I have 4 very precious cats and had the system installed because, in the past, i had lost 3 more cats to cars. The system works wonderfully and i was very anxious that the cats [who are pretty canny] would work out that it wasn’t working and start straying.

The young lady i spoke to this morning was very reassuring and understanding and, wonder of wonders, somebody arrived half an hour ago and fixed the problem for me .. my system is now up and running again. And all in the same day! I am very very impressed and grateful.

Thank you once again – Serrie Meakins – December 2015 (System installed 2012)


Dear Georgia, I did contact your office a few days ago to say how impressed I had been with all aspects of your service – I hope the message reached you!  I was particularly impressed with the young man who came to install the system and his obvious love of dogs. Sadly I cannot recall his name as he was European and I had difficulty pronouncing it ! But what an extremely pleasant person.  Larry has already learnt his new boundaries and both of us are happy that he can mooch around the fields in safety and I can do my work without constantly wondering if he’s still at home.   So , many many thanks to you all,

Kathy Maclean – November 2015


I would like to say thank you to all at Dog Fence UK for their brilliant product and excellent customer service. I live in France so was unable to have the system installed but the team answered all my questions and the result has been totally successful so far. Having seen how great it was outside, I ordered the BOB to stop my dog going upstairs. To my surprise, when it arrived, the recharger was fitted with a french plug. Perfect! That’s thinking ahead for your customers’ needs! I fully recommend this company!! Thank you.

Rachel Burns – France November 15

The system works really well and our dogs are now able to happily run around in the garden. Absolutely brilliant, we can’t thank you enough.

Mike Davies –  EX16 – October 15

Hi Georgia – I wanted to thank you for all your help, I have been extremely impressed with your company and will definitely recommend you to all my friends. Noel was a truly amazing fitter – he was so polite and helpful and nothing was too much trouble for him! Thank you so much – he has done a wonderful job and Enzo has got to grips with the rules a day sooner than I expected! He’s off the lead and fine! thanks

Anne Sommers –   October 15

Good Afternoon,

We have been Dogfence customers for many years and have used the battery programme renewal for all that time.  You have just sent the last battery of our three over eighteen months with a reminder to renew.  Unfortunately, our little dog is so old and arthritic now, he rarely goes far and never at speed, so we have not used his collar for quite some time.  Consequently, there is little point in renewing with the way things stand at the moment. We will keep the system in place of course, and, should we get a new dog, we will certainly be back in touch to obtain a collar and to get enrol on the battery programme.

Thank you so much for an excellent service and a brilliant product.  You have been life-savers, keeping our dogs safe and contained and preventing them for going ‘walkabout’ at will!

Keep up the good work.

Hilary Young – Warks (Installed in 2006)

I was amazed at how your representative dealt with the installation and training and he was very professional and helpful.

Jo Lovelock – Dorset – October 15

“Thanks to you and your team for fantastic customer service. The Dog Fence collar was chewed to bits by my English Setter and a free replacement arrived by First Class Post 2 days later. Anyone considering the purchase of the Dog Fence system should rest assured that the product not only works brilliantly but is backed up by a caring, first class customer service team.

Thanks again.”

Tony Bennett – Shropshire – Aug 15

“Dear All, I am writing to say a big Thank you so much for all your help and great work in installing a DogFence for keeping our Beagle in our property. The neighbours tell me they ‘miss his visits!!’ We all have a very less stressful life now. Marley seems very happy and plays lots with the other dogs, he was too busy always getting out before! I will always recommend you to anyone who requires your services”

Tina Pratt – Hereford – May 15

“I had a DogFence containment fence installed back in March of this year and have waited until now to see how effective it was . Now I write to express my complete satisfaction with the system. Quickly and efficiently installed around an acre of ground and the dogs trained so effectively that they refused for a couple of days to go into the garden but eventually they carefully ventured out and after few days were content to stay well inside the fence. I thought we may have problem with the dogs chasing the deer that come into the garden however they have respected the fence and are content to stay within the boundary , with a working cocker that is saying something ! and it gives me complete piece of mind.
My thanks to you all for a friendly efficient and economical service.”

David Holt – Southampton – March 15

“I can’t believe it is a week ago since Noel was here installing the DogFence!  Luna and Poppet have done extremely well with their training.  It’s interesting watching them now in the garden; they won’t go anywhere near the flags!!  It was interesting too how Poppet was extremely reluctant to go out on the ‘green lead’ and stayed very much close to the house.  However, since the leads have come off, she’s a lot more confident and even she knows her boundaries (Noel will be able to confirm that she’s rather a ‘airhead’!!).Thank you SO much for your help and assistance and send my best regards to Noel”

Jane Thursby – Cumbria – May 15

“I’d like to say how pleased we all are with the dog fence you recently installed for us. – especially Isla, the dog.

My family were sceptical that our characterful, escape artist Pointer would respect the barrier! After initial installation and training I was concerned. Isla was fearful about going out at all but we slowly and repeatedly walked the boundary with her on a lead until she became confident in our grounds. Since then it has been marvellous – the dog has freedom like never before and we have no worries. Isla has, I think, only had one shock and never crosses the line – even at temptations like rabbits and postman!”

Alex Hall – Dorchester – May 15

“The system is excellent and within the first day we have a puppy dog who no longer strays across the boundary or indeed goes upstairs! – Noel was superb, friendly, professional and clearly and succinctly explained the system and how best to train Ozzy”

The Michaels Family – Taunton – May 15

“The chappy who installed my dog fence was excellent he took care in installing the wire and trained buzz bee well, a credit to your firm , please thank him for me”

Sarah – May 15

“Balint has just left us.  I want to let you know that he’s done a brilliant job and worked non-stop the whole day despite his extremely long drive this morning! Thank you for being so accommodating in changing the date for us and please do let Balint know that we appreciated his hard work and patience with the dogs.”

Katie Coates – York – April 15

“Excellent service – I have already recommended DogFence twice in the two weeks we have had it installed :)”

Annette Bird – Norwich – April 15

“The DogFence is a huge success, Ruben learnt immediately not to go near it.

I do not complete surveys but we are very pleased with the product and the young man who installed the system and trained Ruben was most pleasant and polite.  Please pass on our appreciation to him.”

Janet Fenton – S Yorks – March 15

“We are getting on well with the training and Billy is enjoying his new found freedom. Your fitter was excellent and clearly loved dogs and his job. He mentioned that you sell a small wire system suitable for putting around our caravan when we are away – please could you end further details and a price for this. I know you do the disc but don’t think that would be suitable for us.”

Ann Lee – Derbyshire – Installed March 15

“Has changed our lives – we were facing having a dead dog with the old physical fence we had to install tent pegs to stop the dog pushing up the netting”

Dawn Simpson (Installed Dec 13 – feed back received Mar 15)

“I am so impressed by the system, it’s only day 4 and Cadbury has been out the front with us an didn’t even approach the flags when our daughter arrived home. We are really happy with the system and hopefully this will mean no more stressful hunting for her and trying to stop her running in front of a bus. Thank you again”

Lorna Kettleborough – Grimbsy – Dec 14

“We have been absolutely delighted with the system and the battery has lasted longer than we expected. Please would you contact me regarding a replacement.
Many thanks”

Annette Clarke
(Self- installed summer 2014)

“just wanted to say how great your product is. We have a beagle who before installing the Dogfence was a Houdini of the dog world. Now he knows his limits! the training advice worked perfectly and was v quick. Even the temptation of free range chickens on the other side of a physical fence and Dogfence won’t tempt him. A truly great product which I would recommend to anyone with a pet they want to keep safe”


“I have to say, that the Hungarian chap (sorry, I can’t remember his name), who came out to alter my system, was a very professional and personable man. Plenty of people complain in life but not many compliment. So, thank you. You guys are always very helpful”

Rachel Smith – Kent

“Whilst in communication I would just like to compliment your employee who fitted the original and most recent networks. I have forgotten his name, probably as he is Hungarian. He is a very professional guy and an excellent ambassador for your company. He carried out both jobs in a first class manner and was very thorough with the training and explanation to my wife and I as to the mechanics of the system itself. He is a credit to your company.
I have been a CEO and now Chairman of various international companies for the past 45 years and believe that good people deserve a mention, we are all too quick to criticise when things go south”

Chris Gray (Installed August 2014 & extended Nov 14) – Feedback received Dec 2014

“I just want to say how courteous, considerate and professional Andrew Sherwood was when he installed the DogFence for us on Monday. The training of Robbie is, I think, going very well, and on schedule, and he appears to have a very good picture of where the boundary is. Please pass my thanks on to Andy for his good work”

Nick Pennington (Installed Nov 2014) Feedback recieved by Email Nov 14

“If it hadn’t been for Emma’s patient and considerate manner, I may not have purchased your fence and services as the physical fence is much cheaper to buy elsewhere, but she showed me options and more than satisfied my concerns.
Andrew was very professional, personable and accommodating, a credit to your company”

Romaine Waldron (Installed October 2014)

“I have to say I rarely write reviews and our fence was installed 9 months ago but I felt I should write a review now as it has been the most fantastic investment. We have 2 working cocker spaniels and 10 acres of land. They used to get a scent and be off before we knew it. The installation was quick and professional, the training and advise great and it has transformed our day to day life with the dogs. They just do not go near it. They have not once escaped or run away. Happy safe dogs and very happy owners”

27/11/2014 6:06 PM – Anonymous

“You came and fitted our setup in the February of this year and it is amazing and worth every single penny. The spaniels fully respect the system and ‘steer’ well away from an open gate. From two naughty ‘we will escape’ pets, we have total peace of mind now. Thank you so much dog fence team. I am now seriously thinking about buying the control training collar as they run without listening to whistles or commands”

Celia Cummings (Installed Feb 2014) – Feedback received May 2014

“The electric dog ‘fence’ that we have is absolutely perfect for our dogs and smallholding. It surrounds a field and a large garden. Rather than run off and chase sheep, our two whippets play tag with each other. I then maintain good relations with my (sheep)farmer neighbours and so everyone is happy. Our dogs were trained to the fence which happened quickly thanks to the sound which plays from the collar about a yard from the buried ‘fence’ . As a result, in two years, they have not had any electric shocks. The ‘fence’ is actually a deterent rather than a regular electric chastiser. People need to appreciate this. Just as you don’t stick you hand into a fire more than once and foxes don’t go near our electric chicken fence, everyone is a winner. It cost far less to surround our smallholding with your wire than put an actual fence up. Not only that, it is more attractive to look at the open pasture. Thank you”

Miranda Beaufort  (System installed Feb 13 – Feedback received Oct 14)

“I thought I would take this opportunity now to write to you now the installation has been in a while. Can I say that this has transformed my parents enjoyment of Lucy and transformed their lives, they can now have the Kitchen door open in the warm weather and sit out with Lucy free to roam knowing that she can run and come back to them without the worry of her going AWOL , Lucy is much happier now she can get the exercise she needs, a side effect is she is better on the lead when they go for a walk and does not pull so much.

The Installation was excellent with your installer discussing everything with me and Mum & Dad, he got on with Lucy from the first moment so that put everyone at ease, a first class guy describing everything as he went along.

Thank you and we would be happy to recommend you at any time.”

Tim Holway – Herts – Boxer x Springer (Installed March 14) 

“Balint came & fitted our fence today – he was absolutely brilliant with my three dogs (australian shepherds) & i’m very confident my dogs will now be safe in there garden without the temptation to explore into danger! Thank you Balint!”

Comment from our DogFence Facebook page – received April 14 – Sarah Cook

“No one that knows Buster (my wife included) thought this would work and told me I was wasting my money. Considering we have just moved into a new house with a large garden with open hedges, containment for Buster was an issue. I took a gamble and have proved everyone 100% wrong

I have a very boisterous dog who scares most people but Noel was not fazed at all and soon developed a rapport despite the required training.  I had lots of questions and your staff were excellent in responding”

Mr Harries – Lincs (Installed Jan 14)

“You came and fitted our setup in the February of this year and it is amazing and worth every single penny. The spaniels fully respect the system and ‘steer’ well away from an open gate. From two naughty ‘we will escape’ pets, we have total peace of mind now. Thank you so much dog fence team. I am now seriously thinking about buying the control training collar as they run without listening to whistles or commands”

Celia Boden – Cornwall (Installed Feb 13 – Feed back received Oct 13).

“It is the best money I have ever spent in my life!”

Mr Gutman

“Your installer trained my dog well and explained how the fence worked. He installed the fence really efficiently. Two weeks on and the fence has worked brilliantly so far. It has given both me and our dog so much more freedom. Thank you”

Mr Hammond – Herts

“Called in to check when the battery needed changing – Said it was the best thing she has ever done and now feels relaxed that the cat is safe in the garden”

Vicky Mudford – Chichester — British Short Hair Cat – Installed May 13 – feed back received Sept 13

“Just a quick email to let you know how pleased we are with the fence that you installed back in the early spring. It has changed both my and the dogs’ lives. I no longer spend my life wondering where they are and they have the freedom of the grounds (5 acres) – and much more freedom than they could ever be allowed before. It works splendidly and once they got the hang of it, the dogs seem quite happy with it. They even come trotting over in the mornings at the mention of “collar” to have their collars put on before they out. Only sorry that it was such a filthy day the day your chap came to put it in!”

Jane Tomlinson – Weston Supermare (2 x Lurchers) Installed Feb 13 – feedback received Aug 13

“I just want to say how very impressed I am, finally a Company that does what they say – the installer arrived on time and was excellent – the service from start to finish has been impressive – I will be writing a review once the dog has had a little more time on the system!”

Anne Minstram – Pullborough- Installed May 13 – Westie

“The DogFence is brilliant – I didn’t think it would work, I thought he would just run through it but he doesn’t it’s brilliant!”

Ruth Bowers – Oxon- Installed March 2013 (feed back received May 13) – Terrier

“The dog fence has been a resounding success – I asked will it stop a Patterdale when chasing an Muntjac and you replied “absolutely yes” – I have to tell you that is has done so on two occasions!”

John Birkbeck – Kings Lynn – Installed Feb 12 – Ordered 2nd System

“It is the best thing I have ever done – it’s kept my dogs safely at home for 10 years”

Mrs Foster – Installed 2003! in Cheshire – DogFence re-installed System to Dorset April 13

“Hi there Just thought I’d drop you a line to say the dog fence is working extremely well so far. Even put a couple of spare flages by the new chicken run and the dogs aren’t going near it now! Life is much easier…………….Pam”

Pam Franklin (installed Mar 13) – 20 acres – 2 x Poodles – Moreton in the Marsh

“I wish to thank you for your advice prior to purchase and subsequent help after purchase of your DogFence which I installed myself very easily.

I have two testosterone filled adolescent Boarder Collie brothers who used to see who could escape my garden first every single time I let them off of their lead. What they could not jump over or climb over they used to break down to escape. But, after the installation of your product and very little training at all (They really learnt so quickly) they now are let out unsupervised from dawn till dusk, allowing me a life again !!

I still can not believe the change in Max & Sam and the speed of the change (within a matter of days) from juvenile delinquents to little angels so quickly. It has enhanced the lives of all three of us to a great extent.
Once again I thank you for your help and advice and believe me I am recommending your product to everybody I know”

Tony Gale BraIntree Essex – Mar 13

“Just a note to say how impressed we were by the speedy and efficient way the DogFence was installed today. Obviously, Radish is not as taken with the whole thing as we are – but we will bend him to our ways! He seems to be playing this on repeat ” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuMvkNDuOuQ

Sarah Kirk – Wareham – Terrier. Mar 13

“There is no other comment box so I would like to add that the installation was put in so smoothly – nothing was too much trouble, Adams advise was given willingly and he was a nice happy chap to have around. The dogs knew he was ‘in charge’. He left us feeling very confident that this system was going to work – providing we put the effort in – which is what we are doing. Thank you Adam and Dog Fence from the Boden-Cummins and Goodwin families”

Celia Boden-Cummins – 2 Cocker Spaniels (stolen and found thanks to Twitter & Liz Hurley!) Feb 13

“Stuart was very friendly, professional, and efficient despite the snow and cold!! He did not rush the job or make me feel he was dying to get home to avoid the snow”

Mrs Flynn – Cambs – Springer – Feb 2013

“Full credit to Adam the gentleman who fitted our dog fence, Outstanding very professional. Many thanks Adam”

Steven Clark – Surrey Jan 13

“I would like to say how pleased I am with your products.  I had two young dogs who loved to escape after scents in the woods below our garden, and would go conveniently ‘deaf’ to the whistle or requests to come back. They were also getting in with cows and sheep so it was imperative we contain them. The dog fence worked a treat, and I now have six very contained dogs, and peace of mind.
I have also got one of the no-bark collars. I spent lots on citronella and sonic anti-bark collars which did not work at all. A clever dog works out how to get round them, and he did. I purchased one of your collars and it is now very peaceful and it even works if he doesn’t wear it all the time.
I also have one of the ‘discs’ which I put on the floor by the glass doors in the kitchen, and it means the dogs don’t come near, I can get outside without a cavalcade of dogs trying to get in, and the glass stays mud free. It is also useful to put on our kitchen island to deter them from stealing anything on top. A fantastic product.  Keep up the good work”

Jenny Holmes – 2 x Clumber Spaniels

“I was not convinced this system would work as effectively as advertised. I am very happy to say I was wrong! After 6 months our dogs remain in our grounds & are very happy. They have not attempted to cross the “boundary”. The installation remains “invisible” despite crossing two driveways. I have already recommended your company, and when I move, will definitely use your company at the next house. Absolutely delighted with the product, service & everyone I have made contact with. Well done – a brilliant product at a very reasonable price!
Your installer was very patient with our dogs – by the end of his visit we felt very confident that we could continue the training – which only took another two days”

Denise Perdy – Sussex (GSD & Retriever) Installed May 12 – feed back Sept 12

“Thank you for such a professional transaction – it is a pleasure to be able say that nowadays. Fingers crossed – our cockers are learning quickly and the signs are good that you may have solved one of our biggest nightmares. Thanks and regards”

Keith Brown – Kent – Installed Aug 12

“This is a great product. My dogs learned within 2 days and have made no attempt to escape our large garden since, even when the gates to the main road are left open by visitors. I can now happily work out in the garden knowing the dogs are safe and contained, without having to check them every couple of minutes. Prior to the dogfence, the family were spending part of every day looking for the dogs”

Dr Ellie Dow Beechwood House Kettins, Perth and Kinross – (self installed Aug 12)

“I recently bought a system from you and I cant tell you how easy it was to install and work. Life is much easier now all the dogs are contained”

Peter Hicks (France) – Self installed May 12

“Has changed my life!”

Helen Bewsey – Thatcham (Installed Mar 12 – Feedback April 12)

“Just wanted to say – your system is beyond marvellous!  My dogs are safe in the garden – learned very quickly that crossing the open gateways was a complete ‘no no’. My life and peace of mind has had a complete turnaround!  I cannot endorse the product enough! Well done – a system that truly works on not the brightest of wolfhounds – who had been very territorial over the bridlepath which runs right through our property!  I no longer panic if gates might be left open or when I think people with dogs are walking the bridlepath!  Bliss.  Thank you”

Maggies Routledge – Surrey – SWAPPED OUT FROM A COMPETITORS SYSTEM! Installed Oct 11 (Feed back Feb12)

“In autumn 2011 we were experiencing trouble with our young labradoodles bothering walkers on the road outside our property. Although the six acre site is extremely well fenced, and there is a large hedge which extends to the total site, the entrance to the property is open, ie. there is no gate or similar mechanism.
We thought the only thing we could was to install a gate and we called in two companies from Edinburgh who were experts in the field. Both explained that there was a huge complication as the entrance was at an angle of 30 degrees. Then came the quotes for the installation and both came in at approximately £14,500 + VAT!
We mentioned the whole scenario to our electrician who recommended your hidden fence system. Thanks to a first class DVD and installation guide we were able to install the system with ease and we then started with dogs one at a time to install them to your system. Our extraordinary experience was that from start to finish our problem was solved in three days. The System has been in for a few months now and we have not had one failure. Both labradoodles are young energetic and happy, they are walked daily but never go near the fence! The cost of this System was approximately £14,000 cheaper than the gate and certainly no gate could be as effective as the System 1200.
Congratulations on your excellent product and service and my wife and I would be delighted to act as a reference for anyone interested in installing your system. We are truly grateful that it really works”

Geoff Adam – Melrose – Self Installed (feed back received Jan 2012)

“Thanks for your email and receipt. The fence is working well and we are gently working with the dogs to ensure progress continues.  Whilst writing I wish to place on record my satisfaction with your service and in particular with the way in which your installers carried out the installation. They did this in the most horrific weather conditions and yet strived to ensure that we were completely satisfied in every respect. They are a credit to both your company and to themselves and we are very appreciative”

David Holmes – Devon – Jan 12 (6 dogs – 4 Cockers, 1Lab & 1 Patterdale)

“We are so so pleased with the outdoor fence that we are thinking of installing a small section inside. We already have the cable and collars so please advise how much for the socket bit?”

Alex Jenner – Guernsey (self installed Jan 12)

“I have been meaning to write for the last 6 months. The DogFence is absolutely brilliant!!!  The dog can go out with total assurance that she will not wander however many holes we have around. Gardening is a pure pleasure as I know she is now always nearby.  I hear of peoples troubles with similar devices (not the same) and feel v smug and vindicated for spending the extra!  The person who laid the wire & trained Pippa did a great job. Pass on all grateful thanks”

Mrs Maltby – Lincs Installed June 11 – Feed back Nov 11

“Your system is brilliant – it has been a life saver!”

Hugh Potter (self installed Oct 10) – Wilts Cocker Spaniel – feedback received Aug 11

“Ruby continues to respect the flags and will only go near them if I am with her – so thank you very much so far it has been a great success”

Jenny Waaler – Oxon Installed Aug 11

“It’s been great; the installation went fine and so far Biscuits has not been near the fence after her two initial experiences with it. So we’re very pleased”

Anthony Dickinson- Cambs Installed Aug 11

“The first thing I want to say is that the fence has been wonderful” (customer rang to order a battery). Customer has lost 3 cats on the road previously”

Kate Wadley – Shrops (Cat fence self install) Installed Oct 10 – Feedback received Aug 11

“It’s changed my life – I can leave the doors open & I know that Milly is safe”

Mrs Laing – Northants (Installed June 10) – Feed back received Aug 11 (British Blue)

“The system is brilliant. Before I used the system I had lost 5 cats on the road”

Mr Barrow – Nr Bideford (Installed Sept 05) – feed back received Aug 11 (rang to order additional receiver)
2 x Lurchers & 2 x Cats

“The dog has been a quick learner and no more escapes!”

Peter Kyle – Oxon (Installed end July 11) – feed back received Aug 11

“I just want to say your customer service is excellent – you deserve to do well!”

Lord Banbury – Glos (Installed March 05) – Called in July 11 to book a service call visit

“Good evening Emma Thank you for the receipt. The fence is amazing, it is working so well the dogs dont even go near the boundary now, which is fabulous. Stewart was great and did a super job. Many thanks for all your help with very best regards Alison and the dogs 🙂 happy”

Alison Burgess – Hants (Installed July 11) – Cocker & Flat Coat

“I was at the end of my tether and tried everything, my dog dog was climbing up & over a tree. The DogFence is brilliant”

Sarah Hopkins (Uckfield) – Installed June 11 (Wheaten Terrier)

“Dear Dogfence, I am the proud owner of one of your systems for my two labs. Unfortunatley one of the receiver collars has been chewed to destruction during their frolicing. Can I have a new one please?  Many thanks.

New collar sent special delivery upon receipt of the chewed up receiver – customer replied: Thanks Sam, Freddie says he will stop grabbing his sister by the neck from now on!”

Jon Neale – Warks (installed April 11)

“Great Dane – before the system was installed the dog was tied to a chain – without this system the dog would have to be put down – it has saved my dog’s life”

Richard Williams-Menlove – Installed May 2010 – feed back received July 11 – Sheffield

“Hi, had your fence fitted at my property on 1st july and whilst I was very sceptical, I have to say that it worked from day 1. My Jagd Terrier ,Elf Amadeus, will not go anywhere near the fence. even at the front when we go for a walk with my two other dogs, he will not cross the boundary despite being desperate to go with the others. I take his collar off and carry him out onto the street so that he knows he can cross it with me but not on his own. I will start to remove the flags at the weekend as instructed but am confident that he will still not go anywhere near the boundary. he doesn’t even wait for the beep, he doesn’t even go that close!!! thanks again”

Jan Tebb – Leics (July 11)

“Hi Yes all going well and in fact I barely need to use it! Please let me know when I am likely to need a battery (response was battery not required for 18 months!)”

Joanna Knight – Oxon (installed in Jan 11) feed back received July 11

“Henry was habitually running away. Henry is contained at last and very wary of the fence and flags”

C Spong – Malden (installed 14 June) feed back received 25 June

Thank Stuart for a great job given the difficult terrain we had to fence in.
Was amazed this morning (after the 2 day installation and 2 training sessions) that both dogs would not go near flags even the ones we had not shown them yesterday.

Peter Welling – W Sussex (installed 20 June) feed backed received 23 June

“Self installed 2 dogs & 2 goats!  The System was easy to install and the both the dogs and goats picked up the System with ease!”

Nicky Brooklyn – Wantage (self Installed May 11)

 “Adam was great, the terriers are already running round the garden loose, so we are all happy”

Sally Cripts – Sussex (Installed May 11)

“This system has completely transformed my life!”

Beano Coates – Suffolk (installed Feb 11) – Feedback received Apr 11

“I couldn’t cope without it – I recommend you everywhere, it has changed our lives!”

Mrs Connaire – London – Installed July 07 – called to re order battery programme (Mar 11)

“Pippa was chasing a hare and I could not believe it when she stopped at the edge and the hare carried on”

Mrs Maltby – Spalding – Installed Dec 10 – Feed back received Feb 11

“Called to add an extra collar for a new puppy and a kitten – “I think the System is brilliant”

Geoff Williams – Dundee Self installed May 09 – Feed back received Feb 11

“I bought one of your fences last year and it’s been very good. Alfie’s only strayed once and this was due to the collar being too loose (as you told me). We are now moving house and I need to order some more cable. The garden is around an acre so would you quote me for the cable needed please?”

John Eglinton (self installed) Sept 10 – feedback received Feb 11

“It is the best thing I have ever done!”

Mrs Brewster – Hants – Installed Sept 10 (feedback received Jan 11)

“I bought this dog fence for my Whippet x Saluki because I moved to a rural area on the Orkney Islands and my house is surrounded by sheep and cows. My neighbour has over 200 chickens which are free to roam in his garden, but was worried the fence system would not be as good as it is.

Although my dog has a sweet nature when it comes to other animals if it moves she thinks it is her right to hunt it, and being a whippet she is extremely fast. Installing the fence which was easy to do, and the dog trained in a week, the dog has not been able to get out of our land which is 1 acre, I cannot recommend this system highly enough, the dog can run freely on our land and the animals in the neighbouring fields are safe. I would be only too happy to talk to anyone who is thinking of buying a dog fence but may be wary that it might not work as well as it does. Also when I have rang you to talk about something, I get through to a real person not an option menu, which is a nice change.
10 out of 10 for the product and service”

Neil Hannant – moved from Kent to Orkney Island (self installed Aug 10 – feedback received Nov 10)

“Just a quick thank you to you and your team for providing the solution to our escaping Labrador Millie (aka Houdini). My wife’s reticence at giving Millie a shock has been replaced by a relaxed confidence in letting her into the garden and not having the constant dread of roaming the area looking for her. Millie has taken to the system like a duck to water and is now confident where she can and cant go. As far as we are aware she is responding to the flags and not even getting the “bleep”, all of which, of course, you knew would happen. She has even understood the difference of passing through the sideway with different collars on.
Special thanks has to go to Stuart for handling the whole installation professionally and efficiently (especially with my wife’s concerns) which, of course, you also knew would happen. We have no qualms in recommencing the system to our friends and neighbours”

Stuart Marnoch – TN14 (Installed Oct 10)

“Really pleased with the system it is brilliant”

Gabriela Haers – West Sussex (installed Apr 10 – feed back Oct 10)

“Best thing I ever did for my naughty dog, the dog has not been near the boundary since the day she was trained”

Mrs Atkins – Hants (Installed Apr 08 – feed back received Oct 10) – Poodle

“We recently bought your dog fence system, how do I register my dogs collar to ensure that we order batteries in 2 years time? I look forward to hearing from you.  It is very successful and works great for our Jack Russell”

Carol Brown – self install France (sent out Aug 10 – feed back received Oct 10)

“Thanks for doing such a great job and hope you got back safe to Maidenhead. Coco was off the lead this morning and cheery with the promise/cajoling of treats”

Tamsin – Warks (installed Oct 10)

“Just to let you know the fence arrived on Saturday. I have installed it (quite a job), and it is all working well. Looking forward to the stress free days. Thanks for all your help, a great product and excellent service”

Mr K Stacey (Dubai – Self install!) – delivered in 3 days!

“I was very sceptical that the dog fence would work but it is amazing and it has changed my life, please feel free to use my name as a referrall any time”

Mrs N Allen – Henfield (BN5) (Installed July 10)

“The System is amazing – the dog has not ventured out once and was off the lead within 2 days of training”

Mr McSwiney – (Rickmansworth) (installed July 10)

“I just wanted to write a quick email to say a huge thank you – the dog fence is fantastic and all my worries about them not being contained have vanished – happy dogs, happy owner thank you once again for all your help”

Sheila Cmpbell-Lloyd – Nr Inverness (installed July 10)

“What can we say? The fence works an absolute treat and what a total pleasure it has been dealing with you over the past weeks. Lucy, the Parson Russell terrier is having the best time of her life and Tara the Irish Setter is enjoying life even more than before because she can roam the grounds freely with Lucy.  Thanks a million – we have already recommended you to numerous friends and will continue to do so.  With sincere thanks and warm regards”

Rob Gygax – Jersey (installed July 2010)

“Thank you very much. Stuart turned up on the dot of 7.30, installed the fence and trained the dogs – all very professional and courteous. The system works brilliantly and I’m sure that within a few days the dogs will settle down and get used to it and we can have a nice new lawn laid that they don’t destroy. The whole customer experience from my first telephone call to installation was excellent and I’d have no hesitation in recommending your product and services. Many thanks indeed”

Paul Phillips – SW London (installed July 2010

“The hidden dog fence has been a complete success I was at the end of my tether with dogs escaping on a daily basis. The dogs are settled and happy as they have more freedom and the now Lab is now loosing weight”

Mrs Robertson – Kent

Having tried to install another system ourselves we were very sceptical about the DogFence system. I am pleased to say that any negative thoughts disappeared as soon as the engineer arrived. The professionalism of the engineer gave us confidence before he had even installed the cable and the training and knowledge were top class. Thank you DogFence for a job well done (Parsley & Jaspher agree!)

Mrs Rowe – Leics

I had resisted going down the route of the electronic fence but had no choice as my Wiemaraner was worrying my neighbours sheep. I had plugged the holes in the hedge without any success. Both my wife and I were not convinced that the system would deter Ditty but to my amazement it worked and continues to work. Great product and service – THANK YOU!

Mr Keen – Herefordshire

It has been a pleasure to deal with yourselves as your dedicated team have quick to respond and have followed up and resolved my problem with ease and care which is very much appreciated.
We are delighted with system!

Julie Cockle – Kingston Seymour

Hi Folks, Thank you for your help.  It is a joy to be able to let our dogs into the garden without the fear of them visiting our neighbours – in fact I am thinking of taking the sign down asking people to shut the gate – I’m not sure we need them to any more!

Jay Blake – Marlow

I just wanted to thank you a million times for the dog fence for our bad beagle. It is nothing short of a miracle. It works like a dream. Snoopy has not broken through the boundary though she chases everything around the garden as usual – she’s had a few shocks and knows exactly where she can go and where she can’t and accepts the situation quite happily. (And next door’s Jack Russell has sussed that when Snoopy’s being too boisterous and she needs a breather, all she has to do is step through the flags and she can lie down in peace).
Thank you for the installation and training guidlines as they obviously make a huge difference in the success of the operation when I hear of other people’s bad experiences.
Please fell free to use us as a recommendation.

Lynne Palmer-Jones – Nr Farnham (Surrey)

Worked a treat and cat enjoying freedom of garden now!

Clare Gamble -Dale – Tunbridge Wells (June 10) – (Cat)

We are happy to recommend DogFence – we think it is the only way to keep our dogs safe.

Avril Jones – Ascot (July 08) – Collie & takes in FOSTER DOGS

We love the freedom it gives to our pets but also the knowledge that the cats are safe and my chickens will not be eaten by our young dog!

Sophie Blaker – Sussex (Dogs & Cats)

Our DogFence has been total success and Daisy has not escaped once.

Alexander Dolbey – Woodbridge

When we moved we took our system with us and has it re-installed at our new property.

Mr Hewitt-Jones – South Cave (E Yorks)

Thank you after a two day sulk we now have a contained cat, the patio door is wide open and Millie tootles in and out!

Julie Lang – Northants (Cat) – July 10

I love the freedom it gives the dogs.

Fiona Duval – Cranbrook

Thinks the system is great!

John Powell – Winchcombe Glos (Cat)

Very successful – loves the system

Mrs Watts – Fleet (3 cats)

I have been using the system since Dec 06 and I would not be without it!

Roger Teesdale – Slovenia (self installed)

Has a Westie and thinks the system is brilliant

Les Turnball – Twickenham

My son is a vet and it was him that put me in touch with you. The service and product is amazing. We will continue to recommend you.

Mr Cosser – St Leonards on Sea

Was very impressed with the installation & training service – 3 Labs and 1 Working Cocker.

Philip Porter – Newbury

We recommend DogFence where ever we go!

Liz McGarvie, Herts, Yorks & France (has 3 systems all installed by DogFence)

Was very sceptical when the system was installed but it has changed my life!

Sue Danby – Sudbury

I live on a blind bend and think the system and company are fantastic!

Mr Coventry – Falmouth

We just want to say we think you offer the most amazing service and if you ever want a testimonial from us – please do not hesitate to ask. Have a good summer, thanks again.

Belinda Pollock – Herts & Switzerland (2 systems in Switzerland – I x installed by DogFence)

I would not have got a 2nd dog if it had not been for the safety of the system. New dog added to the system in May 09

Mrs Tarry – Northants.

I love the DogWatch system! (purchased a 2nd collar in June 09 for new dog).

Mrs Sargeantson – Taunton (Border Terrier)

Both my wife and I were amazed by how effective the system has been at keeping our 2 labs safely in the garden.

Mr Meyer – near Reading

What our customers think of Dogfence

Good Afternoon,

We have been Dogfence customers for many years and have used the battery programme renewal for all that time.  You have just sent the last battery of our three over eighteen months with a reminder to renew.  Unfortunately, our little dog is so old and arthritic now, he rarely goes far and never at speed, so we have not used his collar for quite some time.  Consequently, there is little point in renewing with the way things stand at the moment. We will keep the system in place of course, and, should we get a new dog, we will certainly be back in touch to obtain a collar and to get enrol on the battery programme.

Thank you so much for an excellent service and a brilliant product.  You have been life-savers, keeping our dogs safe and contained and preventing them for going ‘walkabout’ at will!

Keep up the good work.

Hilary Young – Warks (Installed in 2006)

“Thanks to you and your team for fantastic customer service. The Dog Fence collar was chewed to bits by my English Setter and a free replacement arrived by First Class Post 2 days later. Anyone considering the purchase of the Dog Fence system should rest assured that the product not only works brilliantly but is backed up by a caring, first class customer service team.

Thanks again.”

Tony Bennett – Shropshire – Aug 15

“Dear All, I am writing to say a big Thank you so much for all your help and great work in installing a DogFence for keeping our Beagle in our property. The neighbours tell me they ‘miss his visits!!’ We all have a very less stressful life now. Marley seems very happy and plays lots with the other dogs, he was too busy always getting out before! I will always recommend you to anyone who requires your services”

Tina Pratt – Hereford – May 15

“I had a DogFence installed back in March of this year and have waited until now to see how effective it was . Now I write to express my complete satisfaction with the system. Quickly and efficiently installed around an acre of ground and the dogs trained so effectively that they refused for a couple of days to go into the garden but eventually they carefully ventured out and after few days were content to stay well inside the fence. I thought we may have problem with the dogs chasing the deer that come into the garden however they have respected the fence and are content to stay within the boundary , with a working cocker that is saying something ! and it gives me complete piece of mind.
My thanks to you all for a friendly efficient and economical service.”

David Holt – Southampton – March 15

“I can’t believe it is a week ago since Noel was here installing the DogFence!  Luna and Poppet have done extremely well with their training.  It’s interesting watching them now in the garden; they won’t go anywhere near the flags!!  It was interesting too how Poppet was extremely reluctant to go out on the ‘green lead’ and stayed very much close to the house.  However, since the leads have come off, she’s a lot more confident and even she knows her boundaries (Noel will be able to confirm that she’s rather a ‘airhead’!!).Thank you SO much for your help and assistance and send my best regards to Noel”

Jane Thursby – Cumbria – May 15

“I’d like to say how pleased we all are with the dog fence you recently installed for us. – especially Isla, the dog.

My family were sceptical that our characterful, escape artist Pointer would respect the barrier! After initial installation and training I was concerned. Isla was fearful about going out at all but we slowly and repeatedly walked the boundary with her on a lead until she became confident in our grounds. Since then it has been marvellous – the dog has freedom like never before and we have no worries. Isla has, I think, only had one shock and never crosses the line – even at temptations like rabbits and postman!”

Alex Hall – Dorchester – May 15

“The system is excellent and within the first day we have a puppy dog who no longer strays across the boundary or indeed goes upstairs! – Noel was superb, friendly, professional and clearly and succinctly explained the system and how best to train Ozzy”

The Michaels Family – Taunton – May 15

“The chappy who installed my dog fence was excellent he took care in installing the wire and trained buzz bee well, a credit to your firm , please thank him for me”

Sarah – May 15

“Balint has just left us.  I want to let you know that he’s done a brilliant job and worked non-stop the whole day despite his extremely long drive this morning! Thank you for being so accommodating in changing the date for us and please do let Balint know that we appreciated his hard work and patience with the dogs.”

Katie Coates – York – April 15

“Excellent service – I have already recommended DogFence twice in the two weeks we have had it installed :)”

Annette Bird – Norwich – April 15

“The DogFence is a huge success, Ruben learnt immediately not to go near it.

I do not complete surveys but we are very pleased with the product and the young man who installed the system and trained Ruben was most pleasant and polite.  Please pass on our appreciation to him.”

Janet Fenton – S Yorks – March 15

“We are getting on well with the training and Billy is enjoying his new found freedom. Your fitter was excellent and clearly loved dogs and his job. He mentioned that you sell a small wire system suitable for putting around our caravan when we are away – please could you end further details and a price for this. I know you do the disc but don’t think that would be suitable for us.”

Ann Lee – Derbyshire – Installed March 15

“Has changed our lives – we were facing having a dead dog with the old physical fence we had to install tent pegs to stop the dog pushing up the netting”

Dawn Simpson (Installed Dec 13 – feed back received Mar 15)

“I am so impressed by the system, it’s only day 4 and Cadbury has been out the front with us an didn’t even approach the flags when our daughter arrived home. We are really happy with the system and hopefully this will mean no more stressful hunting for her and trying to stop her running in front of a bus. Thank you again”

Lorna Kettleborough – Grimbsy – Dec 14

“We have been absolutely delighted with the system and the battery has lasted longer than we expected. Please would you contact me regarding a replacement.
Many thanks”

Annette Clarke
(Self- installed summer 2014)

“just wanted to say how great your product is. We have a beagle who before installing the Dogfence was a Houdini of the dog world. Now he knows his limits! the training advice worked perfectly and was v quick. Even the temptation of free range chickens on the other side of a physical fence and Dogfence won’t tempt him. A truly great product which I would recommend to anyone with a pet they want to keep safe”


“I have to say, that the Hungarian chap (sorry, I can’t remember his name), who came out to alter my system, was a very professional and personable man. Plenty of people complain in life but not many compliment. So, thank you. You guys are always very helpful”

Rachel Smith – Kent

“Whilst in communication I would just like to compliment your employee who fitted the original and most recent networks. I have forgotten his name, probably as he is Hungarian. He is a very professional guy and an excellent ambassador for your company. He carried out both jobs in a first class manner and was very thorough with the training and explanation to my wife and I as to the mechanics of the system itself. He is a credit to your company.
I have been a CEO and now Chairman of various international companies for the past 45 years and believe that good people deserve a mention, we are all too quick to criticise when things go south”

Chris Gray (Installed August 2014 & extended Nov 14) – Feedback received Dec 2014

“I just want to say how courteous, considerate and professional Andrew Sherwood was when he installed the DogFence for us on Monday. The training of Robbie is, I think, going very well, and on schedule, and he appears to have a very good picture of where the boundary is. Please pass my thanks on to Andy for his good work”

Nick Pennington (Installed Nov 2014) Feedback recieved by Email Nov 14

“If it hadn’t been for Emma’s patient and considerate manner, I may not have purchased your fence and services as the physical fence is much cheaper to buy elsewhere, but she showed me options and more than satisfied my concerns.
Andrew was very professional, personable and accommodating, a credit to your company”

Romaine Waldron (Installed October 2014)

“I have to say I rarely write reviews and our fence was installed 9 months ago but I felt I should write a review now as it has been the most fantastic investment. We have 2 working cocker spaniels and 10 acres of land. They used to get a scent and be off before we knew it. The installation was quick and professional, the training and advise great and it has transformed our day to day life with the dogs. They just do not go near it. They have not once escaped or run away. Happy safe dogs and very happy owners”

27/11/2014 6:06 PM – Anonymous

“You came and fitted our setup in the February of this year and it is amazing and worth every single penny. The spaniels fully respect the system and ‘steer’ well away from an open gate. From two naughty ‘we will escape’ pets, we have total peace of mind now. Thank you so much dog fence team. I am now seriously thinking about buying the control training collar as they run without listening to whistles or commands”

Celia Cummings (Installed Feb 2014) – Feedback received May 2014

“The electric dog ‘fence’ that we have is absolutely perfect for our dogs and smallholding. It surrounds a field and a large garden. Rather than run off and chase sheep, our two whippets play tag with each other. I then maintain good relations with my (sheep)farmer neighbours and so everyone is happy. Our dogs were trained to the fence which happened quickly thanks to the sound which plays from the collar about a yard from the buried ‘fence’ . As a result, in two years, they have not had any electric shocks. The ‘fence’ is actually a deterent rather than a regular electric chastiser. People need to appreciate this. Just as you don’t stick you hand into a fire more than once and foxes don’t go near our electric chicken fence, everyone is a winner. It cost far less to surround our smallholding with your wire than put an actual fence up. Not only that, it is more attractive to look at the open pasture. Thank you”

Miranda Beaufort  (System installed Feb 13 – Feedback received Oct 14)

“I thought I would take this opportunity now to write to you now the installation has been in a while. Can I say that this has transformed my parents enjoyment of Lucy and transformed their lives, they can now have the Kitchen door open in the warm weather and sit out with Lucy free to roam knowing that she can run and come back to them without the worry of her going AWOL , Lucy is much happier now she can get the exercise she needs, a side effect is she is better on the lead when they go for a walk and does not pull so much.

The Installation was excellent with your installer discussing everything with me and Mum & Dad, he got on with Lucy from the first moment so that put everyone at ease, a first class guy describing everything as he went along.

Thank you and we would be happy to recommend you at any time.”

Tim Holway – Herts – Boxer x Springer (Installed March 14) 

“Balint came & fitted our fence today – he was absolutely brilliant with my three dogs (australian shepherds) & i’m very confident my dogs will now be safe in there garden without the temptation to explore into danger! Thank you Balint!”

Comment from our DogFence Facebook page – received April 14 – Sarah Cook

“No one that knows Buster (my wife included) thought this would work and told me I was wasting my money. Considering we have just moved into a new house with a large garden with open hedges, containment for Buster was an issue. I took a gamble and have proved everyone 100% wrong

I have a very boisterous dog who scares most people but Noel was not fazed at all and soon developed a rapport despite the required training.  I had lots of questions and your staff were excellent in responding”

Mr Harries – Lincs (Installed Jan 14)

“You came and fitted our setup in the February of this year and it is amazing and worth every single penny. The spaniels fully respect the system and ‘steer’ well away from an open gate. From two naughty ‘we will escape’ pets, we have total peace of mind now. Thank you so much dog fence team. I am now seriously thinking about buying the control training collar as they run without listening to whistles or commands”

Celia Boden – Cornwall (Installed Feb 13 – Feed back received Oct 13).

“It is the best money I have ever spent in my life!”

Mr Gutman

“Your installer trained my dog well and explained how the fence worked. He installed the fence really efficiently. Two weeks on and the fence has worked brilliantly so far. It has given both me and our dog so much more freedom. Thank you”

Mr Hammond – Herts

“Called in to check when the battery needed changing – Said it was the best thing she has ever done and now feels relaxed that the cat is safe in the garden”

Vicky Mudford – Chichester — British Short Hair Cat – Installed May 13 – feed back received Sept 13

“Just a quick email to let you know how pleased we are with the fence that you installed back in the early spring. It has changed both my and the dogs’ lives. I no longer spend my life wondering where they are and they have the freedom of the grounds (5 acres) – and much more freedom than they could ever be allowed before. It works splendidly and once they got the hang of it, the dogs seem quite happy with it. They even come trotting over in the mornings at the mention of “collar” to have their collars put on before they out. Only sorry that it was such a filthy day the day your chap came to put it in!”

Jane Tomlinson – Weston Supermare (2 x Lurchers) Installed Feb 13 – feedback received Aug 13

“I just want to say how very impressed I am, finally a Company that does what they say – the installer arrived on time and was excellent – the service from start to finish has been impressive – I will be writing a review once the dog has had a little more time on the system!”

Anne Minstram – Pullborough- Installed May 13 – Westie

“The DogFence is brilliant – I didn’t think it would work, I thought he would just run through it but he doesn’t it’s brilliant!”

Ruth Bowers – Oxon- Installed March 2013 (feed back received May 13) – Terrier

“The dog fence has been a resounding success – I asked will it stop a Patterdale when chasing an Muntjac and you replied “absolutely yes” – I have to tell you that is has done so on two occasions!”

John Birkbeck – Kings Lynn – Installed Feb 12 – Ordered 2nd System

“It is the best thing I have ever done – it’s kept my dogs safely at home for 10 years”

Mrs Foster – Installed 2003! in Cheshire – DogFence re-installed System to Dorset April 13

“Hi there Just thought I’d drop you a line to say the dog fence is working extremely well so far. Even put a couple of spare flages by the new chicken run and the dogs aren’t going near it now! Life is much easier…………….Pam”

Pam Franklin (installed Mar 13) – 20 acres – 2 x Poodles – Moreton in the Marsh

“I wish to thank you for your advice prior to purchase and subsequent help after purchase of your DogFence which I installed myself very easily.

I have two testosterone filled adolescent Boarder Collie brothers who used to see who could escape my garden first every single time I let them off of their lead. What they could not jump over or climb over they used to break down to escape. But, after the installation of your product and very little training at all (They really learnt so quickly) they now are let out unsupervised from dawn till dusk, allowing me a life again !!

I still can not believe the change in Max & Sam and the speed of the change (within a matter of days) from juvenile delinquents to little angels so quickly. It has enhanced the lives of all three of us to a great extent.
Once again I thank you for your help and advice and believe me I am recommending your product to everybody I know”

Tony Gale BraIntree Essex – Mar 13

“Just a note to say how impressed we were by the speedy and efficient way the DogFence was installed today. Obviously, Radish is not as taken with the whole thing as we are – but we will bend him to our ways! He seems to be playing this on repeat ” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuMvkNDuOuQ

Sarah Kirk – Wareham – Terrier. Mar 13

“There is no other comment box so I would like to add that the installation was put in so smoothly – nothing was too much trouble, Adams advise was given willingly and he was a nice happy chap to have around. The dogs knew he was ‘in charge’. He left us feeling very confident that this system was going to work – providing we put the effort in – which is what we are doing. Thank you Adam and Dog Fence from the Boden-Cummins and Goodwin families”

Celia Boden-Cummins – 2 Cocker Spaniels (stolen and found thanks to Twitter & Liz Hurley!) Feb 13

“Stuart was very friendly, professional, and efficient despite the snow and cold!! He did not rush the job or make me feel he was dying to get home to avoid the snow”

Mrs Flynn – Cambs – Springer – Feb 2013

“Full credit to Adam the gentleman who fitted our dog fence, Outstanding very professional. Many thanks Adam”

Steven Clark – Surrey Jan 13

“I would like to say how pleased I am with your products.  I had two young dogs who loved to escape after scents in the woods below our garden, and would go conveniently ‘deaf’ to the whistle or requests to come back. They were also getting in with cows and sheep so it was imperative we contain them. The dog fence worked a treat, and I now have six very contained dogs, and peace of mind.
I have also got one of the no-bark collars. I spent lots on citronella and sonic anti-bark collars which did not work at all. A clever dog works out how to get round them, and he did. I purchased one of your collars and it is now very peaceful and it even works if he doesn’t wear it all the time.
I also have one of the ‘discs’ which I put on the floor by the glass doors in the kitchen, and it means the dogs don’t come near, I can get outside without a cavalcade of dogs trying to get in, and the glass stays mud free. It is also useful to put on our kitchen island to deter them from stealing anything on top. A fantastic product.  Keep up the good work”

Jenny Holmes – 2 x Clumber Spaniels

“I was not convinced this system would work as effectively as advertised. I am very happy to say I was wrong! After 6 months our dogs remain in our grounds & are very happy. They have not attempted to cross the “boundary”. The installation remains “invisible” despite crossing two driveways. I have already recommended your company, and when I move, will definitely use your company at the next house. Absolutely delighted with the product, service & everyone I have made contact with. Well done – a brilliant product at a very reasonable price!
Your installer was very patient with our dogs – by the end of his visit we felt very confident that we could continue the training – which only took another two days”

Denise Perdy – Sussex (GSD & Retriever) Installed May 12 – feed back Sept 12

“Thank you for such a professional transaction – it is a pleasure to be able say that nowadays. Fingers crossed – our cockers are learning quickly and the signs are good that you may have solved one of our biggest nightmares. Thanks and regards”

Keith Brown – Kent – Installed Aug 12

“This is a great product. My dogs learned within 2 days and have made no attempt to escape our large garden since, even when the gates to the main road are left open by visitors. I can now happily work out in the garden knowing the dogs are safe and contained, without having to check them every couple of minutes. Prior to the dogfence, the family were spending part of every day looking for the dogs”

Dr Ellie Dow Beechwood House Kettins, Perth and Kinross – (self installed Aug 12)

“I recently bought a system from you and I cant tell you how easy it was to install and work. Life is much easier now all the dogs are contained”

Peter Hicks (France) – Self installed May 12

“Has changed my life!”

Helen Bewsey – Thatcham (Installed Mar 12 – Feedback April 12)

“Just wanted to say – your system is beyond marvellous!  My dogs are safe in the garden – learned very quickly that crossing the open gateways was a complete ‘no no’. My life and peace of mind has had a complete turnaround!  I cannot endorse the product enough! Well done – a system that truly works on not the brightest of wolfhounds – who had been very territorial over the bridlepath which runs right through our property!  I no longer panic if gates might be left open or when I think people with dogs are walking the bridlepath!  Bliss.  Thank you”

Maggies Routledge – Surrey – SWAPPED OUT FROM A COMPETITORS SYSTEM! Installed Oct 11 (Feed back Feb12)

“In autumn 2011 we were experiencing trouble with our young labradoodles bothering walkers on the road outside our property. Although the six acre site is extremely well fenced, and there is a large hedge which extends to the total site, the entrance to the property is open, ie. there is no gate or similar mechanism.
We thought the only thing we could was to install a gate and we called in two companies from Edinburgh who were experts in the field. Both explained that there was a huge complication as the entrance was at an angle of 30 degrees. Then came the quotes for the installation and both came in at approximately £14,500 + VAT!
We mentioned the whole scenario to our electrician who recommended your hidden fence system. Thanks to a first class DVD and installation guide we were able to install the system with ease and we then started with dogs one at a time to install them to your system. Our extraordinary experience was that from start to finish our problem was solved in three days. The System has been in for a few months now and we have not had one failure. Both labradoodles are young energetic and happy, they are walked daily but never go near the fence! The cost of this System was approximately £14,000 cheaper than the gate and certainly no gate could be as effective as the System 1200.
Congratulations on your excellent product and service and my wife and I would be delighted to act as a reference for anyone interested in installing your system. We are truly grateful that it really works”

Geoff Adam – Melrose – Self Installed (feed back received Jan 2012)

“Thanks for your email and receipt. The fence is working well and we are gently working with the dogs to ensure progress continues.  Whilst writing I wish to place on record my satisfaction with your service and in particular with the way in which your installers carried out the installation. They did this in the most horrific weather conditions and yet strived to ensure that we were completely satisfied in every respect. They are a credit to both your company and to themselves and we are very appreciative”

David Holmes – Devon – Jan 12 (6 dogs – 4 Cockers, 1Lab & 1 Patterdale)

“We are so so pleased with the outdoor fence that we are thinking of installing a small section inside. We already have the cable and collars so please advise how much for the socket bit?”

Alex Jenner – Guernsey (self installed Jan 12)

“I have been meaning to write for the last 6 months. The DogFence is absolutely brilliant!!!  The dog can go out with total assurance that she will not wander however many holes we have around. Gardening is a pure pleasure as I know she is now always nearby.  I hear of peoples troubles with similar devices (not the same) and feel v smug and vindicated for spending the extra!  The person who laid the wire & trained Pippa did a great job. Pass on all grateful thanks”

Mrs Maltby – Lincs Installed June 11 – Feed back Nov 11

“Your system is brilliant – it has been a life saver!”

Hugh Potter (self installed Oct 10) – Wilts Cocker Spaniel – feedback received Aug 11

“Ruby continues to respect the flags and will only go near them if I am with her – so thank you very much so far it has been a great success”

Jenny Waaler – Oxon Installed Aug 11

“It’s been great; the installation went fine and so far Biscuits has not been near the fence after her two initial experiences with it. So we’re very pleased”

Anthony Dickinson- Cambs Installed Aug 11

“The first thing I want to say is that the fence has been wonderful” (customer rang to order a battery). Customer has lost 3 cats on the road previously”

Kate Wadley – Shrops (Cat fence self install) Installed Oct 10 – Feedback received Aug 11

“It’s changed my life – I can leave the doors open & I know that Milly is safe”

Mrs Laing – Northants (Installed June 10) – Feed back received Aug 11 (British Blue)

“The system is brilliant. Before I used the system I had lost 5 cats on the road”

Mr Barrow – Nr Bideford (Installed Sept 05) – feed back received Aug 11 (rang to order additional receiver)
2 x Lurchers & 2 x Cats

“The dog has been a quick learner and no more escapes!”

Peter Kyle – Oxon (Installed end July 11) – feed back received Aug 11

“I just want to say your customer service is excellent – you deserve to do well!”

Lord Banbury – Glos (Installed March 05) – Called in July 11 to book a service call visit

“Good evening Emma Thank you for the receipt. The fence is amazing, it is working so well the dogs dont even go near the boundary now, which is fabulous. Stewart was great and did a super job. Many thanks for all your help with very best regards Alison and the dogs 🙂 happy”

Alison Burgess – Hants (Installed July 11) – Cocker & Flat Coat

“I was at the end of my tether and tried everything, my dog dog was climbing up & over a tree. The DogFence is brilliant”

Sarah Hopkins (Uckfield) – Installed June 11 (Wheaten Terrier)

“Dear Dogfence, I am the proud owner of one of your systems for my two labs. Unfortunatley one of the receiver collars has been chewed to destruction during their frolicing. Can I have a new one please?  Many thanks.

New collar sent special delivery upon receipt of the chewed up receiver – customer replied: Thanks Sam, Freddie says he will stop grabbing his sister by the neck from now on!”

Jon Neale – Warks (installed April 11)

“Great Dane – before the system was installed the dog was tied to a chain – without this system the dog would have to be put down – it has saved my dog’s life”

Richard Williams-Menlove – Installed May 2010 – feed back received July 11 – Sheffield

“Hi, had your fence fitted at my property on 1st july and whilst I was very sceptical, I have to say that it worked from day 1. My Jagd Terrier ,Elf Amadeus, will not go anywhere near the fence. even at the front when we go for a walk with my two other dogs, he will not cross the boundary despite being desperate to go with the others. I take his collar off and carry him out onto the street so that he knows he can cross it with me but not on his own. I will start to remove the flags at the weekend as instructed but am confident that he will still not go anywhere near the boundary. he doesn’t even wait for the beep, he doesn’t even go that close!!! thanks again”

Jan Tebb – Leics (July 11)

“Hi Yes all going well and in fact I barely need to use it! Please let me know when I am likely to need a battery (response was battery not required for 18 months!)”

Joanna Knight – Oxon (installed in Jan 11) feed back received July 11

“Henry was habitually running away. Henry is contained at last and very wary of the fence and flags”

C Spong – Malden (installed 14 June) feed back received 25 June

Thank Stuart for a great job given the difficult terrain we had to fence in.
Was amazed this morning (after the 2 day installation and 2 training sessions) that both dogs would not go near flags even the ones we had not shown them yesterday.

Peter Welling – W Sussex (installed 20 June) feed backed received 23 June

“Self installed 2 dogs & 2 goats!  The System was easy to install and the both the dogs and goats picked up the System with ease!”

Nicky Brooklyn – Wantage (self Installed May 11)

 “Adam was great, the terriers are already running round the garden loose, so we are all happy”

Sally Cripts – Sussex (Installed May 11)

“This system has completely transformed my life!”

Beano Coates – Suffolk (installed Feb 11) – Feedback received Apr 11

“I couldn’t cope without it – I recommend you everywhere, it has changed our lives!”

Mrs Connaire – London – Installed July 07 – called to re order battery programme (Mar 11)

“Pippa was chasing a hare and I could not believe it when she stopped at the edge and the hare carried on”

Mrs Maltby – Spalding – Installed Dec 10 – Feed back received Feb 11

“Called to add an extra collar for a new puppy and a kitten – “I think the System is brilliant”

Geoff Williams – Dundee Self installed May 09 – Feed back received Feb 11

“I bought one of your fences last year and it’s been very good. Alfie’s only strayed once and this was due to the collar being too loose (as you told me). We are now moving house and I need to order some more cable. The garden is around an acre so would you quote me for the cable needed please?”

John Eglinton (self installed) Sept 10 – feedback received Feb 11

“It is the best thing I have ever done!”

Mrs Brewster – Hants – Installed Sept 10 (feedback received Jan 11)

“I bought this dog fence for my Whippet x Saluki because I moved to a rural area on the Orkney Islands and my house is surrounded by sheep and cows. My neighbour has over 200 chickens which are free to roam in his garden, but was worried the fence system would not be as good as it is.

Although my dog has a sweet nature when it comes to other animals if it moves she thinks it is her right to hunt it, and being a whippet she is extremely fast. Installing the fence which was easy to do, and the dog trained in a week, the dog has not been able to get out of our land which is 1 acre, I cannot recommend this system highly enough, the dog can run freely on our land and the animals in the neighbouring fields are safe. I would be only too happy to talk to anyone who is thinking of buying a dog fence but may be wary that it might not work as well as it does. Also when I have rang you to talk about something, I get through to a real person not an option menu, which is a nice change.
10 out of 10 for the product and service”

Neil Hannant – moved from Kent to Orkney Island (self installed Aug 10 – feedback received Nov 10)

“Just a quick thank you to you and your team for providing the solution to our escaping Labrador Millie (aka Houdini). My wife’s reticence at giving Millie a shock has been replaced by a relaxed confidence in letting her into the garden and not having the constant dread of roaming the area looking for her. Millie has taken to the system like a duck to water and is now confident where she can and cant go. As far as we are aware she is responding to the flags and not even getting the “bleep”, all of which, of course, you knew would happen. She has even understood the difference of passing through the sideway with different collars on.
Special thanks has to go to Stuart for handling the whole installation professionally and efficiently (especially with my wife’s concerns) which, of course, you also knew would happen. We have no qualms in recommencing the system to our friends and neighbours”

Stuart Marnoch – TN14 (Installed Oct 10)

“Really pleased with the system it is brilliant”

Gabriela Haers – West Sussex (installed Apr 10 – feed back Oct 10)

“Best thing I ever did for my naughty dog, the dog has not been near the boundary since the day she was trained”

Mrs Atkins – Hants (Installed Apr 08 – feed back received Oct 10) – Poodle

“We recently bought your dog fence system, how do I register my dogs collar to ensure that we order batteries in 2 years time? I look forward to hearing from you.  It is very successful and works great for our Jack Russell”

Carol Brown – self install France (sent out Aug 10 – feed back received Oct 10)

“Thanks for doing such a great job and hope you got back safe to Maidenhead. Coco was off the lead this morning and cheery with the promise/cajoling of treats”

Tamsin – Warks (installed Oct 10)

“Just to let you know the fence arrived on Saturday. I have installed it (quite a job), and it is all working well. Looking forward to the stress free days. Thanks for all your help, a great product and excellent service”

Mr K Stacey (Dubai – Self install!) – delivered in 3 days!

“I was very sceptical that the dog fence would work but it is amazing and it has changed my life, please feel free to use my name as a referrall any time”

Mrs N Allen – Henfield (BN5) (Installed July 10)

“The System is amazing – the dog has not ventured out once and was off the lead within 2 days of training”

Mr McSwiney – (Rickmansworth) (installed July 10)

“I just wanted to write a quick email to say a huge thank you – the dog fence is fantastic and all my worries about them not being contained have vanished – happy dogs, happy owner thank you once again for all your help”

Sheila Cmpbell-Lloyd – Nr Inverness (installed July 10)

“What can we say? The fence works an absolute treat and what a total pleasure it has been dealing with you over the past weeks. Lucy, the Parson Russell terrier is having the best time of her life and Tara the Irish Setter is enjoying life even more than before because she can roam the grounds freely with Lucy.  Thanks a million – we have already recommended you to numerous friends and will continue to do so.  With sincere thanks and warm regards”

Rob Gygax – Jersey (installed July 2010)

“Thank you very much. Stuart turned up on the dot of 7.30, installed the fence and trained the dogs – all very professional and courteous. The system works brilliantly and I’m sure that within a few days the dogs will settle down and get used to it and we can have a nice new lawn laid that they don’t destroy. The whole customer experience from my first telephone call to installation was excellent and I’d have no hesitation in recommending your product and services. Many thanks indeed”

Paul Phillips – SW London (installed July 2010

“The hidden dog fence has been a complete success I was at the end of my tether with dogs escaping on a daily basis. The dogs are settled and happy as they have more freedom and the now Lab is now loosing weight”

Mrs Robertson – Kent

Having tried to install another system ourselves we were very sceptical about the DogFence system. I am pleased to say that any negative thoughts disappeared as soon as the engineer arrived. The professionalism of the engineer gave us confidence before he had even installed the cable and the training and knowledge were top class. Thank you DogFence for a job well done (Parsley & Jaspher agree!)

Mrs Rowe – Leics

I had resisted going down the route of the electronic fence but had no choice as my Wiemaraner was worrying my neighbours sheep. I had plugged the holes in the hedge without any success. Both my wife and I were not convinced that the system would deter Ditty but to my amazement it worked and continues to work. Great product and service – THANK YOU!

Mr Keen – Herefordshire

It has been a pleasure to deal with yourselves as your dedicated team have quick to respond and have followed up and resolved my problem with ease and care which is very much appreciated.
We are delighted with system!

Julie Cockle – Kingston Seymour

Hi Folks, Thank you for your help.  It is a joy to be able to let our dogs into the garden without the fear of them visiting our neighbours – in fact I am thinking of taking the sign down asking people to shut the gate – I’m not sure we need them to any more!

Jay Blake – Marlow

I just wanted to thank you a million times for the dog fence for our bad beagle. It is nothing short of a miracle. It works like a dream. Snoopy has not broken through the boundary though she chases everything around the garden as usual – she’s had a few shocks and knows exactly where she can go and where she can’t and accepts the situation quite happily. (And next door’s Jack Russell has sussed that when Snoopy’s being too boisterous and she needs a breather, all she has to do is step through the flags and she can lie down in peace).
Thank you for the installation and training guidlines as they obviously make a huge difference in the success of the operation when I hear of other people’s bad experiences.
Please fell free to use us as a recommendation.

Lynne Palmer-Jones – Nr Farnham (Surrey)

Worked a treat and cat enjoying freedom of garden now!

Clare Gamble -Dale – Tunbridge Wells (June 10) – (Cat)

We are happy to recommend DogFence – we think it is the only way to keep our dogs safe.

Avril Jones – Ascot (July 08) – Collie & takes in FOSTER DOGS

We love the freedom it gives to our pets but also the knowledge that the cats are safe and my chickens will not be eaten by our young dog!

Sophie Blaker – Sussex (Dogs & Cats)

Our DogFence has been total success and Daisy has not escaped once.

Alexander Dolbey – Woodbridge

When we moved we took our system with us and has it re-installed at our new property.

Mr Hewitt-Jones – South Cave (E Yorks)

Thank you after a two day sulk we now have a contained cat, the patio door is wide open and Millie tootles in and out!

Julie Lang – Northants (Cat) – July 10

I love the freedom it gives the dogs.

Fiona Duval – Cranbrook

Thinks the system is great!

John Powell – Winchcombe Glos (Cat)

Very successful – loves the system

Mrs Watts – Fleet (3 cats)

I have been using the system since Dec 06 and I would not be without it!

Roger Teesdale – Slovenia (self installed)

Has a Westie and thinks the system is brilliant

Les Turnball – Twickenham

My son is a vet and it was him that put me in touch with you. The service and product is amazing. We will continue to recommend you.

Mr Cosser – St Leonards on Sea

Was very impressed with the installation & training service – 3 Labs and 1 Working Cocker.

Philip Porter – Newbury

We recommend DogFence where ever we go!

Liz McGarvie, Herts, Yorks & France (has 3 systems all installed by DogFence)

Was very sceptical when the system was installed but it has changed my life!

Sue Danby – Sudbury

I live on a blind bend and think the system and company are fantastic!

Mr Coventry – Falmouth

We just want to say we think you offer the most amazing service and if you ever want a testimonial from us – please do not hesitate to ask. Have a good summer, thanks again.

Belinda Pollock – Herts & Switzerland (2 systems in Switzerland – I x installed by DogFence)

I would not have got a 2nd dog if it had not been for the safety of the system. New dog added to the system in May 09

Mrs Tarry – Northants.

I love the DogWatch system! (purchased a 2nd collar in June 09 for new dog).

Mrs Sargeantson – Taunton (Border Terrier)

Both my wife and I were amazed by how effective the system has been at keeping our 2 labs safely in the garden.

Mr Meyer – near Reading

pet containment fence dog containment fencing
dogfence dogs style=